But when is she reappearing and will we have another 2002? or a 2004? The IMDB which I've learned to take with multiple grains of salt when it comes to films in the works. Suggests that she is filming Savage Grace, a film about the torturous life of Barbara Daly Baekeland in which Julianne would certainly be nothing other than stupendous. But, the IMDB lists no other cast members. If the movie is truly filming surely Julianne is not playing ALL the roles!?! Well, if anyone could do it... What an overachiever!
The IMDB also claims that she is done filming two projects, Bart Freundlich's Trust the Man which is worth looking forward to because, whatever the arguable merits of deficiences of his two previous features --in both Julianne came on like gangbusters making the most of the material. According to the IMDB she is also done filming The Prize Winner of Defiance Ohio but I fear a Laws of Attraction style trainwreck there given the preciousness of Anderson's last film, the HBO Jessica Lange movie Normal.
And finally, newly announced, is Next based on a Philip K Dick story and co-starring Nic Cage. Nicolas Cage? "Next!" indeed.
Well, I liked Normal more than you did, but even better, Jane Anderson wrote the hell out of The Positively True Adventures of the Alleged Texas Cheerleader-Murdering Mom, which was a whiz-bang role for Holly Hunter. So I'm not throwing in the towel on Defiance, even if the idea of Julianne Moore being married to Woody Harrelson sounds disappointingly like.... Julianne Moore being married to Anthony Edwards or Pierce Brosnan.
And if Freedomland reverted to original director Michael Winterbottom instead of jaw-dropping hack Joe Roth, I'd have some hope there, too. But Juli + Morgan + Edie Falco could still pay off.
And whenever, with whomever, Savage Grace is going to be great. Just wish it had a better title.
At first glance, I thought the woman in the picture was Patricia Clarkson.
I just keep hoping that Todd Haynes will write something magnificent for her and complete their informal trilogy. Moore is always wonderful, but under his direction, she soars.
- Ali
P.S.: Nick is quite cute, is not he?
Can you believe that "Safe" only just got released (THEATRICALLY!!) here late last year...?
I know Australian distributers are horrible but that was hilarious. I remember trying to find it after seeing Far From Heaven but to no avail and then I saw it being reviewed on The Movie Show.
PS; I have nothing else to contribure to this conversation.
to anonymous's "what about Pfeiffer!?" question:
a post for another time. That one is a much more depressing equation. At least Julianne is still making movies. Pfeiffer hasn't worked for over 3 years
I completely agree with you. She is one our greatest actresses, and yet she's done next to nothing for the past two years.
Freedomland is going to be her next project and it no longer has Morgan but Samuel L. Jackson attached to it. Even though the plot is intriguing but Julianne as far as I see yet again plays a mom who is depressed after losing her child, she needs to pick up something different now. And yeah I cannot get over the fact that she lost out on Running with Scissors, and Savage Grace looks more and more unlikely because of finance, or so I have heard, earlier it had Clive Owen and John Malkovich attached to it at some time, now they too are no longer in the picture. Lets hope Trust the Man lives up, cos I want a dose of Billy myself and at least Bart can give Julianne some quality stuff, if not he then who?
I'm not feeling your concern for Prize Winner, what is it about the film that makes you anticipate the worst?
The performance is always good with her, and she'll only need a decent film to flourish. We know they liked her enough to nominate her twice in one year.
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