Monday, October 13, 2008

Say What? Anne

I asked you to amuse us by putting words in Anne or Alan's mouth or captioning the photo. I think Michael went above and beyond so he's the winner with delicious non-sequitor ~ almost PSA like captions. I almost went with The Bening's hostage demands (also from Michael).


Michael Parsons said...

Oh Anne, your Hillary Swank impersonation does make me chuckle.

Anonymous said...

I apologize Alan, but I just can't handle the smell of your CUMMING cologne this early in the evening...

PIPER said...

And then I was like, you can't be my husband, you're a crook! And so I left.

mB said...

Alan: ::smiling smugly::
Anne: Oh... haha... ::uncomfortable laughter:: I didn't really mean your hair looked horrible it's just... haha...

elgringo said...

"I'm sorry, who are you again? Didn't you play "Jim Hunter, Wood Cutter" on Take the High Road?"

Bensunce said...

Alan: Wilkommen, Bienvenue à mon Cabaret, Anne!

Anne: I'm not sure it was a good idea coming in here!

Bensunce said...

Anne: All she could say was "That's all!"

Alan: And she's got 14 nominations? Ah, the Academy...

Anonymous said...

"and then my hairdresser said, 'Well, how about an Alan Cummings haircut?' and I was like, OMG!"

Bensunce said...

Anne [bubbly laughter]: Who would do something like Spy Kids?

Alan [fake smile, thinking]: You're one to talk, Princess Diaries 2!

Anonymous said...

Changeling Sneak Peek:

MichaelMcl said...


1. All around the world, people are struggling to find the words that fuel daily conversation.

2. The Dow closed 2 points up at the end of trading today, after falling to zero earlier.

3. A still from Peter Greenaway's essay film - "Guess Whose Cumming?"

4. Annette Bening has said she will execute a celebrity hostage every hour until her demands are met.

5. Note: Harvey Keitel digitally removed from photo due to an indecent gesture.

6. Errol Morris: "What's important to recognise here is what's not in the photograph. We have Hathaway and Cumming here, but all sense of affection, of common circumstance, has been excluded from the image. And notice the lack of a genuine smile on her face - this is what we more commonly refer to as a social smile, a smile given for the sake of others."

- The Opinionated Australian (who is a little bored right now, yep!)

Jason Adams said...

Anne: And when my boobs popped out, Jake totally vomited!

Anonymous said...

Holy *beep*! I just watched today's Changeling sneak peek on ET. The television version has more new scenes than the video online. They also showed Brian Grazer on set. Hopefully someone tapes it and uploads it on YouTube. Tommorow they're going to show more behind the scenes with Jolie talking about Clint Eastwood.

Anonymous said...

Anne: And he wanted to recreate that scene from Havoc with me!

Kurtis O said...

Anne: Look! I'm Nightcrawler!
Alan: Heh-heh. Cute.

Missy said...

Alan:(evil grin) Is that rumor about you liking it in the Back Door true?

Anne: (smiling through tears)
I was so scared Letterman was gonna bring that up last night.

Chris Na Taraja said...

Anne says, "Thank you for not letting on that your book was completely about my life. Just imagine if that the public knew...OMG"

Alan, (sniggers and chuckles) "Yeah everyone expects it's about me.

Anonymous said...

Oh my, Alan, looks like your hairdresser gave you a bikini wax.

Anonymous said...

Anne: I know, that night during Cabaret when your cock popped out was Horrifying!

Anonymous said...

Alan: Do you think people will start taking you seriously as an actress?

Anne: Why on Earth would they do that?


Anonymous said...

Anne: And I forgot my panties in Meryl´s oven!!! Can U believe???

Anonymous said...

Anne: How can U confuse me with Liza Minnelli???

Alan: Sorry, I´m cabaretating...

Anne: Cool!!!

Anonymous said...

they say it's me vs miranda priestley for the oscar,what's a girl to do.

Kurtis O said...

Wow, that was fast service! Screw Starbucks, this is my new Third Place.

Anonymous said...

Thankyou, thankyou. It was a weird day, that day. Maybe I should become a professional captionist.

- The Opinionated Australian :-D