Thursday, June 02, 2005

bad but unsurprising news a not altogether unexpected move, Michelle Pfeiffer has pulled out of Robert Altman's Praire Home Companion film.

This is sent in from a reader (thanks) by way of the St. Paul Pioneer Press...

"...the movie's start date — beginning right after the PHC cast returns from a July 2 show in Massachusetts — is firm.

Meryl Streep and Lily Tomlin will play sisters who are performers on "Companion," Lohan is slated to play Streep's sexpot daughter. Michelle Pfeiffer, who had been in talks to play a mysterious "angel of death," is no longer participating in the film."

Breathe, Nathaniel, breathe.

Now, I don't have the time to investigate but I'm really hoping we get an industry-insider expose at some point from some source as to what exactly is going on in Pfeiffer-dom. She hasn't been in front of the ol' movie camera since 2001 when she filmed White Oleander. Since then there's been one botched Oscar campaign, one major awards show appearance, one voiceover job, two agent switches, one Armani tribute, one move (out of Brentwood), and several films that were announced and then died in development or were abandoned by the beautiful one herself.

I'd really like to know what is happening.

Does she totally hate to act --and thus the forever stalled or skittish deals? Does she just have horrid representation --and thus the forever stalled or skittish deals? Has she not seen M*A*S*H, McCabe and Mrs. Miller, Gosford Park, Three Women, or The Player? Who would be dumb enough to turn Altman down? Maybe she only saw Dr. T & The Women?And if she really wants to retire (as she threatened in 99) than why all the stalled and skittish deals? Why not just retire?



  1. Anonymous1:56 PM

    I sigh as well.
    Life is too short.

    Marcelo - Brazil.

  2. Wow, yeah. That's rough. Is she involved in anything now at all? I too would like to know what's going on in her head. This makes no sense whatsoever.

  3. Someboy's got to say it - Nate, I think it's time for you to break up with Michelle; she's been leading you on for years.

  4. Yeah, I kind of agree. Michelle's over with you, Nate. Kate, for example, is a much better catch. Except wait, she's mine.

  5. ohmigod. y'all are right. And she didn't even have the courtesy to call or even leave a post-it.

    She just walked out, changed the locks, took the kids, dog, and my heart with her.


  6. Anonymous5:52 PM

    I just watched 'Searching for Debra Winger' last night, Rosanna Arquette's documentary about actresses and their struggles in the entertainment industry, especially when they often have to find a way to balance their family lives and careers. Though Michelle wasn't in it, LOTS of great actresses were and they really made it clear about the difficult choices actresses go through in trying to do two things they love at once. It really seems to make more sense as to understanding how it might be difficult for Michelle to end up really committing to a project. I'd recommend catching it if you have Showtime. It would be therapeutic for your relationship with Michelle.

  7. Anonymous1:47 PM

    According to the Danish Press the Danish Zentropa boss Peter Aalbaek Jensen expressed his confidence in Chasing Montana during a Cannes interview. Basically he was saying that it was destined to be a hit and that Susanne Bier will be the first Danish Zentropa director to achieve a mainstream breakthrough in America.
    I don't know quite how the project is coming along, but at least it's (supposedly) not dead. Thought you'd might like to know that...


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