Sunday, March 21, 2010


silver screen
Dear Old Hollywood revisits the locations in A Star is Born (1954). If you love movies as time capsules
Mighty God King a great piece on the ironic oldness of "reboots". I wish Hollywood would read this.
Cinema Blend is Pixar's The Bear and the Bow switching titles?

The Critical Condition remembers Pretty Woman for its 20th anniversary
In Contention on the ubiquitous Mia Wasikowska
Man About Town has a rave for the first gay feature to come from The Bahamas, Children of God

off cinema
Time Out New York
has casting ideas for the first major NYC revival of Angels in America
i09 wonders what's happened to sci-fi series Torchwood. It has been awhile since "Children of Earth"
Just Jared Rachel Weisz wins Best Actress at the Olivier Awards. That Blanche Dubois sure is a reliable awards magnet role
Towleroad Cheyenne Jackson rocks the pompadour. Anyone know if he's coming back to 30Rock next season? I'm not good at keeping up on TV news


James T said...

I wish it was that simple for Meryl to win her third. Play Blanche. But they're not gonna give it twice for that role. Unless they call it Blanche. Differentiate the film from the original and focus on Meryl's part :p

John T said...

Maybe Streep should play the role on Broadway stateside-that way she can get the Acting Triple Crown.

Derreck said...

i can't believe that i'm from and live in the Bahamas and i missed Children of God. I missed the entire BIFF by being in school. :(

E Dot said...

Nat, I just watched 'Julie & Julia' again for the 2nd time since seeing it and it holds up awesomely. You're totally Julie - though, less whiney.

Derreck said...

oh and btw, when am i getting my Broken Embraces DVD? ;)

Guy Lodge said...

Is Streep not a teeny bit old to play Blanche DuBois, folks? ;)

NoNo said...

Did anyone see the preview of The Big C with Laura Linney? It looks pretty good but not something I would typically watch. I think I'll only watch the episodes with Gabby.

Joel said...

Nathaniel, when will we get to see the rest of your film bitch awards? Been dying to see the end of it!


Joel, i'm aiming for april 1st.

James T said...

Guy, I kind of pushed that thought away. Don't bring it back :p

Anyway, it could be something like Dench playing Titania now. Let's change everything ;)

chris na Taraja said...

Looking forward to CHILDREN OF GOD. i saw the short FLOAT, and it was really beautiful done. Hypnotic Cinematography.

I've now seen JULIE AND JULIA 3 times, and it not only holds up, it gets better. Such great acting, there is so much going on that you can't possibly get the first time.

An early scene where Paul and Julia walk thru the park, a woman passes in a baby carriage. she sees it and sighs and Paul kisses her hand. I only cuaght that on the third viewing.

NicksFlickPicks said...

555 S. Flower St. is literally down the block from where I'm sitting right now, and I'm never in L.A. Just had a total "Feivel" moment with you, Nathaniel. Somewhere out there, etc.!

badmotherfucker said...

It's funny how "Southern Belle" roles have been grabbing Oscars for nearly a century and the Academy still hasn't caught on. I mean really folks, you've got:

1. Vivien Leigh (twice!)
2. Julia Roberts (who charmed the socks off this fellow Georgia native; sorry, Burstyn.)
3. Renée Zellweger (ugh!)
4. Reese Witherspoon (who I thought was more deserving for valley girl Elle Woods)
AND 5. Sandra Bullock (eh)

Hell, Nathaniel could probably get one if he wore a bustle dress and yelled "Fiddle-dee-dee!" into a camcorder for two seconds. But I digress...

Anonymous said...

I have it on good authority that "Bear and the Bow" will be Pixar's first serious Best Picture push. The subject matter is as Oscar-friendly as they've ever been for sure. So as long as they keep up the quality with their next few releases and "Bear and the Bow" lives up to expectations (and the competition doesn't offer anything particularly extraordinary), this could be our first animated Best Pic winner. At the very least, it should be a front-runner for the 2011 (or 2012) film year.

Guy Lodge said...

Um, Renee Zellweger may have been playing Southern in "Cold Mountain," but she sure wasn't playing no belle.

badmotherfucker said...

Point taken, Guy. Point taken.