Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Mare Hugs Jake

Watch me bury the lead.

I'll be writing about Brothers, the new war-at-home drama, for Tribeca Film soon but for now I just wanted to say that I didn't even know until I was watching it how much I'd missed Mare Winningham. She's an actress whose vibe is a little closer to television (familial, earthy, someone you might see every day) but whose talent is silver screen (rare, outsized, possibly superhuman). I was thrilled when she was unexpectedly nominated for an Oscar for Georgia in the 90s. If you've never seen that performance you must. She's projecting so many layers of character in that film, you start to realize that most performances are threadbare. Put some layers on, actors! You'll catch a cold.

Even though Mare has next to nothing to do in Brothers other than project step-maternal concern, I wanted to hug her as hard as she's hugging Jake Gyllenhaal in the photo.

And usually when someone is hugging Jake Gyllenhaal I am thinking about being them rather than hugging them back. I'm just sayin'.

So yeah, I met Jake Gyllenhaal.

Also rare, outsized, superhuman...

He looks exactly the same offscreen as on (which isn't always the case for better and for worse). I don't advise, if you are a mere mortal like myself, to stand next to celebrities and be photographed. You will just feel so... pathetically human. I don't normally do it (this is only the second time but the first was with Julianne Moore years ago and in both cases, I couldn't not. I'm only human). He was friendly and after I paid him the mandatory compliments that probably sounded like weird if familiar gibberish to him (I'm guessing) we chatted very briefly about Brothers and the Danish film its based on -- yes, he's seen it --before we took this photo. Then I let him loose on the next person who was desperate to talk to him. They were also human.

It's so weird when celebrities are in a room. The crowd can be totally dispersed and navigable and then *boom* bottleneck traffic jams. Everyone wants to be in the place nearest to the celebrity/celebrities.


Billy Held An Oscar said...

How fantastic !!

Andrew said...

You've nailed exactly what I feel when I am in, or just look at, pictures of people with celebrities.

You feel excited, yet so depressingly inferior...

mrripley said...

Jake my fave hairy actor,you lucky guy.

Wet Dark and Wild said...

That's so great! I love the picture. I've met/seen Jake a few times over the years, at festivals mainly, and each time I've felt that mix of push and pull emotions. Jake seems to float above it all with politeness and gentleness. I kind of flap and hyperventilate.

I came across Peter Sarsgaard during the film of An Education - filmed in my home town, Oxford - and I got a hug to remember along with kind words (in a surprising English accent).

You summed it up what it's like - you get the shine and then the light goes out for a little while. So why with some stars, there's not a spark?

This looks like a fabulous event!


Jim T said...

I'm so happy/jealous once again Nathaniel! But could you really speak? I would have put him in a corner and....
these opportunities are not to be missed. :p

miley said...

So ?

Gay vibe or not ?

(Please God, please make Jake-y a big Top-y)

adam k. said...

Not that I'm entertaining this notion at all, but...

If anything, wouldn't Jake be a bottom? I mean, Jack Twist was...

Jim T said...

Guys, guys... this top-bottom discussion might make some people uncomfortable. Not that I don't wonder myself. Still, let's not. :)

Anonymous said...

I bet when somebody talks to a celebrity *intelligently*, they totally feel validated, at least that's the sense I get in the rare instances I've met anybody.

Not that anybody talks to old Marsha Mason anymore!


Marsha i suppose you're right. I think Tobey Maguire was more impressed with me than Jake (not that he was 'impressed') if only because I was so much less invested in saying hello to him. haha

Jim T I prefer Jake at a safe distance blown up on the silver screen... top bottom sideways backwards diagonally encircling... HOWEVER.

i was frozen in fear when he put his arm around me for the photo. sex was the last thing on my mind.

sorry people.

linda said...

Um all I know is both Tobey and Jake dated Kristen Dunst. Must have been awkward on the set!! haha

Anonymous said...

What I meant was that I'm sure whatever you said was intelligent, since you're you. Naturally.

Much better I'm sure than the people who want to speak to ole Marsha. They usually just turn out to be homeless people or looking for directions.

Danny King said...

Congrats, this is awesome.

Melanie said...

OMG you're so lucky getting to meet **HIM**!!!

jimmy said...

i had pneumonia last june - could hardly move. i gave my incredible Nationals / Red Sox presidents Club tickets to my 20 year old son & his pals. i get a text a few hours later...."sitting next to this movie dude Jake from Brokeback Mountain. He's pretty cool." my son, who didn't know who he was, said he chatted w him throughout the game. augh! so pissed i missed that game.

Weirdland said...

congrats, Nathaniel!