Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Second season of F&L, now using a combo of dialogue, images and - in this case - sounds. Can you guess the movie?

First image

Last sound whirling sound effects mixed with ominous music. The last line of actual dialogue is a total dead giveaway, plus the final five minutes of the movie was dialogue-free so it makes sense to just describe the music cue. One of the greatest endings of all time if you ask me.

Can you guess the movie?

Highlight for the answer if you're still stumped... Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me (1992) for more first and last puzzles, click on the label below


Janice said...


Max said...


Michiewah said...

I say Poltergeist

Anonymous said...

Is it Baz's 'Romeo + Juliet' ??

Anonymous said...



Glendon said...

My guess is Poltergeist, although I've never seen the end of it.

Unknown said...

i thought it was BAz's R&J myself

Victor S said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Victor S said...

William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet,
also known as Baz Luhrmann' Romeo +Juliet.

Seeing_I said...


Anonymous said...

It reminds me of "Fire Walk With Me," though ole Marsha's been making only wrong decisions ever since "Only When I Laugh," so you can't trust me.

Michael Parsons said...

I totally see David Lynch - although I am really crap at this too.

Anonymous said...

my first thought was R&J as well


I'm thinking RING? maybe not. But my first thought was Poltergeist too. But i don't remember that being dialog free.

Jacob Passy said...

I thought it was R+J as well, which would make this the first time I guessed one of these correctly :)

DrG said...

RING was my first thought...

Aaron said...

The Ring?

Janice said...

I hadn't even noticed that Glenn posted this (not Nathaniel).

Max, I was going back and forth between Poltergeist and Videodrome myself - knowing me, I picked the wrong damn horse as usual.

Henry said...

First guess is Poltergeist for me, even though I have never seen the ending for that film.

I think Romeo and Juliet ends with the news broadcast, doesn't it?


It's not Videodrome, since that film ends with the famous line "long live the new flesh"


and yes BAZ' R&J is very wordy in the end (the newscast framing device)


marsha mason u crack me up. but think of your run leading up to Only When I laugh! good stuff

Anonymous said...

Totally Fire Walk With Me, especially with this "whirling music" bit of your clue.... but I never pegged you as much of a Twin Peaks fan....


anon I think Glenn loves Twin Peaks and I know I do. lovelovelove it.

Jeni said...

My first thought was Poltergeist, so that's what I'm going with.

adelutza said...

I can't believe I didn't figure it out ... it is Fire Walk With Me, absolutely no doubt (now that somebody else mentioned it ...)

Anonymous said...

Nathaniel.... sorry for the mistake! Twin Peaks lovers abound!

The last line, of course:


Michael Parsons said...


Chris Na Taraja said...

My first thought was Poltergeist, but i'm leaning more towards the Ring? Dunno

daedalus said...

I definitely thought poltergeist as well. The sound effect describing the house collapsing. But that was more
te third act climax than the finale. Too many years since I have seen it.

Anonymous said...

is glenn going to give us an answer at some point?

Dan T said...

Romeo + Juliet


Glenn... where are you? What time is it in Australia anyway?

Anonymous said...

Requiem for a Dream

crossoverman said...

It's definitely, 100% Fire Walk With Me and it's 9:19AM in Melbourne as I post this, so... where is Glenn?

Glenn said...

Hah, I'M SO SORRY! I wasn't aware this one would produce such a flurry of comments. I've been places without computer access and/or busy.

The answer is indeed Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me. The film's final line is "Bob, I want all my Garmonbozia", which is why I didn't include it. You Twin Peaks nuts would've gotten that right away.

BIIIG Twin Peaks nut here though.

Thanks for playing, nice to know y'all are paying attention!

Anonymous said...

Score one for ole Marsha!!!

Given the content of this blog, and now that I think of it, I'm surprised there hasn't been more Fire Walk With Me (and general Twin Peaks) content. Or do we subscribe to the ca. 92 consensus that the movie wasn't that great? Or the 00s re-evaluation?

crossoverman said...

The 1992 consensus is wrong. And the 2000s re-evaluation doesn't go far enough. Fire Walk With Me is David Lynch's greatest film, bar none.

Glenn said...

Fire Walk With Me ranks as his third greatest film in my eyes (after Mulholland Drive and Blue Velvet). The 1992 decision was prompted Twin Peaks fans who weren't David Lynch fans.

I love that right after the shot of the TV is a shot of the TV being destroyed as if Lynch is saying "this ain't the tv series, folks!" Genius.

Glenn said...

And now I feel like I've got to be on game for the next few I choose (because Nathaniel doesn't have the time, unfortunately). Gotta find me some ambiguous images.


I like Fire Walk With Me but it's not close to my favorite Lynch. I do think i should reevaluate / rescreen but I was really thrown at the time by the recasting of the Donna Hayward role and the absence of Agent Dale Cooper.

That said the final minutes of Fire Walk With Me are way up there in the favorite things about Lynch's filmography list. And I think Sheryl Lee is freakyfantastic in the movie.