Saturday, January 16, 2010

Say What Sandra / Bigelow?

Amuse us. Give dialogue or a caption to this paparazzi shot of Director Kathryn Bigelow (The Hurt Locker) and Sandra Bullock at last night's "Critics Choice" award show.

I'll repost on Tuesday with the winning entry.


Miss Daisy on the Field said...

BIGELOW: I can't believe I'm almost 60.

BULLOCK: Don't worry, I'll give you my plastic surgeon's number.

Ian said...

You, me...Speed 3!

Ian said...

Bullock to Bigelow, that is...

Ian said...

Bullock to Bigelow: You, me...Speed 3!

Hofverberg said...

Bigelow: You know I may be the first woman to win best director?

Bullock: So what, I'll may be the 14th woman to win over Meryl Streep.

Andrew K. said...

Just because I could not resist something dirty:

KB: Jeremy's a very talented young man.

SB: How big is he? This big? [motions with her hands].

KB [chuckles nervously]: I meant talented actor.

Calum Reed said...

Bullock: My waist is this much bigger without the SPANX.

Tallsonofagun said...

Bullock: When I had Meryl´s face in my hands and I shoved my tongue into her mouth, all I could think was, "Wow, I can´t believe I´m giving it to one of the most accomplished women on the planet."

Bigelow: Hmmm. That´s odd. James Cameron used to scream out that exact same thing to me in bed.

tia said...

Bigelow: And how much of your persona is talent?

Bullock: About this much.

Lara said...

LOL @tia! Mean, but true.

Clover said...

Bullock: I really liked The Hurt Locker, you know? I liked that part with the- with the explosion? The explosion thing...

Bigelow: Hum...

Anonymous said...

Maybe the plot of our movie can be I get to adopt Jeremy Renner too. Yum.

Jorge Rodrigues said...

Bullock to Bigelow: Look at us gals, over 40, and winning awards... I thought only Meryl Streep was able to do that nowadays...

Poppy said...

Bullock: What do you think it's like to win an oscar?

Bigelow: Hmm. I'll tell you soon but only if you tell me how it is to lose one, okay?

Summer is not a bitch said...

Bullock: I'm a HUUGE fan of your ex-husband, you know, James Cameron.

Bigelow: Oh, so you've never worked with him.(or slept with him.)

Anonymous said...

Meryl's boobs are THIS big...

Caden said...

Bullock: Nina Garcia?

Anonymous said...

Bullock: Yeah, it was weird. And she gave me this much tongue.

Bigelow: I think you two started a new line of slash fiction.

Jack said...

Bullock: "Those fools will never guess that the key to our eternal youth lies within this shrunken head which I hold in my hands!"

Jim T said...

Bullock: Meryl's lips are sooo soft! You've got to try it!

Bigelow: Nah, I've tried the lesbian thing with James. Didn't work out.

The Pretentious Know it All said..., I was going to post something, but what's the point? I think Jim T pretty much nailed it. Contest over.

Julian Stark said...

Bullock: Can I make out with you, too?!

Bigelow: Yah... no...

Bryan said...

Bullock: Hey, who do you think was the most accomplished woman of 2009? You or me?

Bigelow: Well, there's me, and you've gotta include Campion, and definitely Cornish, Swinton, and Barrymore, and probably also Sidibe and Mo'nique! But you can't forget the women of Nine or Inglourious Basterds, and it'd be a crime to omit Streep, Page, Keener, and Mulligan! Oh, and the ladies of Up in the Air, too, and Pike and Morton as well. Weren't they great?

Bullock: ...

Bigelow: Um, but I'm sure you're in there somewhere...

adam k. said...

Yeah a lot of these are good, but I gotta give a shout out to Jim T. Gold. Especially because if you look at Bigelow's face, it says that exactly that.

Tallsonofagun, JL, Andrew and Cal were also amusing.

Gotta love the Jim Cameron humor... it feels totally okay to make cheap jokes about him now that he has a billion dollars. He'd probably think they were funny.

adam k. said...

OK, I'll take a stab:

(this is only funny if you heard Bullock's backstage press conference or wherever it was when she talked about how grew up with opera, but whatevs...)

Sandra Bullock, still high on awardage, bursts into an aria, serenading her fellow winner.

Kathryn Bigelow (thought bubble): I'm just gonna smile and nod...

Chris Na Taraja said...

Bullock: You were so great in THE HURT LOCKER

Bigelow: Thank you. I didn't see eaither of your movies this year, but you were great YA YA SISTERHOOD. you were in that right?

Chris Na Taraja said...

Bullock: Top Billing! What does a girl have to do in this town...

Bigelow: i know! is it too much to ask?!

Oski said...

Bullock: So you're saying Jim is only this big?!

Bigelow: Really big flashy larger than life movies. Really small penis. He's gotta compensate somehow

Tallsonofagun said...

Bullock: So as the character starts to eat her sandwich at the airport Subway, she looks up and Jarod is standing there with flowers and a ring box trying to catch his breath from his mad dash to propose to her before her flight leaves. So, whaduya think? Interested in directing?

Bigelow: Ummm. Ahhh. Hmmm. I´ll let my script reader take a look and let you know.

Anonymous said...

Bullock: So we're a go for Cougar Town the reality show?

Pf_Iggy said...

Bullock: I was THIS close to Million Dollar Baby

Bigelow: [God, I miss Juliette Lewis so much].

Paul Outlaw said...

Bullock: "I am this close to achieving what no actress (except Jane Fonda, Maggie Smith, Rachel Roberts, Judy Davis, Katharine Hepburn, Shirley MacLaine, Julie Walters, Geraldine Page, Cher, Jodie Foster, Kathy Bates, Susan Sarandon, Gwyneth Paltrow, Hilary Swank, Annette Bening, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Nicole Kidman, Cate Blanchett, Helen Mirren and Kate Winslet) has ever been able to achieve!!!"

Anonymous said...

So far, my vote is split between Tia and Clover! Brilliant! Yes...I know, i don't really get a vote.

Tallsonofagun said...

Bigelow: Hey Sandy, did you try that new colonic I recommended to you?

Bullock: Yep, the results were amazing.

Well-Fay-Uh said...

Bullock: My vagina hurts soooo much!

Bigelow: Finally, someone understands The Hurt Locker.

Tallsonofagun said...

Bullock: I will touch your breasts, vagina, whatever. Just please let me be in your next movie.

Bigelow: Well, if you´ll give a little hurt to my locker, I think I might consider it.

J. Travis said...

BULLOCK: "Seriously Kathryn, I have this much chance to beat Meryl at the Oscars."

BeingBetteDavis said...

Sandra: Please give me a part in your next film.
Kathryn: No.
Sandra: Why not?
Kathryn: Because you're Sandra-frickin-Bullock. Man, I couldn't even sit through the trailer for All About Steve...