Tuesday, September 07, 2010

First and Last: "You Got New York in Your Bones"

the first image from a motion picture

and the last line of dialogue:
This life came so close to never happening.
Can you guess the movie?

If you're still stumped the answer is... Spike Lee's 25th Hour (2002)... it's so underappreciated!


  1. 25th Hour?

  2. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Damn that's right...I finally knew one. Just 5 minutes late

  3. 25th Hour is my guess as well...

  4. Anonymous10:40 AM

    My First Guess was Only When I Laugh, but no...

  5. Anonymous11:18 AM

    25th Hour, I love that film.

  6. yep. well that was quick as usual. there's always a big fan for every film :) i love this one, too.

  7. (Love the 25th Hour! I must say it was the most underrated film of last decade. Assured direction by Spike Lee, beautiful screenplay by David Benioff, and remote but emotionally honest performances by Norton, Pepper and Cox. Great pick Nat

  8. well this time Michael C picked (he's the new contributor... watch out for his new column soon) so credit to him.

  9. I don't think there's ever been a first/last film I've seen. I'm embarrassed by the little amount of pre-2000 films I've seen.

    OT: Nathaniel, since you're doing your oscar predix and I suppose you have no clue about original song (or do you?), the Never Let Me Go soundtrack & the movie include an original song 'Never Let Me Go'. There's a 30-second preview at iTunes store and it sounds amazing.

    Sorry for my English.

  10. Oh, I knew this one... So close once more...

  11. Stella7:14 PM

    FINALLY knew this one.


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