Friday, April 04, 2008


Cinesnatch said...

what about when the widow knocks on Billy Bob's door? On the doorstep, she hears something and turns toward the road. She's wearing this veil embedded with black pieces. When she turns back to look at Billy Bob, one of those pieces rests against the whites of one of her eyes. You actually think it's her pupil, until you actually see the real pupil. Spooky and brilliant! Love the Coens.

Brian Darr said...

I'm kinda curious about the color version of this that was released in Europe for some reason.

Thombeau said...

Hee hee!

Moasey said...

one of the most beautifully filmed movies i have seen :)

Sam said...

Gosh, I hadn't thought about that movie in a while. Lovely and one of the few Billy Bob performances I can stomach. "Heavens to Betsy!"