Thursday, May 06, 2010

Who's the Blonde? Episode 4

Can you guess who these blondes are? And can you name the films?

A [Highlight for answer] Drew Barrymore in Boys on the Side guessed by Dominik

B [Highlight for answer] Gwyneth Paltrow in Two Lovers guessed by Sarah

C [Highlight for answer] Ellen Burstyn in Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore guessed by J.D.

D [Highlight for answer] Dolly Parton in Straight Talk guessed by Laika with an assist from Verninino

previous episodes


Mickche said...

For some reason, 2. looks very familiar, but i don't knwo. So i'll guess with Claire Danes

Sarah said...

B is Gwyneth Paltrow in Two Lovers

Dominik said...

some probably wild guess work here:

A Drew Barrymore - Boys on the Side

B mayyyybe Kate Hudson - but no idea what movie

D Rosanna Arquette - Desperately Seeking Susan (I don't think she's blonde but I'm not sure, I think she could have been in the movie..)

Dominik said...

on second thought (and look) B really looks like Paltrow... as Sarah said

J.D. said...

C - Ellen Burstyn in Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore?

BeRightBack said...

D = Rosanna Arquette in Desperately Seeking Susan

Glenn Dunks said...

A is Drew Barrymore in Boys on the Side (watch that just the other week).

D is whatever Arquette sister was in Desperately Seeking Susan if I'm remembering that opening scene correctly.

At first I thought B was Laura Dern in INLAND EMPIRE, but the hair is way too long.


D is not an Arquette sister ;)

verninino said...

Hazardous guesses.

B. Gwyneth in Se7en, those french doors are resonating.

C. Helen Mirren in something or the other from the 70s just because I love conjuring images of Helen Mirren.

D. Dolly Parton 9 to 5 (big, blonde hair,

Anonymous said...

C is totally Ellen Burstyn. D looks like Hedwig. MINDC

verninino said...

denim, pink claws, 70s rust, ...)

verninino said...

goodness gracious, now I've got a Burstyn/Mirren two-some gyrating in my head.


verninino -- weirdly that image is from the 90s!

Laika said...

D is Dolly Parton in Straight Talk - I'm sure of it!

The first twenty minutes or so of that film are sheer Parton bliss...

verninino said...

Never underestimate the power of Hollywood special effects. Besides, her (or his) breasts aren't nearly pushing up enough.

John T said...

I really want D to be Sally Kirkland (because you can never have enough Sally), but I doubt it is.

Laika said...

Looking at it again... is B Pfeiffer in 'What Lies Beneath'?

C makes me think Jessica Lange, but that's based on nothin'.

I'm sticking with Parton for D, breasts or no breasts! I'm a Parton partisan.

Laika said...

Horrible second thoughts ...

That isn't Gael Garcia Bernal in 'Bad Education' is it?

(Looks again)

I now see them both in one deeply troubling double exposure. I think this innocent contest is bringing about some kind of actressexual oedipal crisis...

Alex said...

D could be Madonna in Who's That Girl, but I don't have much of a basis for that.

Cinesnatch said...

Renee Zellweger
Daryl Hannah (Kill Bill Vol. 2)
Jessica Lange (Sweet Dreams)
Meryl Streep (Postcards)

Bing147 said...

Already said but I'm almost positive B is Gwyneth Paltrow in Two Lovers...

cal roth said...

A is Naomi Watts in Mulholland Dr.
B Gwyneth Paltrow in Two lovers
C Jessica Lange in The Postman Always Rings Twice
D No idea

Dominik said...

Suddenly I think C might be Meryl Streep. Movie? ... Marvin's Room?? I have actually seen that one but don't remember much.

So, has nobody guessed anything correctly up to now? Is it too early for clues... ok, there was one, C=90's, so: is it too early for more clues?

cal roth said...

NO, C is Ellen Burstyn in Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore. I'm sure.

Chris Na Taraja said...

I just saw Dolly yesterday!!!! I was at an audition for WICKED and she appeared for the call back for the 9 TO 5 tour, and wished us good luck! It's like seeing a living saint.

I'm guessing D is Glen Close in THE BIG CHILL

Hey what about brunettes? Red heads? or even wild colored hair?

Dominik said...

I interpreted Nathaniel's comment to Vernino as that picture C is from the 90's, but maybe I interpreted it wrong?!
Anyway I feel like I know picture D, and I'm pretty sure it's someone who's not really or usually blonde, so I'll try another:

D = Jennifer Tilly (in whatever movie)

and, Chris, I'm almost positive Glenn Close doesn't wear that kind of outfit in The Big Chill

Lara said...

D - Emily Lloyd in Wish You Were Here

Zach said...

A. Drew Barrymore -- "Boys on the Side"

B. Gwyneth Paltrow -- "Seven," I think... (But it is her - I'd know the back of her head anywhere)

C. Ellen Burstyn -- "Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore"

D. Dolly Parton -- "Straight Talk" (this is really just a guess)

Lucky said...

although B could be Paltrow in Two Lovers I'm gonna say it's Naomi Watts in The Ring.

No clue about the others

verninino said...

I'm sure curious to know what A is. I mean how many movies have a scene with a woman with a luminescent, blond bob pulling duct tape off the mouth of an Alice Cooper stand-in featuring realistic working class set design: cluttered high rise with disheveled home decor and ghastly couture?

I go to the movies to escape such scenarios.

With mise en scene elements like these it's a wonder anyone has seen it.

Deus Ex Machina said...

B) could that be Daryl Hannah?

RJ said...

A- Drew Barrymore in Boys on the Side

D- Dolly Parton in Straight Talk

SimplySarah said...

Umm not sure of the others but i think...
D-Meryl Streep in Postcards from the edge!!


all have been guessed now. I will be update the post with answers

but these comments are so hilarious i almost don't want to reveal the answers!

Philip said...

Well, I actually knew one for once.
Drew Barrymore is definitely A.
In 'Boys on the Side'.

Then, B is Gwyneth. Not sure what movie though.

For some reason I want to say that C is Jessica Lange, but no one said her and they've all been guessed so that's wrong.

And I think D is Dolly Parton. Movie I don't know.


the answers are posted. woohoo.

good job all

Anonymous said...

Ha, Straight Talk, so random. That movie was.... not good.

Glenn Dunks said...

Oh man! Dolly on the bridge in Straight Talk not Arquette on the pier in Desperately Seeking Susan! How could I have missed that?


remember. when you lose a 20, a high heel shoed and chewing gum are like MacGyver level solutions!

J.D. said...

WOOT. I knew I could place that frickin' neckerchief.