Thursday, April 21, 2005

Poll #1 Response (in which Nathaniel kills time) 26 (ha ha -shame on u lurkers!) readers... I wuv u.
To...anonymous #1 --chicken IS good to eat though I am ashamed to say it since I was once a vegetarian. They are way difficult to draw though so props to your mad skills!
to Joe Rprocrastinate is also a fav' of mine. Can u tell?
Alex Last night I had a nightmare about defenestration. No seriously. I did. I blame u!
Lyn, Nick,& MosesThe feline world thanks you for your devotion and acknowledges that you may live another day and enjoy their purring and fuzzy exteriors without wearing protective gear. Carry on.
I think Marcelo is horny. The gym AND the bedroom? is David"mount?"
Jo!!!!!!! Ahhhh how r u? it's been years. e-mail me your new addy! I have Monty stories...
Anonymous #whatever ---Silence minion! Grievances may only be aired bi-monthly on third Saturdays if there happens to be a full moon.
everyone else who answeredYou warmed the cockles of my heart today.

Burning questions of the zoological variety that remain
What the hell are "bilbys"? "tuaturas" ? a "nautili"?


  1. Anonymous2:24 AM

    Tuaturas are lizard like creatures that reside in New Zealand. Along with the ceolocanth, it's the oldest creature on earth.

  2. Anonymous3:26 AM

    A bilby is an Australian marscupial is kind of like a squirrel... or a raccoon...? or, I'm not really sure. But it IS Australian and they make Easter Bilbies instead of bunnies a lot nowadays.


  3. Anonymous10:49 AM

    nautilus are the only living shelled cephalopods left on earth. they live in places like australia, off the coast of africa, and in micronesia at depths of about 100-200 meters. They look really cool.

  4. Also, a Chuzzwuzzer is what they call bullfrogs in Australia. Or so "The Simpsons" tells me.

  5. Anonymous3:05 AM

    Well, I've never heard of a "chuzzwuzzer" and if you believe that Simpsons episode where they came to Australia then... well... eep.

    i THINK you're talking about cane toads...? but maybe not?


    People lick the back of cane toads to get high.


  6. Or. I was going for humor. Let me know what you think.


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