Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Nine Posters? Nine Nominations? Nein Review!

The Nine embargo is still in place for "reviews" but lifted as far as any other discussion goes: awards and whatnot. I'm curious how there can exist an embargo on discussing a movie (outside of a review embargo which I totally understand) since people discuss movies freely for years before they come out. Free Speech! I'm joking. It's an awards season curiousity but I play along. After all, the game of waiting for something you desperately want can be fun. Think of how you felt about Christmas as a child. The problem stems from the studios making film fans wait way too long. Christmas should come every weekend, you know. Movies are not like gifts. You can't just unwrap them and move to the next and form a big pile. They take 2 hours just to unwrap in the first place. Spread them out!

You know what else is curious? The new posters. The marketing peoples for Nine made the numerically questionable decision to release 4 posters. I'd say why not 9 except the movie itself doesn't really seem to know why it's called Nine. I enjoyed the movie a lot but when you cut out the Nine song, you do sort of mess with the title... since there's only 8 characters. You have to count Guido twice. But without the song... oh, never mind. I'm still smarting from the dumping of that song. I love that song! And damnit, I wanted to hear Sophia Loren sing it.

The first two posters above are fine but I shan't say anything more about the crammed and ugly poster (third from left) that Jose savaged yesterday. He said it all. But this next one...

Huh ????????? (Nine question marks) Only 3 stars are featured on this poster to your left. I keep blinking and staring at it and yet my girl Nicki never appears. This poster is defective!

Seriously, what is that about? In another 58 years people our ages now won't have a clue who Fergie and Kate Hudson are but the movie freaks will be holding centennial parties for Nicole Kidman. It's so obvious. When will the goddess catch a break? I guess we have to wait until 2010 when Rabbit Hole reminds... Crossing my fingers for that at any rate. You never know. It could be another Fur (an effort but one that doesn't work).

I understand that Fergie is a hitmaker, musically speaking, but is she really more bankable for a m-o-v-i-e than Dame Dench, Kidman, or Daniel Day-Lewis. Bizarre. Not to diss Fergie. Her number "Be Italian" is terrific, the 'Cell Block Tango' of this Chicago sibling. Rob Marshall is the babydaddy again. If you haven't inked him down in your Best Director predictions, you should.

Nominations in order of likelihood
  • Cinematography, without question
  • Picture, easy-peasy
  • Director, ditto
  • Costume Design, in Atwood they trust
  • Art Direction, they keep nominating John Myhre for dressing up theater stages (Chicago, Dreamgirls) so why stop now?
  • Editing, Moulin Rouge! and Chicago factored in here. But not Dreamgirls so who knows...
  • Sound Mixing it being a musical and all. Likely
  • Original Song, after that debacle with The Wrestler last year and the "Come What May" situation with Moulin Rouge! back in the day I will never again assume that this category can contain locks. But I hope to see Marion Cotillard perform "Take it All" at the Oscars but not Kate Hudson shimmying to "Cinema Italiano".

    that's 8 nominations and that's where things get trickier...

  • Supporting Actress This would be a slam dunk for Marion Cotillard except that she's campaigning for lead actress. So there's probably room for Penélope Cruz, unless they object to her garbling the very funny lyrics of "A Call From the Vatican"
  • Actress More on Marion later. I need to discuss that specifically and all by its lonesome.
  • Actor The novelty and his reputation might be an irresistable combo. but who knows before the precursors have their say in a race that looks pretty tight for the 4th and 5th spots
  • Adapted Screenplay If they're feeling nostalgic to honor tAnthony Minghella (RIP)
  • Supporting Actress Marion Cotillard if AMPAS rejects her Weinsteined categorization
  • Supporting Actress Judi Dench if they flip their shit for the movie.
More after the holidays. Or maybe during them. You can't get enough of Nine can you? I hope the movie lives up to your dreams.


Andrew K. said...

The poster with those three women is weird, but it's obvious that they're the youthful and raunchy women of the musical. The prostitute, the mistress and a ubiquitous vogue writer. Perhaps it's a backhand compliment, Claudia is too sophisticated :)

I've heard most of the cast album, but never the title song, so I won't miss it. But no Be On Your Own...Aaargh!

Okay, no review, but I generally get that you like Nine [relieved sigh]. What about the Brothers? One word, just ONE word.

Robert said...

I'm also amused at the "Be Italian" posters that feature an international cast, but not a single Italian.

I imagine some people will find reason for offense in this. But I hope we can all agree that it's harmlessly funny.

City_Of_Lights said...

The wall and the car say 1960's Italy to me. I can just see Eddie Izzard speeding by on his motor scooter saying "Ciao!"

I've only seen clips. Between the Oprah show and the 4 tv spots I think that's enough until I'm at the theater. I don't want to spoil it anymore for myself.

kent said...

i finally heard marion cotillard's singing in "take it all" and a little bit of "my husband makes movies." she really does sound fantastic! i cannot wait to hear your response about her, nathaniel ;)

is there any likelihood that NINE would be another musical to win best picture along with best director? it's difficult to imagine a 'traditional' oscar winner right now.

par3182 said...

just because it needs to be said around these parts - nicole kidman: overrated

Anonymous said...


This is a bit off topic, but I believe you actually had 7 nods for Basterds instead of 6...

Jude said...

Day-Lewis will probs. get the nod. He's more revered than Richard Gere, his Chicago counterpart, and with all the nominations your tallying for Nine I don't think people will forget who the real star of the movie is when they're nominating Nine in their respective categories.

Robert said...

I can top your dilemma: I had to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement to enter an advanced screening of Piranha.

You know, the upcoming remake of a mediocre 1970s Jaws knock-off about killer piranhas?

Yeah, gag order.

Are the Weinsteins that mad that reviews trickled out that painted Fergie in such a horrible light?

adam k. said...

I think putting Marion in lead will pay off in the short term, as in the Golden Globes, where she, Judi and Penelope will probably all get nominations. But I feel like at the oscars, they'll want to put her back in supporting and there may be something of a vote split, which could end up with no female cast members getting nominated at all. I could see the support cracking between Penelope, Judi, and stray votes for Marion in supporting, making way for, say, Mo'Nique, Julianne, Anna, Vera, and Sarandon (for example). But I'm hoping it ends up with Marion just getting in over Penelope in supporting.

Wouldn't it be fun if Nine got 9 globe nominations:

Supporting Actress * 2
Original Song * 2

Could happen if the stars align properly.

DJ said...

I can't wait to hear more about Marion! My most anticipated performance of the season. I hope the category confusion won't cost her a nomination.

Kyle Pinion said...

I realize "Be Italian" is one of the songs from the show (and apparently in the movie)...but it makes for an awful tagline...sounds like something that Maggiano's would come up with.

Poppy said...

I agree with par3182.

Y Kant Goran Rite said...

Okay - so no review - but I need to know if Penelope is brilliant, galvanising or merely excellent..?

Glenn Dunks said...

The performance I am looking forward to the most is actually Marion. I am desperate to like her after the debacle that was La Vie en Rose and her performance within. I want to like her but Rose is all I have to go on (I don't really remember her from any of the French films I've seen her in such as A Very Long Engagement).She has a great look and seems like she could become an actress that'll be around for a very long time so I feel like I need to find a performance to hinge onto. (I haven't seen Public Enemies yet).

I imagine there'll be another poster with Day-Lewis, Kidman and Cotillard on it (ala Fergie, Hudson and Cruz) since it appears they're all but ignoring Dench and Loren in the marketing (outside of fleeting shots in the trailers). I also think they should've gone "Fergie is THE WHORE" and "Penelope is THE MISTRESS" and "Nicole is THE MUSE" and "Marion is THE LONG-SUFFERING WIFE" <-teehee?

Nathaniel, normally I would say Fergie is nothing in selling a movie, but this being a musical and all I think she has worth in the marketing. They put "Be Italian" in the first trailer and I'm sure you got more 15-year-olds watching it than if you'd stuck Judi Dench on there.

Dench will sell some tickets, certainly, but a lot of the people who would go see Nine for Judi Dench are going to go see it anyway, ya know? The movie needs some younger audiences to go along, which is why Fergie and Hudson have featured so prominently.

Or, that's what I reckon anyway.


robert the reviews that painted Fergie in a negative light or nutsocuckoo agenda filled.

she only has one song and she can sing better than most of the cast. i loved her scene.

Anonymous said...

Sophia Loren was nominated for a Golden Globe for her performance in Pret a Porter, so it can easily happen again with Nine, even if she has no shot at the Oscars.

Tabb said...

Re "•Editing, Moulin Rouge! Chicago and Dreamgirls all factored in here." Note - Dreamgirls was not nominated for Editing.


thanks for the catch. fixed.

Kurtis O said...

Poorly Photoshopped or not, I definitely think the "crammed and ugly poster (third from left)" is BY FAR the best looking poster in the bunch. The Guido-only one is boring, the three-actress one is absurd, and the poster-within-a-poster one looks hastily put together and far from the vintage feel they were going for. At least the paparazzi one is glitzy and sexy.

DJ said...

Glenn, I highly recommend you see Love Me If You Dare and Public Enemies and rewatch A Very Long Engagement... she's phenomenal and the highlight of each of those films.

Michael B. said...

I collect posters. I spend a bunch every year on them and I was really excited about getting a few from this movie...but not anymore. These are atrocious. Some of the worst craftsmanship I've seen on posters, ever! I am so disappointed.

Notas Sobre Creación Cultural e Imaginarios Sociales said...

I'd also recommend "Ma vie en l'air" for Glenn. It's a rather harmless rom-com, but it has Marion playing a normal human being (that is someone without a chance of being nominated for any sort of awards).
Oh and I hope she sings at the Oscars too, but I'm guessing she'd go the Zellweger way in 2003 and be too shy to perform live...

gabrieloak said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gabrieloak said...

I think Maury Yeston's score for Nine is wonderful. Unfortunately they cut out most of his best work for the film. And I think his two new songs (Cinema Italiano and Take It All) are inferior to the songs they cut. Sophia Loren's song isn't original because it's based on previously written music. So I'm kind of hoping this doesn't get nominated for Best Song.

Andrew said...

Why is there so much Kate Hudson hate round these parts? She looked and sounded great in her trailer, and Marshall and Kidman were heaping praise on her not long ago...

RC said...

Interesting - glad to see your list of likeliness - I think you're right on Rob Marshall, but I'm feeling better about Marshall's name in pencil instead of ink...the ten pics makes this race a little extra tricky for me this year.

Adam said...

Yeah that tagline is SO Olive Garden promo. Without a Nicole/Penélope combo it has nothing going for it. That duo screams "sexy," while a Fergie/Kate Hudson combo screams, "still an Olive Garden promo."

Anonymous said...

i actually like the soundtrack cover better than all of these,the crammed poster is just abysmal


Iggy said...

I can have the embargo (never heard of them before I started visiting movie blogs/sites), but I can't hardly resist the urge to eat "porras", what Penélope is eating in the banner picture. Mmmm

That's cruelty ;)

Jim T said...

Is it possible that some members will vote for Cotillard in supporting thus make her lose the nomination?

Lara said...

Am I reading too much into it or does it seem like you din't enjoy Penelopes performance? I know you probably can't answer it yet, but was it just the singing or also the acting?
Can't wait for your full review.

Victor S said...

I just hope that Cotillard doesn't pull a Zellweger and refuse to sing live at the Oscars.
I can handle Queen Latifah (a unarguable better voice match for Zeta-Joens), but dear God, I'll shoot myself of they put Fergie to sing "Take it All".
But considering the Oscar show recent history it's probably be Beyonce. Just put me on suicide watch!

Nadine said...

LOL Victor, I could see her singing live (since she's done so on French TV) but refuse to do the striptease that's in the movie.

I also second that request above about "Ma vie en l'air", definitely a guilty pleasure of mine. Total fluff, but has Gilles in it *sigh*

cal roth said...

I want Marion to get a supporting nomination for her very strong work in Public Enemies. If they also nod her for Nine as lead, great.

Otto said...

Victor, they'll probably put Beyonce, give her a minute and a half to sing it and then mix the end of the song with one of the other nominated songs (ignoring completely the rest of the nominees).

Seriously, last year sucked. Peter Gabriel was smart not to sing there.


@Cal --- so much for spreading the wealth. You Marion fans are crazed! ;)

olive said...

Apparently The Danish Girl starts filming in march, for those who want to know when Kidman's back to work (not that promoting isn't work but... come on)

Juno101 said...

I know you say Best Picture is easy-peasy but what if it was still only five slots for best picture? Then would it still be easy-peasy?

Sebastian said...

So you're not too thrilled about Judi Dench? Would a nomination be deserved for her? I'd love to see her nominated again. What about Sophia Loren. Funny how I care more about the old dames than the young broads in this.

They took out "Nine"? Why? And there aren't nine major characters? How weird.

How is Daniel Day-Lewis' singing voice? Worthy of a musical or just Johnny Depp-level?

Anonymous said...

Thanks Olive for the gist about The Danish Girl, I hope that is true. I am looking forward to Kidman in it. I hope that Rabbit Hole pops up in Sundance or Berlin!

mB said...

Embargo aside: are we thinking Nine is at least a slam dunk for 'Ensemble' at the SAGs (especially given the noise coming from that screening?) Seeing all of them (or whoever shows up that day) on stage would be pretty much orgasmic.


mB -- i was thinking that at the SAG screening here in NYC. people (including me) were just so thrilled to see them all in the same space... which is why big star ensembles have an advantage (however wrong that might actually be to the idea of the award).

Bailey said...

Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate KATE. I must know the exact degree of her terribleness. Don't spare even the tiniest detail about what a scourge she is on the big screen.

I feel so sorry for Goldie, what with everyone always comparing Kate to her. Who wants to look like Kate Hudson? Burn victims, that's who, and maybe some blind people or indigents. Kate Hudson - nepotism at its worst.

Andrew said...

@Bailey - Why is there so much hate out there for Kate? She's not the only actress with awful movies under her belt. Give her a chance in this...

Anonymous said...

It appears that Bullock has vaulted into the Top 5 taking out Cornish for Lead Actress...