1900-1966 In the first several decades of the movies many were filmed in boring old black and until Ted Turner rescued us by colorizing all those old movies [/sarcasm]... so we don't really know what color many characters were. But green seems to be the favorite for any freakish character be it The Wicked Witch of the West, Swamp Thing, or any number of aliens or monsters. The Tin Man in The Wizard of Oz did have a cool bluish tint, though, which only added to his silver foxiness.
1967 In the second season of Gene Roddenberry's eternal oh god please make it go away! Star Trek series and subsequent media empire, we are introduced to Andorians, stupid looking blue humanoids with antennae. Thankfully they do not become major characters in the films (they only cameo).

1981 What screams "the 80s!" quite like The Smurfs? They're right up there with smiley faces and Rubik's Cubes. They were a Saturday morning staple for the entire decade. Strangely Gargamel, Papa, and Smurfette never made it to cinemas (terrible news for Tina Yothers' dreams of movie stardom). For Smurf's sake, even the Care Bears got a movie! What gives?
1984 Frank Herbert's best selling sci-fi series Dune becomes a movie. It was full of visual effects but the thing I remember best is those glowing blue eyes on David Lynch's stand-in Kyle McLachlan and the 80s version of Anne Heche (Sean Young) . They both played 'freemen' which I think was a fictional religious sect whose members ate a lot of some spice known as melange --which made their eyes into crazysexycool peepers. This still does not explain Paul Newman.

1990 I would probably be remiss to omit the Blue Man Group from this lineup since they're begging for inclusion with their very descriptive name but I just. don't. get. them. They aren't movie folks anyway so damn their ubiquity.

The X-Men movies played the neat trick of revealing the blue freaks in reverse chronological order from their comic book origins. Mystique paved the way onscreen. She's not naked in the comics which only goes to show you that sometimes radical changes from the source material are smart moves. Unfortunately three years later when X2 brought us Alan Cumming as "Nightcrawler" they opted to cover him up. Not to be deterred Alan Cumming made sure everyone saw him naked anyway. Now, Kelsey Grammar will appear as the Beast, one of the founding members of the X-Men way back in 1963. He wasn't blue and furry back then --that particular part of his mutation took root later on --but he was still brainy and beastly. With Kelsey on board, let's pray it's not a blue movie.
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tags: television, Star Trek, Smurfs, movies, celebrities, Paul Newman, Dune, Frank Herbert, XMen, Comic Books, X-Men, Marvel, Alan Cumming
Jeff Goldblum: Sexy.
Alan Cumming: NOT sexy.
Papa Smurf: Total DILF.
That scene from the "Fifth Element" is absolute classic. I adore it!
I still can't believe that the blue opera singer in The Fifth Element isn't Jim Carrey in drag. Identical, I tells ya!
ja -what up with the cumming hate? he's blessedly unique.
neel -good call
That scene was indeed the best thing about The Fifth Element. Although it wasn't anything bad it wasn't as good as it could've been.
One of the only sci-fi shows I actually watched (or did until the network here took it off and then put it on at 2 in the morning) was "Farscape" and that had a couple of blue main characters.
I must say though you sorta committed a starling crime of omitting . I don't even like the movie too much but it's considered one of the most influential sci-fi/animated movies ever.
er, the HTML sorta screwed up there. I meant to type the title "Fantastic Planet" but it didn't and it linked the text? I dunno.
There's just something about Alan Cumming that makes my skin crawl. Can't quite put my finger on it. Nor would I want to. Ever. Shudder.
But I do like him when he's not trying to act as if there's a chance in this universe that he could EVER be sexy. I liked him as Nightcrawler.
This is the most awesomest post ever.
Hey, I resemble those remarks! Except the "stupid" bit.
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