Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Old Fashioned Marquee

I never actually see them changing one, so this was a welcome sight. So much better than digital marquees where someone's just typing on a computer.

Typing on a computer is so mundane. I'm totally going to start handwriting The Film Experience! Why should posts take a few hours to write when they could take whole days?


  1. Matt T1:09 PM

    I have to do that some weeks, except ours is about 20 feet up. It sucks when it rains.

  2. Anonymous1:30 PM

    I used to work at the IFC Center and was glad I never had to do that. I am short with weak arms! Super fun place to work and they play awesome movies.

  3. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Some of the theatres here in Toronto have old fashion marquees. More theatres use the black letters too, but they show the times which I guess kill the old-fashioned look out of it.

  4. I love the IFC center! And that marquee is too cool.

  5. Anonymous4:55 PM

    i went to that cinema when i was in new york. i loved it there!

  6. chris na Taraja8:42 PM

    Love this shot!


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