Damn woman! Put some clothes back on. You're making the rest of the world feel all mortal, flabby and hideous. Yes, even the thirtysomethings. Helen is shielding her eyes because the heavens just parted so the angels could gawk at her. For what it's worth the man wearing the clashing t-shirt --I guess she doesn't dress him-- is her husband, director Taylor Hackford (Ray, The Devil's Advocate) more commonly referred to by his alternate title "Luckiest Man Alive".
While paparazzi were losing their shit over Helen at the beach, the masses were losing their shit over The Dark Knight @ the multiplexes, Whedonites were losing their shit over Dr. Horrible (including yours truly) @ the internets, John McCain was losing his shit @ war planning (not that it wasn't already lost) and hopefully he will still be losing losing losing come November's general election. How shitty would 4 more years of this nightmare be?
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Holy crap! She's amazing!
Who'd have thought the Queen wore a two piece bathing suit?
i don't know....i'm kind of thinking "eww". gals that old should not be sporting bikinis.
@anon Nah. Fair play, I say.
She is jaw-droppingly hot. I'd love to "Teach Mrs. Tingle."
Anon, girls that old get to make movies. About taking their tops off. Never saw Calendar Girls?
@ Anonymous:
Anybody who looks like that should should be wearing a bikini.
ok....i may be a sicko...but have been thinking how cool it would be if she had on her queen elizabeth make-up & hairdo - and was wearing that bathing suit.
Helen sure is hot. However, I think Julie Christie is more traditionally beautiful and even sexier. Anyone with me ?
I'm so jealous!
Nope - Taylor Hackford is not the luckiest man alive. That'd be me. But he has nothing to complain about.
If only this Silver Fox was a Cougar, I might have a chance. Alas, all I can do is dream...
She looks friggin' amazing.
Can someone cast her in a remake of Mulholland Drive with Julie Christie, please ?
Wow, just wow! She puts the "sex" in Sexagenarian, that's for sure. And I agree, anyone fortunate enough to have a figure like that at 63 -- hell, ANY age -- can and SHOULD wear a bikini. (It's a modest two-piece anyway.)
Criminy. She is amazing. Talented AND beautiful? How utterly unfair.
Although...she obviously works hard at having that great bod.
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