You know the old Hollywood saying
"dying is easy but comedy is hard"? I've never doubted that its truth. But you know what the mythical "they" don't say that I bet is equally true:
'Pulling off sweeping epics with lots of kissing? Not a piece of cake!' For huge romantic films to soar the casting has to be perfect, the chemistry has to sizzle and the size and stylistic choices of the movie walk a delicate highwire. Any false step and your lovers can go tumbling into the kitsch of Harlequin paperback cliché. There's also the very real trap of cheapening history by reducing it to pretty backdrop for the tortured swooning of very beautiful people. Not surprisingly the historical epic, whether fictional or 'true story based', sometimes ignores romance altogether or relegates it to subplot.
The subject is relevant since the super sized Baz Luhrmann epic
Australia will soon hit theaters and, if people swoon along with its photogenic lovers, it could be up for Oscars. How many? Which ones?
Is Oscar an easy lay for this specific type of film or do they only swoon when Mr & Mrs Perfect come courting?
Read the rest for an incomplete history of big scale love stories courting the Academy.
"Auastralia" remains perhaps my most anticipated film of the season (it's neck-in-neck with "Milk"), but I've decided not to put too much Oscar stock in it. It looks undoubtedly breathtaking, and I expect noms for art direction, cinematography, editing, et.al. to be locks, but the material seems like it may be too hollow for Oscar. Unless there's something about the Outback that I'm not aware of, thematically it appears to be the most lightweight of any contender. That said, I've already booked my screening and I'm counting the days.
Great piece Nathaniel! I didn’t realize what a dry spell the “romantic epic” had during the ’70s. Yikes.
As for 2008, the last few years have shown Oscar veering more serious, masculine and even grim. If this trend continues, it could spell trouble for “Australia” and “Benjamin Button”.
But for a nom, I think “Australia” would seriously have to suck for it not to make the final five. With divisive films comes fiercely loyal fans- which translates to #1 placements on ballots. Plus, it will appeal to the tech branches and we know the HFPA is sure to love it.
Either way, I’m dying to see it. They’ll be a lot of reasons to salivate this Thanksgiving!
if its labelled classic it sweeps easy,tech noms are certainty,noms pic,dir,act,ass,art d,costumes,orig s/play,m - up,music,sound gosh they may create a special award just for kidman best supporting lips!!!.
The Academy has been in an anti-epic mood of sorts lately. I'm not expecting too much with "Australia" in terms of nominations -- techs maybe, but beyond that, it looks like they're going the smaller, darker, more indie, more non-traditional "Oscar-bait" route now with what they recognize. I say all of that highly anticipating the Baz/Nicole reunion and the utter deliciousness of Hugh Jackman, so don't label me as a "hater."
I'd say "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" might be included.
And obviously last year's nominees "No country for old men" and "There will be blood". Just joking with these two; however it's kind of sad to find out that love is no longer "fashionable".
Weirdly this makes me want to watch Atonement again.
I have always felt that Australia will turn out to be Memoirs of a Geisha pt 2.... Pretty, good performance or two, but underwhelming
there was a good performance in Memoirs???
Nicholas and Alexandra was kind of a romantic epic (best pic nom in '71). And don't knock Gong Li in Memoirs cause she WILL find out and she WILL get her revenge! (I wish Gong Li would stop doing crap like Miami Vice and step up to fill the hole Maggie Cheung's "retirement" left in Asian cinema).
Me again, i just thought that American Graffiti is kind of a romantic epic too! A little light on the epic side but so is An American in Paris so whatever.
Did you guys catch Oprah today!? She said "Australia" is the best movie she has seen in a long, long, long time! "literally swept me off my feet!"
Speaking of Romantic Epics, I seriously think you guys are underestimating Cate Blanchett for Benjamin Button. I've been hearing from more than one source at different times that Cate steals the show.
Just a little mistake...
Gigi won the Oscar for Best Picture
anon -- i can't recall a film with Cate in it where that wasn't said prior to the film opening.
but even if she is great in it --which isn't unlikely given that she's quite an actress -- I've just always felt that they'd skip her for this one since it's not really her film for once and because she's been so frequently rewarded -and double nodded last year. It's hard to find people who think she was deserving for The Golden Age.
eduardo -thanks. i'm fixing it.
No way Oprah has seen AUSTRALIA. I'm pretty sure they haven't locked off all reels for sound mixing yet. She's been shown bits and pieces.
well yesterday she and her whole audience claimed that they had seen it. i watched the show.
more on this later if i find the time
My question is that did Oprah see the NEW version or the OLD one?
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