Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Which movie...

...do you most want to see a sequel of? Even if you don't normally care about sequels.

(You may have noticed we're not franchise obsessed around here but sometimes more is definitely more.)


Ceri said...

I usually hate sequels but if they ever decide to go through with a District 9 sequel, I'll be all over that. My favourite film from last year (unusual considering I don't usually like 'big' action-y films). :)

Anonymous said...

Some works like Twin Peaks seem so perfect that suggestions of long-after revivals sound like they'd ruin the original work, even though it'd be really interesting to see where those characters were decades later.

Of works like that, I'd love to see where the survivors of All About My Mother were twenty years later. (It's already been eleven!)

Edward said...

I'd love to see another film in Ang Lee's "Father Knows Best" series(Pushing Hands, Wedding Banquet, Eat Drink Man Woman) I wish he would do another modern Taiwanese drama!

paco. said...

i'm waiting for the third part to the before sunrise/sunset movies, but then again that second one ended perfectly

Ryan T. said...

I couldn't really think of anything, but I definitely agree with your first comment about a District 9 sequel. It was also MY favorite film of last year and gah I want more please!

I actually wouldn't say no to a sequel to Devil Wears Prada. Probably no Hathaway, but must definitely include Streep, Blunt, and Tucci.

Peterio said...
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Peter Chan said...

It would never happen, but I always wanted to follow Cookie Fleck from 'Best In Show' and see what other hot mess shenanigans she gets herself, her husband and her dog into due to her slutty past.

Michael said...

Can we see where Tracy Flick ends up in Election: The Sequel?

jahs34 said...

The Station Agent, but i don't want to see a movie, i want an HBO series.

Anonymous said...

The second part of The Golden Compass

Kevin P Durkin said...

I really wanna see a sequel to "Rachel Getting Married". *POTENTIAL SPOILERS* I want to see how Kym is once out of rehab, and how she gets her life on track. I want to see Rachel's baby, and have a good look into her married life. I want Kym and her Mother to have more confrontational scenes. And I'll take Bill Iriwn no matter what he does :)Gosh, I should right the damn thing, if only I could do biting wit as well as Lumet did it.

SimplySarah said...

I'm always weary of sequels but having just seen 'Nanny McPhee and the big bang' my faith has been restored somewhat!

So I am looking forward to the sequel to the Hangover-although it's one of those films that could go either way!

The Jaded Armchair Reviewer said...

unrelated but nath, check out this clip of an elementary school production of scarface (including the kiddie version of pfeiffer!):


downbythewater said...

Hedwig and the Angry Inch. Just because.

FrenchGirl said...

"the best actress' awards curse"! just because!

eduardo said...

as a previous poster said, the 3rd part of the Before sunrise/sunset movies is necessary

also i really want to see The incredibles 2, but i really doubt that'll happen soon *sigh*

Cluster Funk said...

The Fabulous Baker Boys! 'chelle even mentioned to James Lipton that Steve Kloves had considered writing a sequel.

josh said...

A sequel to Leon ('The Professional') with Natalie Portman as grown-up Mathilda

Jason H. said...

Paco/Eduardo - Before Noon? :)

Call me crazy, but I would like to see the antics of the Hoover clan again in a Little Miss Sunshine sequel.

Kyle said...

Drag me to Hell 2, where Justin Long tries to save his girl using his mac guy powers and aww shucks charm.

Robert Hamer said...

Well, since David Cronenberg is doing a part two to Eastern Promises, how about a Return to Videodrome?

It would be interesting to see those themes explored again in the 21st century, and could do something similar to Tron Legacy where Max Renn's estranged son goes looking for his father after he became "the new flesh."

Screw the remake, Universal, just make a full-blown sequel!

Beau said...



Kim said...

I am kind of desperate for a third installment of Before Sunrise/Sunset.

Baby, you're gonna miss that plane...

mozi premierek said...

Do you think Little Manhattan 2 will be a good movie? I want to see Gabe (Josh Hutcherson) continue his childhood love and maybe try for another girl.

Derreck said...

Spider-Man 4 with the original cast and Sam Raimi.

I'm still very angry about the whole reboot.

and i love Josh's idea with a sequel to Leon. Oh, that'd be great.

MHerzog said...

I would love to watch a sequel for Annie Hall. 33 years later, like what Bergman did with Saraband.

Any excuse to have both Allen and Keaton share the screen once again.

Bernardo said...

* District 9
* Before Sunset
* Wasington

I agree wholeheartedly with District 9 & Before Sunrise/Sunset (I've even written a treatment for my ideal third installment :P)

I would also love to see Wasington (the third part to Dogville/Manderlay). I loved both of them and would really love to see the third one (which is probably not happening). I would also love to see who would star in Wasington... Dakota Fanning? Abbie Cornish? Melanie Laurent? Diane Kruger? Amy Adams? The possibilities are endless, but Cornish & Adams would be great.

the boyfriend said...

The Piano (although it's blasphemous) or Requiem for a Dream.

Timothy Marshall said...

Trainspotting 2 (an adaptation of Porno).
District 9 2
Star Trek 2
Kill Bill vol. 3
The Dark Knight 2
Oldboy 2
Raising Arizona 2
Princess Mononoke 2
Groundhog Day 2

And here's some funny suggestions:
The Wrestler 2: Did Mickey Rourke Die?
Saving Private Ryan 2: The Battle For Okinawa
Casablanca 2: Curse of the Black Person
Gone With The Wind 2: The Cycle Continues
Battleship Potemkin 2: Strollers Will Roll
Crash 2: Feel Worse About Yourself, Whitey
The Blind Side 2: Feel Great About Yourself, Whitey
500 Days Of Summer 2: JGL Dates Girls Named Winter and Spring

That being said, I'd also love to see screen adaptations of The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen and On Beauty by Zadie Smith.

Unknown said...

I think there are interesting possibilities to follow ups for "Little Shop of Horrors" (1986), John Carpenter's The Thing (always buzzed but we're having a prequel instead), "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" and "The Others".

On the upcoming - to the USA - sequels that actually are great, both horror films [REC]2 and Survival of the dead are definetly in the "good" side. And [REC]2 is even better than the original.

Adrian said...

I want to see a sequel to The Hours. Because, like, wtf would happen in that?

Anonymous said...

Reservoir Dogs

Unknown said...

Another Master and Commander!

Chris Na Taraja said...

How about DOWN, the sequel to UP!

What happens on the next adventure to the center of the earth?

At first I was so kidding, but now that I think of it, it would be fun to see the old man and the boy on another adventure. Oh, but then they would have to add a new character, maybe the mother or something.

No I still like it. UP 2 is DOWN!!

Deus Ex Machina said...

I always thought that it would be interesting to revisit the characters of Reality Bites but grown up. Winona, Ethan, Janeane and Steve. Don't you wonder what happened to them?

Anonymous said...

JC superstar :)

Anonymous said...

A good JAWS sequel would be awesome...Dreyfuss and Gary together again...But then again, u can´t match Jaws: The Revenge;)


Deus Ex -- i *love* Reality Bites so i'd be up for that sure.

Ryan -- it's weird that they didn't do one in some ways, right?

the boyfriend -- u are sick. didn't everyone die? (requiem)

Volvagia said...

I know this'll never happen, but a Heathers sequel would be awesome. Obviously Winona would have to sign, but bringing Slater back would, (sigh), just be cheesy. (Joseph Gordon-Levitt as a replacement, maybe?) Screenwriter/Director? Jody Hill. If it's going to happen, they're, sadly, going to have to give up on Waters and Lehmann. The documentaries give the sense that, of the original team, only Winona really wants it done. Observe and Report shows that Hill has some stuff to say, and can artfully handle dark, edgy comedy: A perfect fit for a Heathers sequel.

Unknown said...

Killed Bill, or whatever Quentin decides to call his followup to Kill Bill. Maybe....Kill Beatrix?

Flosh said...

Ryan beat me to it - another Master & Commander would be awesome - as long as they get Peter Weir back to direct!

BillBill said...

I wouldn't mind seeing a sequel to "Avatar" (hides). They've clearly opened the door for it, and if I must endure the spectacle of 3D from now on, at least use it for something that's proven to be worth it like for this.

A "District 9" sequel would be wicked. "District 10"? Perfect!

Volvagia said...

Nat, I saw Requiem a while ago and didn't remember anyone "dying". A sequel would be plausible, but ill advised. Tragedies don't get sequels.

Emily said...

Definitely Master & Commander! Also would love to see a sequel to Serenity.

Daniel Armour said...

Since Star Trek 2 and a Third Batman film are already in the works, I'll just list sequels that probably won't happen:

A Bryan Singer directed X-Men 3: While the whole making Jean into the 2001 star child thing sounded cheesy, the rest of Singer's original approach for X3 would've been great.

Unbreakable 2: M.Night did a great origin film the first go-round but I'm definitely curious to see if he could do more with the concept. Of course, a sequel could completely cheapen the original as well.

A Superman Returns Sequel: SR isn't a great film by any stretch of the imagination but I think a sequel had potential to be.

Star Wars 7-9: Although I pretty much believe the story for Star Wars is completely done, a small part of me wishes to see the reformation of the republic. Hell, maybe this time Lucas would give Spielberg a shot a making the trilogy.

Daniel Armour said...

a shot AT making the trilogy, sorry.

HdMovie said...

Do you think a sequel to Avatar will be a huge hit again? Well, I just hope for another gigantic 3d experience!!!

Caden said...

I'd love a sequel to X-Men 2 that supplants what Ratner created.

Also, may I have a sequel to Sixteen Candles? WITH JAKE RYAN.

And demonlover. And The Wire, The Wire, The Wire! I would do anything. I know it's not a movie. But I miss the characters.