Sunday, June 05, 2005


OK, well the glorious day of my birth is actually tomorrow. But I've started thinking about it in full force today...and I tend to celebrate for several days in either direction. Since I am equal parts greedy and-- I'm sure you'll agree-- deservingof a massive onslaught of gifts to celebrate the birth of me, I thought I'd be so generous as to share my Amazon Wish List.

Also over on the site, the June Calendar (what there is of it so far) is up...and I have actually been to the movies and hope to begin writing again soon. Los Cabos next week may interfere of course. Lucky, lucky me.

Tonight I'll be watching the TONY Awards...but they may prove to be boring since, just like awards in movieland, the precursors and the actual thing tend to always agree. Can't wait to hear those speeches for the umpteenth time (sigh) from the same exact people --some deserving, some not.


  1. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Happy birthday! I am a fellow Gemini, having my birthday on the 12th. (Plus, I'm a twin, and Gemini is "the twins" ... that always made me snicker.)

    I don't really know if I'll be watching the Tony Awards, because last year they were pretty much a total drag. (Sighs part contemptuously, part wistfully.)

  2. it's already tomorrow here, nate, so happy birthday. no mention of which birthday...i'm assuming that's an oversight..?

  3. Anonymous1:29 AM

    Happy Birthday, now move your ass and write some reviews!!!

    No, take a load off and watch something spectacular. I've currently been listening to the Once More With Feeling... soundtrack. I suggest you do the same.



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