Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Who Watches The Wild Things?

Hey ho, it's the trailer for Spike Jonze's Where The Wild Things Are! Watch it below, or head over to Apple where you can see it in a larger format. I also took a bunch of screen-grabs from the trailer and posted them at MNPP so check that if you feel the urge.

.What do we think? Honestly, I would sacrifice a year of my life to be transported immediately through time to see this sucker. I would! I swear it! For those of us who grew up loving this book, I think the sight of seeing these images in motion... it's heart-stopping. Magical. Cannot wait. (#2 Cannot Wait, actually)


Eric Arvin said...


Anonymous said...

So cute!

Dominique said...


Anonymous said...

This looks amazing. I have no words...I knew it was Spike Jonze, so I expected the results to be good, but that looks so beautiful and astounding. I can't wait.

Pablete said...

150 MGM and Warner classics are being released in a most unusual way! For further information, go to the following address:

do you have a flag? said...

This trailer has completely taken over the internet! it's insanity, but I love every second of it. That was easily the best trailer for quite possibly the best movie I have seen in FOREVER. Spike Jonze nailed this mofo.


pablete, there's already a post about that right here

Anonymous said...

Flash :

Nicole Kidman cast in new Woody Allen movie !

source : Variety

I don't think I can handle it : Watts & Kidman in a Woody Allen movie. This is almost too orgasmic

Let's hope it takes place in Soho and they both play self-deprecating lesbian English teachers

James Hansen said...

I'm not so into that song.

Pablete said...

Sorry, Nathaniel! I apologize. Thank you! I just feel very "happy-go-lucky"! Thanks again!

rosengje said...

This film has to have the best promotional materials ever, right? Between that poster, the USA Today stills, and this trailer, the entire blogosphere has been collectively gasping.

Leah P. said...

I am PMPWE. (Peeing my pants with excitement). Yep, totally just trademarked that shiz.

Anonymous said...

I haven't read the book, but it looks really cute can't wait to see it.


Anonymous said...

Wow, looks absolutely gorgeous. Exciting visuals. Also, a great music choice in the trailer (to dispute the person earlier - Arcade Fire > you)

It will be interesting to see if there's a good movie behind all that gorgeousness. Forgive my skepticism, I just worry about the story...

Glendon said...

Agreed, gorgeous.

But. I remember sitting in a theatre last July for The Dark Knight and seeing a trailer for a movie based on a beloved book. There was only one line of dialogue, and the rest was filled with an awesome rock song montage. The blogosphere lost its collective mind.

Anyone remember the reaction to the movie when it came out?

Rob said...

Brilliant point, Glendon. But. Look at the names attached and think about the difference.

chris said...

Looks amazing.

What to make of an early October release. Not summer, not quite holiday season...maybe that's the point, to try and be by itself, save for a few light autumn movies? Then again, does it really need to worry about competition, and couldn't it have been an even bigger force with a December 25th release?


alex said...


Glenn said...

It really is a gorgeous trailer. That music paired with those images is just sublime. Truly special stuff.

Fox said...

The first trailer to make me cry in years!!

Alex Constantin said...

it looks beautiful. very well shot. I want nominations for Art Direction, Cinematography & Adapted Screenplay. at least.

Alex Constantin said...

the cinematographer is Lance Acord, who's also responsable for Marie Antoinette [orgasm]. Same with production designer K.K. Barrett...

Unknown said...

OK Nate, hate to tell you, but I'm a lucky bastard that already saw "The Broken Embraces". Best Cruz perf to date. Great actresses all around and this time 2 of the lead males are really good too (Homar and Gomez). More of a dramatic thriller than any other consideration. Twists and turns. Cinematic goodness all around. Not a masterpiece, thought, but an inch close to that level. Wild and fully enjoyable self-homage to his landmark film. A must-see and to put it simply, IF Cruz didn't win so many awards last year she probably would be sweeping this years'.

On "Wild Things"... I second you on that feeling to want to see this one NOW.

Unknown said...

plus, Almodovar plays with Cruz making her a new Magnani, a new Loren, a new Audrey and a new Marilyn. All in about 2 minutes, and she succeeds!

Alex Constantin said...

Jesus Alonso,

would you say that Penelope has the performance to bring her a Best Actress nomination? really now.

cause I've heard she doesn't have the same Volver screentime and Broken E is not a vehicle for her.

Anonymous said...

Looks promising. Makes me hopeful. Great choice of song.

Unknown said...

P certainly has a couple of Oscar clips... if she did cathegory fraud, she'd be locked. As lead she has a good chance, 'cause her limited screentime is still the 2nd largest in the movie and her character is one of the two around the movie revolts.

Plus her star power, and specially the fact I doubt there will be 5 better written, showiest female leads this year. She's even better than in VCB, and that's the main reason - that she won - for preventing me saying she's a lock for the nom. Let's see how the year developes, but the quality of the performance is award-winner... only I think almost no-one would give her back-to-back wins. Maybe the Golden Globe, though

Unknown said...

... cause she lost to Kate.

Anonymous said...

I was already excited and now this trailer. This has to be the most excited I've been for a film in years and the first trailer to make me cry in as long. Add to that Carter Burwell teaming with Karen O for the score...I need it now!

Anonymous said...

HOLY F--K! I can't wait for this. Love the book. Love Spike Jonze. Love Arcade Fire.

I would sacrifice two years of my life and both my toes to watch this right now.

Anonymous said...

I must admit I'm kinda tired of the whole indie pop/rock themed trailer craze, the trailer still looks pretty incredible.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for this movie. I expect the ratings will go through the roof, especially for those that have grown up reading the book.