Episode 2.10 "The Inheritance"
Pete Campbell is taking a business trip to Los Angeles and his wife Trudy (Alison Brie) wants to go with him.
Trudy: You know I'll stay out of your way.Young Stanwyck always sounds like fun! Poolside or anywhere really. Don't you agree?
Pete: Of course. Lounging by the pool. They'll think you're a young Barbara Stanwyck.
Trudy: Doesn't that sound like fun?
Episode 2.11 "The Jet Set"
Don and Pete make it to sunny Los Angeles where Pete gets quite excited by the sun and stars.
Pete: I just saw Tony Curtis in the men's room!And if you think I'ma 'bout to post a photo of Tony Curtis in the men's room for Stanwyck poolside parallel's sake. Well... I like you're way of thinking, but who could find one?!
Don: Handing out towels?
Pete: Tony Curtis, Don! ...a thing like that.
The closest I got was Tony Curtis in the steam room. With Rock Hudson in the back getting a rubdown.
The things you find on the internets. If only those things were in hi-res.
Other references in these episodes: (Cinema) Rope| (TV) The Twilight Zone, The New Loretta Young Show | (Literature) Ray Bradbury, William Faulkner | (Sports) The Yankees | (Celebrities) Bob Dylan, Rita Hayworth
Ooh, yeah. Love that picture of Tony.
is there a way to rig that poll so that anyone who presses 'who' is banned from the site forever more?
Since we'll be skipping season three, just thought I'd mention that Betty Draper's favorite movie is "Singin' in the Rain." Makes sense.
Wow :) Nice & entertaining post. Thanks for Share this wonderful post. :)
I saw a trailer on TCM for "The Gay Sisters" and never imagined how often Barbara Stanwyck would go back to that "supeeny" joke to lighten tense, potential character maladies in several of her movies.
david -- i'll figure out some way to get back to season 3... it had SO much good movie stuff. i was just too slow.
I love the husky voice of Barbara Stanwyck.
par3182... i tried to get the twiigs people to work in a software app that would eject people from their very computer seats like in crashing fighterpilots if they hit "who" but they couldn't work out the technical specifics.
I don't know why you kind of ignore some of the references in each episode by packing them under "Other references". I mean, if you have the time, I'm sure you'd have something to say about those too, and then your series of posts could also be considered as a complete reference of the cultural references of the (tv-)series.
(Jesus, how many "references" and "series" in such few words, I'm sorry my english is poor)
javi -- basically there's a lot of mad men blogs and series and whatnot... so i'm trying to stay focused on movies because there are other sites that do a way better job with the other things. if i had all the time in the world i'd do it all.
can't wait for tnoight's premiere!
Shame Mad Men isn't eligible for your great moments in Screen Bitchery series. I thought of it when I caught this awesome exchange in Season 2 after the board voted for the merger:
Mrs. Cooper: You have your children to think of.
Sterling: I just have the one.
Mrs. Cooper: Really?
MICHAEL C -- mygod. i love that moment. laughed so hard. thanks for the memory.
Nat, couldn't that Tony Curtis reference ("handing out towels in the men's room") also be a Spartacus (1960) reference? Another "bath" room shot.
Paul -- oh yeah. see. i was racing through these. should've dived further in.
Too bad the Rock Hudson action in that photo you posted isn't in the foreground. The look he's giving that masseur...
By the way, the original caption is priceless: "You should be in the gambling racket, son," Scott [Brady] tells Tony {Curtis], who is beating him soundly at gin rummy. Hugh [O'Brian] kibitzes while Rock gets a salt rubdown in the next room so he can go back to the steam room and sweat some more.
(The sub-headline of the accompanying article isn't bad, either: The heat's on at [the] Finlandia [Baths], the only place where a man's put on the shelf - and likes it!)
All of the actors in that picture are or were gay/lesbian.
Tony Curtis is the only questionable one!
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