Best of the Fest (note: I was only able to see 14 films given my workload)
Picture, Director: (tie --don't make me choose yet) Cristian Mungui's 4 Months 3 Weeks and 2 Days and The Coen Bros' No Country For Old Men
Actor, Lead: Javier Bardem, No Country For Old Men (maybe supporting. Still deciding)
Actor, Supporting: Max Von Sydow, Diving Bell and Butterfly
Actress, Lead: Do-Yeon Jeon, Secret Sunshine
Actress, Supporting: Charlotte Gainsbourg, I'm Not There
Ensemble: The "Bob Dylans" in I'm Not There
Cinematography: (tie) Roger Deakins for No Country For Old Men and Edward Lachmann for I'm Not There
Art Direction: Blade Runner: The Final Cut (I know it's 25 years old but it deserves all art direction prizes for the last quarter century, don't you think?)
Costume Design: (tie) Mic Cheminal for A Girl Cut in Two and John Dunne for I'm Not There
Score: Olivier Bernet for Persepolis
Best Kiss: finale, The Romance of Astrée and Celadon
Best Gratuitous Nudity for Which We Thank The Filmmaker: Marisa Tomei in Before the Devil Knows You're Dead (unfortunate side effect: Phillip Seymour Hoffman nudity)
Best Opening Scene: I'm Not There and Margot at the Wedding
Best Ending: 4 Months 3 Weeks and 2 Days
Most Pompous: Julian Schnabel, The Diving Bell and Butterfly (not that he didn't have competition)
Most Confused: Catherine Breillat's translator, The Last Mistress (the director switched from only somewhat intelligible English to French and back again often, and within the same sentence)
Question Devouring Host: Lisa Schwarzbaum EW (seriously Lisa, let the audience have a turn)
Funniest: Waris Ahluwalia, The Darjeeling Limited
Most Articulate: Todd Haynes, I'm Not There
Charm Machine: Patty Clarkson, Married Life
Most Distractingly Sexy: Javier Bardem, No Country...
Best Dressed: Nicole Kidman, Margot at the Wedding
Most Freakishly Robotic: Nicole Kidman -Margot at the Wedding. Y'all know I lurve her but it was like her face turned off when questions weren't address to her and then suddenly, gears shifting rapidly *whrrr [click] bzzt* body leans in, face "on" and she answers the question with articulate automated response and *whrr --bzzzt* questions answered, body leans back, face shuts off again. Creepy (but I still love ya Nic' --If you're not entirely human, that makes you the most talented cyborg actor of all time!)
Special 'Did Not Want to Be There' Prize: The Coen Bros (not that they didn't have competition)
If you missed any of the articles on the festival, click the NYFF label below
I'm jealous. That's all.
So am I. But I could probably barely manage two screenings, much less 14. :)
I knew the Michael Clayton thing was in fact only a mild "wow."
And my, you sure do love a lot of things/people in I'm Not There considering you don't love the whole thing.
Javier Bardem IS very sexy.
Nicole Kidman DOES use a lot of Botox.
And on a completely unrelated note, I thought you'd be happy to learn that I had to watch Notorious and Psycho for my film culture class, since both were your favorites in their respective years (I'm discovering that I really love Hitchcock).
And why, by chance, do you love M*A*S*H so much? I wanna know. Cause I wanna love it, too. But as it is, I merely respect it. I get why it's so well regarded, but I just... don't love it. And I don't get why.
Now I really want to see Secret Sunshine. Does anyone know when we're getting it?
in regards to Bardem's sexiness: it's really gobsmacking.
This is the second time i've seen him live (first time Toronto 04) and it's so different than seeing him onscreen. First time his in person lust-generating mega force absolutely distorted my critical skills (The Sea Inside was terrible and I said yes to it!??? Oy)
so i hope that No Country was as good as I thought it was. ha ha
Nice wrap up (funny too!)
Charlotte Gainsborough over Cate Blanchett for Best Supporting Actress? Really?
Nat, would you (in retrospect) give Bardem the gold medal for Before Night Falls? He sure was sexy in that. And I know you've said Billy Crudup doesn't hold up as well today.
re: charlotte over cate.
yes really.
i thought i would be alone in this but i've seen that mainlymovies blogspot also feels the same
so i know i'm not completely alone but we will be a tiny minority yes,
In case you don't know Kidman is maybe the second most famous female star of the world behind Madonna, she's way more famous than all of the other people who attended NYFF, it's been years that she's in the spotlight, she started acting when she was a teenager, she has already given countless interviews and attended countless festivals and movie premieres...
What did you expect ? She has seen it all. For her it's just another press conference, another Q & A. She's not the enthusiastic newcomer anymore.
I saw her in Cannes in 2003, and everyone was stunned because she looked so good and she was just the ultimates movie star, everyone went crazy when she appeared, there was the biggest crowd of the whole festival
take deep breaths now
i am a huge Kidman supporter
but i'm telling you. it was odd. still she looked like a million bucks
kidman more famous than jennifer lopez!!! or beyonce!!!!
Adam K, I don't think botox was what Nat was talking about but the fact that if a question is not addressed to her then she very much falls into the background until it is her turn, lol. Considering the video clips, pics that I have seen of her of that weekend, if I use botox and look like that then I will be happy, she must be the only one that uses botox and has skin that is about 10 years younger than her age, all the other women seem to have skin that just ages once they've been injected, the people who make botox need to refine it and make it better, even my anti-ageing cream doesn't make the skin that young, lol. I wish she'd let me into the secret, lol.
Thanks Nat for the updates :).
Nat, you are being awfully conservative with your Best Picture choices. Into the Wild for Best Picture? I think you are fearing this year will be another "Crash" year, where self-indulgent important movies will be nominated. Have faith. My picks are...
There Will Be Blood
Michael Clayton
No Country For Old Men
Lust, Caution
The last one is a bold choice, but I am going to stick with it.
i don't think its that conservative. i think it's realistic. only it still looks too "quality" to me.
i just see a 1999 coming. Lots of great movies but they're "difficult" so we get stuff like The Green Mile.
we'll see.
I just have to say that your NYFF coverage was so outstanding and fun: I loved the reviews of all the films, and will gleefully return to all of them when the movies eventually open, but you also really evoked the experience of shuttling between the screenings and the live events and that "festival" feeling of having to see four more movies while you're still trying to absorb the last one. I hope you get to go every year!
Silent light was the best movie at the festival by far. I guess it is among the movies you didnt see, otherwise it should get al least the best opening sequence.
yes i had to work that day :(
swqyrW Your blog is great. Articles is interesting!
5VW3hK Nice Article.
bRGzFs Hello all!
Hello all!
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Please write anything else!
Wonderful blog.
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Wonderful blog.
AHa79p actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Me too :o)
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