I can't host the podcast on my site anymore (bandwidth charges are killing me) so you'll have to either download from iTunes (enhanced podcast) or download the mp3 from Mediafire. We go on and on but why shouldn't you obsess on the Oscar race with us during your commute, spare time or workout?
People: Sandra Bullock, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Reese Witherspoon, Emily Blunt, Kathryn Bigelow, etcetera. Hot Topics: Critics Groups, BFCA ballots, Globe Noms, Original Score, The Blockbuster Problem. The Movies: mainly The Blind Side, Precious and Up in the Air with cameos by Amelia, Bright Star, Avatar and Nine among many others.
People: Sandra Bullock, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Reese Witherspoon, Emily Blunt, Kathryn Bigelow, etcetera. Hot Topics: Critics Groups, BFCA ballots, Globe Noms, Original Score, The Blockbuster Problem. The Movies: mainly The Blind Side, Precious and Up in the Air with cameos by Amelia, Bright Star, Avatar and Nine among many others.

Disclaimer: Please note that this podcast was recorded prior to the SAG announcement. Usually the SAG nomination announcement is further away from the Globes and shows the changing mood we near the Oscars. This year we will have less clue as to the shifting moods within the industry. This could mean significant surprises come Oscar nomination morning but it definitely means that some of our thoughts are already rendered obsolete by the nominating branch within SAG.
Join the conversation in the comments. The more the merrier!
Hilarious. These are great.
As soon as Nathaniel said, "There was a female member..." I shouted "SARA GILBERT!!!" at the top of my lungs, like a Na'Vi warcry. Made my day.
R.I.P Brittany Murphy! 32, so soon!
R.I.P. Brittany.
Another one gone too soon :-(.
Out of topic but I just came from the IMAX Avatar screening and being too excited to look for the proper spot to say this, I'm going to do it here:
What an awesome movie! This is why I go to cinema :-)
R.I.P. Brittany
Nice podcast. The only bad thing is that the sound can't be perfect because the conversation is via phone and some things sound to low and some too high. What I don't understand is the love (or almost love) for Deshanel's performance. She didn't do anything for me. She was just OK.
Katey refered to Mirren as a default nominee. I think many people thought she was very good, if not nomination-worthy.
Hilarious. Smart and thought provoking as always
These podcasts really do make my day! Loved the Globe commentary as well as those illuminating insights into the business aspects of AVATAR!
As for Joe—whom I love and usually see eye-to-eye with—WHAT is with the Bullock fervor?!? Sorry but I just… don’t.get.it.
Perhaps my rigid animosity for Bullock could be biasing my predictions… but I REALLY do think Emily Blunt (or even Cornish) could nab that last spot. Come on, how many voters are seriously gonna rank Sandra f-ing Bullock above Mery Streep let alone #1 on their ballots.
Find out what's in a Dirty District 9 - I really want to try one.
At least I'm not alone in having no hope for Karen O getting in for score. They just can't, right?
I can't wait to hear what happens next week when you guys talk about Diane Kruger, not Melanie Laurent, getting in at the SAGs.
Admit it, all 3 of you were drunk! This was hilarious and wonderful. My favorite was Katey and her New Moon comment. New Moon is always with us, like the real moon. Priceless!
So Sad...I really liked her. Especially after she worked hard to have the best career out of everyone in Clueless.
I would just like to note that all those movies I was getting shit for not seeing hadn't opened yet! It's hard out here for a pimp who doesn't get advance screenings!
Ryan, I don't know what to tell you. Her performance won't crack my own top 5, but I'm a big believer in the transformative star turn, and if I'm being honest, I like how her success confounds the snobs.
I appreciate these podcast, but please remember, not everyone has seen Up in the Air, Nine, and the latest films, so please try to keep everything spoilerish to the minimum...
Great stuff as usual - my only problem with it is that I can barely hear Nathaniel talking. Of course, I turn the sound up and then someone else speaks and almost deafens me. :(
Viva la podcast!!
If Rosamund Pike is nominated, I'd be super happy.
I wish that my favorite color was fluorescent beige. That would be awesome. Not something boring like blue. Ugh me.
Part 2 was great. Welcome back, Nick!!!! You were missed!!
And I don't care what anybody says. I liked "The Blind Side," and I'll be happy when Sandra Bullock's nominated for it.
Nigel -- i think i know why i'm so hard to hear so I will try to fix for next time.
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