Tuesday, June 01, 2010

The Longest Link

Uh... I got a little carried away. Enjoy the ones you will

JACKintheblog 'Is it just me or does Jake Gyllenhaal look...'
Everything I Know responds to EW's list of "greatest characters" with a few theatrical suggestions. EW only allowed for two stage characters. EW sucks at list-making. They're always pandering to the OMGRIGHTNOW
CHUD Austin Texas' great theater The Alamo Drafthouse could be coming to your city. I've only been to Austin once and I only peeked at the exterior but I would go there so often...
The Pixar Blog "Groovin' With Ken" an interview clip that's not in Toy Story 3
The Telegraph Tim Robey on Mark Ruffalo, The Unpretentious Leading Man
Dark Eye Socket What the 00's meant to TFE contributor Craig. It's never too late for a list!
Dear Old Hollywood looks at Bette Davis early homes in California
Anomalous Material is hosting a "greatest comedy of all time" tournament. Let them know what makes you laugh the hardest
Movies Kick Ass "A woman's right to shoes" on Dorothy & her ruby slippers. This is part of...
Encore's Movie Musicals Blog-a-Thon which I didn't know about in time. Ah well.

i cite has a thorough piece up about what critics missed in their savage takedowns of Sex and the City 2. Great read, though I wish I had enjoyed the movie this much! For me it's a miss
The Film Doctor 'don't leave me hangin' here'... a discussion about the movie that I appreciate because it's not OTT histrionic / hateful. There's very few discussions of that movie that aren't. And speaking of...
The Telegraph Tim Robey discusses "Sex and the City and the Art of the Pan" citing hilarious takedowns of this film and other hated films.
Huffington Post dating lesssons from the fab four
Tim Seidell equates Sex & the City to Star Wars. Seriously, he does. Original trilogy and 'prequel trilogy' and all
Sling Blog 5 pop culture hits besides SatC that were savaged by audiences that they weren't remotely intended to be enjoyed by

Nicks Flick Picks has reached the final 10 in his Best Actress Project. Incredibly he will soon have seen every Best Actress nominee. Latest writeups: Bergman's Anastasia and Irene Dunne in Love Affair. He's got two of my all time favorite nominees coming up in his final 8 screenings: Natalie Wood in Splendor in the Grass (1961) and Judy Garland in A Star is Born (1954). I'm prepared for the worst. Though Nick and I are great friends we disagree surprisingly often on the subject of Actress so I have no expectations as to how he'll respond.

P.S. Don't even ask how close I am to having seen all 408 performances. So much left to see. At least that means multiple pleasures await.


Kyle said...

With the poor box office take from the extended weekend, it's likely that this will be the last nail for the Sex and the City coffin. Though, the film seemed to be not much more than a cash grab anyway...then again, what big films aren't anymore?

Anonymous said...

great satc links!

James T said...

I couln't access the "Meryl's speech" link" but I did watch the speech and I was reminded (well, I hadn't really forgotten) of how much I adore her.
By the way, enough with the break Meryl. Get yourself a great project!

Castor said...

Thank you sir for the link love! Will be reciprocated in the near future, you have my word ;)

NicksFlickPicks said...

Every time my site traffic doubles, I think: "Oh, Nathaniel must have linked." You're a prince! I love that you got the missing '54 spots, the whole 74 roster, my new Barbra avatar, Michelle Pfeiffer in FBB, AND Julie Andrews for Derek, all in that little cutout. Well played!

/3rtfu11 said...

Kyle I see one more SATC movie being made. Don't forget these pictures are huge in Western Europe.

filmdr said...

Much thanks for the link, Nathaniel.

OtherRobert said...

The suggestion of Susan Blackwell as Susan Blackwell in [Title of Show] for the greatest characters list is perfect. How can you not love "Die Vampire, Die!" or "Monkeys and Playbills?" She's probably my favorite funny character in a modern musical. It's her or Little Sally in Urinetown. And I'm not going to pick. Co-winners.

John T said...

I am at a paltry 189-I need to rearrange my Netflix, apparently.

Anonymous said...

Is S&TC2 worth watching then? I liked the series, was so-so on the first film, but the reviews have been savage. But when anything generates this much discussion, you kind of want to see it, you know?

I've seen a bunch of reviews calling it an accidentally profound snapshot of America in decline. Could it really be that deeply terrible?

billybil said...

Thanks you so much for citing all those SatC blogs. I was so happy to read what The Film Doctor and i cite had to say and so pleased that you made the effort to share it with your readers.

I particularly liked reading i cite because it helped me feel "better" about how much I enjoyed the movie. I saw it with my wife and we both had a good time. And I "got" pretty much every point she makes while watching. And I had fun!!! I laughed and was appalled and giggled and dismayed. It was fun.

I don't know if you saw that Sasha over on awardsdaily took a stand saying that she felt there seemed to be something "ugly" about all the negative reviews. I do think that your "typical" male reviewer should be ashamed of his bias and see the potential "fun" in the movie and not just the less than stellar story arc. I mean, reviewers can complain if the movie is boring or too long but to totally trash it so vehemently - I think it's a shame.

filmdr said...

I wonder how much the extremely negative reviews of SATC2 stem in part from the nature of competition on the internet. Everyone has to hop on the snark wagon or feel not mean enough otherwise. I enjoy writing snark as much as anyone, but I'm still curious as to how much a herd mentality takes over.

med said...

I agree that Streep needs a great new project. It seems that the only way she'll win another Oscar will be in a juicy supporting role that she knocks out of the park. Come on, Meryl, pick a project with a director who does you justice - Aranofsky, Payne, Nichols, Jonze, and so on.