Friday, June 24, 2005

Friday Cat Blogging: Monty and Friends

This is my baby Montgomery. Originally I had typed up a withering screed about how much I hated 50% of America's population but with that political venting out of my system I thought it best to not post it officially --Instead I'll just show you my surly, absolutely cherished kitten. Er, cat as the case may be. He's grown a lot in the time he's been with me, which would be approximately all of his life don'cha know. So here is my fuzzy baby presented for your indifference (if you come here for movies) enjoyment (if you're a cat person) or annoyance (if you're not --And if you're not... I have no time for you anyway.)

This is Pride week in Manhattan and friends are arriving soon to celebrate. Monty hates people as a matter of cat principle though he will, if the mood strikes him, cuddle up. If two friends arrive he will plop down in the center of the room for appropriate objectification and worship. If more than, say, four arrive he will disappear until the last soul has departed. Tonight we suspect he will make several appearances as there is fish on the dinner menu. I'm not proud of it but he's a total beggar.

More on Monty next Friday.


  1. Is it National Cat Day or something? My second favourite film blogger (Maryanne the flick philospher) has a pic of her cat today as well.

  2. Friday cat blogging is kind of a thing. People do it. Maryanne is also a friend of mine.

  3. I'm rather torn on the cat/dog preference. Maybe one day I'll get a cat and dog and make them get along, to bring harmony to opposing sides. My family has a dog, but she's a little dog and we affectionely refer to her as "part cat" since she behaves and sort of even looks an awful lot like a cat. I love her dearly.

  4. i'm all for it - i love cats (the animal, not the musical).

  5. Anonymous3:44 AM

    Cats are the best. I love my two cats (Sophie (aka Sophina) and Leo). Leo's a pig and eats too much and Sophie's a mean creature but gosh, I love 'em so.


  6. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Your kitty is adorable, Nathaniel, and I have to ask: did you name him after Monty Clift? I have a big fat, lovable cat and because she has part orange hair (she's also grey and white) I instantly demanded that she be named Clementine, Clem or Clemmy for short (yes!, I am that Winslet obsessed), and even occasionally "Tangerine." :)

  7. Anonymous3:15 AM


    My second baby kitty is Mason Montgomery. I named him after the road I grew up on.


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