Thursday, March 11, 2010

Hug It Out With Jeremy Renner!

this was originally posted on 03/09... i have to keep adding to it!

'Why haven't
YOU hugged me yet. C'mere!'

Oscars in Review: worst & weirdest moments, most wonderful moments and all 09/10 awards season posts

Ugh! Some people don't appreciate Jeremy's cuddliness. Their loss. More Jeremy for the rest of us. Here's Jeremy and his momma. Awww


brandz said...

jeremy renner is my new hollywood hero.

does anyone know what sean penn mumbled before he opened the envelope?

James T said...

I'm coming Jeremy!! :p


brandz --- that's totally a mystery to me! we shall discuss later tonight!

nothingiswritten said...

Wow, and I thought your piece on kissing Jake Gyllenhall got me all hot and bothered. James T, I'm next!

Michiewah said...

Oh, Jeremy Renner is just a dream....

Hilary Swank said...

Id much rather hug it out with Mark Boal. :P

Ryan T. said...

Hilary, why either or? Why not both? Heck, get Anthony Mackie in there for good measure.

Also, yay for Jeremy Renner. First time I saw him was in an episode of "Angel" when he played a vampire set for revenge. Good times.

Anonymous said...


Lara said...

"Heck, get Anthony Mackie in there for good measure."
Why stop there? Add Kathryn and Brian and Greg Shapiro (seldom have I seen such a a good looking producer) and they can hug me all night long. :-)

Anonymous said...


I wanna a hug too!!!!!!

notanotherblog said...

Jeremy! My lions cannot survive this post.



Anonymous said...


Rosi K. said...

I can't wait for him to come home and get another one those infamous hugs! Modesto is proud, Jeremy!

notanotherblog said...

I was so overwhelmed I couldn't spell. It is loins.


notanotherblog... in which case I *completely* hear what you're saying and I'll refrain from posting the, er, "hugs" from Dahmer.

Peggy Sue said...

I'm more into Mackie but bring it on!

Anonymous said...

Gotta love the name Jeremy!

Jeremy Cushing