QT's Top Ten of '10Links go to blogposts about those films.
- Toy Story 3
- The Social Network
- Animal Kingdom
- I Am Love
- Tangled
- True Grit
- The Town
- Greenberg
- Cyrus
- Enter the Void
It's an eclectic mix (toons, gleeful violence, melodrama, indie comedies, Hollywood hits) as one should expect from a filmmaker who is a total original despite also being one of the Great Appropriators of modern pop culture. How close will that top ten list above be to his Oscar ballot? I always wonder if AMPAS members actually put their ten favs on their ballots, or if they just vote for their favorites among those they think have a shot?
Hitfix notes that Sofia Coppola's Somewhere, which took the Venice prize that Tarantino juried, does not appear in his top 20. Having served on a few juries myself, I can assure you this isn't odd. You always have a very limited pool to vote on at festivals. Maybe Somewhere is his 21st favorite of the year, you know?

- Lee Unkrich (or does he share the reservations about animation directors competing with live action directors that many voters must feel given that no animation director has ever been nominated?)
- David Fincher
- The Coen Bros or Ben Affleck?
- Luca Guadagnino (I Am Love) or David Michôd (Animal Kingdom) for overseas breakthroughs?
I was thinking that all of the movies in the top 4 include some kind of a , how do I say this, corporation? And it's either illegal or not 100% decent.
Lacho's gang, facebook, the Animal Kingdom crime family, I Am Love's "taking advantage of Jews" company.
Kinda his element, I guess. Or maybe I'm just trying to invent a theory :p
I didn't think twice about Somewhere's absence because Black Swan didn't make his list, either. Venice was the festival that planted the "Mila Kunis is great" seed that seems to be blossoming to an Oscar nomination.
It's "Lotso's." He is the "Lotso Hugging Bear."
OtherRobert -- or maybe he didn't like Black Swan but just loved Mila in it?
Nathaniel, I hadn't even considered that possibility. Would Quentin Tarantino have liked the whole film? That's something to mull over. It has all the pulpy goodness he loves to slather on the screen, but it's used for character study, not plot development. It's not reinvented or twisted, just presented in a pretty standard way. I remember thinking back then that award was Quentin's way of trying to cast Mila Kunis in a future project.
Even if I disagree with some of his choices, I like the kind of movies Tarantino cherishes. BONUS POINT for his ENTER THE VOID inclusion...
the absence of BLACK SWAN is baffling-albite fascinating-and nice to see how far up I AM LOVE placed.
oh how i wish more directors/ actors/ writers gave us their top 10 each year
Volvagia - Oops. I didn't mean to re-invent it :p
Wait...Tarantino, the genius who loves violent exploitation films featuring foot fetishes, Mexican standoffs, and poor treatment of waiters liked TOY STORY 3?
That is a really priceless mental image. I can just imagine him sobbing at the ending. LOL.
The biggest shocker here (for me) is Tangled at #5. What?!
Also-- this makes me reallllly curious to hear his thoughts on Black Swan...
I'd love to know his thoughts on Black Swan too because, well, I absolutely hated it. Most overhyped movie and lead actress performance in years IMO. I thought I would spare myself the agony but I got dragged to go see it. I don't think I have ever agreed more with Red Reed.
Also saw The Fighter. Love Amy Adam but didn't think I would like the film. Greta movie. I didn't even recognize Bale until 20 minutes into the film. Highly recommend it even if you don't care for boxing. The smaller performances from Wahlberg's family really adds to the movie.
Also...really curious to know has Tarantino seen Rabbit Hole?
Geez, could I have made any more spelling mistakes? Sorry!
IAN i know! I want a whole review of it from him. I've never wanted to hear Tarantino jabber on more actually
I know I'm obviously not the first to think it, but Black Swan's absence really surprised me.
I love that he included Greenberg.. I really loved this movie in an odd sort of way ... I would have put Ben Stiller in the running for an Oscar nom ... too bad that is not going to happen.
There are some youtube videos of Tarantino talking about his favorite movies from the past 20 years actually. I love it when he goes on about the movies - his love and enthusiasm are always so contagious. And he's a total softie. I remember that in 2009 he supposedly loved Bright Star so much that he wrote Jane Campion a letter. Imagine that.
wow,i love his taste in movies
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