...is now online. I'm not one of those skeptics who assumes this'll be a disaster. I mean, nobody knew what to make of Donnie Darko either at first, right. _________right?
In other news: NYFF centric posts will probably begin on Monday. Sorry for the delay but N__a____t___h___a___n___i___e___l ... He be stretched way too thin.
I dunno... Darko had a vibe from the very beginning.
This looks overworked and overbearing. I'm sure the pressure to follow Darko was tremendous for Richard Kelly, but in those instances it's better to go 180 degrees in the opposite direction.
Unfortunately, it looks like Kelly decided to try and out-weird Darko, which Tim Burton couldn't do even after a lobotomy.
i can only speak from experience. i saw Donnie Darko on ... I think... opening weekend (I'm not sure) on a whim because the movie my friend wanted to see was horribly bad and we left after 15 minutes to jump into Darko. My friend had heard nothing about it. I knew only vague bits (Kelly was an unknown director and gyllenhaal hadn't yet truly ascended)
half of the audience seemed totally confused by it, the other half entranced. lots of dazed looks exiting the theater.
I love Donnie Darko, but listening to Richard Kelly's audio commentary on the DVD, I didn't get the impression he had any idea what he was doing. Everything I'm seeing in this trailer sort of bolsters that thought.
I agree with Ray. Kelly should have gone 180 degrees in the opposite direction for his second film, but I'll give this one the benefit of the doubt until Netflix sends me a copy.
I dunno... Darko had a vibe from the very beginning.
This looks overworked and overbearing. I'm sure the pressure to follow Darko was tremendous for Richard Kelly, but in those instances it's better to go 180 degrees in the opposite direction.
Unfortunately, it looks like Kelly decided to try and out-weird Darko, which Tim Burton couldn't do even after a lobotomy.
Fantastic trailer but what's with the credits roll? Myriad of names in this film and those are the only ones they run? Come on.
i can only speak from experience. i saw Donnie Darko on ... I think... opening weekend (I'm not sure) on a whim because the movie my friend wanted to see was horribly bad and we left after 15 minutes to jump into Darko. My friend had heard nothing about it. I knew only vague bits (Kelly was an unknown director and gyllenhaal hadn't yet truly ascended)
half of the audience seemed totally confused by it, the other half entranced. lots of dazed looks exiting the theater.
Looks pretty fun. But it could be too much. I can't wait to find out, and I'm still undecided on Darko.
@ Nate - Which side were you on? Confused or entranced?
I was entranced with everything except the forced and mostly unnecessary dinner scene at the beginning. Pretty remarkable flick.
both sides
I will give this the benefit of the doubt.
Darko is one of my favourites. If only because it reintroduced me to the wonder that is Mary McDonnel.
I think it looks very intriguing. There are some fantastic character actors in the cast. It could work. I'm looking forward to it.
This actually looks quite good. Kelly seems to have a notion of what he's doing, and I'll trust that.
Plus, I've always thought The Rock could actually be a pretty damned good actor. That charisma is pretty undeniable.
Nathaniel T
I love Donnie Darko, but listening to Richard Kelly's audio commentary on the DVD, I didn't get the impression he had any idea what he was doing. Everything I'm seeing in this trailer sort of bolsters that thought.
I agree with Ray. Kelly should have gone 180 degrees in the opposite direction for his second film, but I'll give this one the benefit of the doubt until Netflix sends me a copy.
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