Then fuck you, Jack Outlaw Vern on Animal Kingdom 'Australia's answer to Goodfellas'. Hilarious as always, that Vern.
Tom & Lorenzo "Kristin Chenoweth had a gayer Saturday night than we did."
The Onion "Oscar Contenders" It's all about the killer punchline.
SteveMartinToGo every so often I forget how much I love Steve Martin and then I remember while laughing. Usually I have this weird split second where I don't laugh. And then I start laughing.
Pajiba Why comic actors keep making such terrible movies. Oh, wait. This isn't funny. It's just about the funny. It's kind of sad actually.
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The day WINGS won the first Oscar -hey, we discussed that one! |
5 News Bits of Note I'm going to love this Oscar countdown stopping in on each ceremony. Wheeee
Backstage Blogstage They're going to let the Glee cast graduate in 2012. Smart move for longevity (if the phenom show can manage longevity that is.)
Bad Ass Digest Cate Blanchett will remain Galadriel (The Hobbit casting)
Artforum it's not really "news" unless you wait for it each year and I do: John Water's Top Ten List: Jackass 3D, Dogtooth and more...
Movie|Line must-read interview with Jesse Eisenberg. He's a great candid interview but saying...
It’s hard to kind of attribute any kind of personal success to [it]. I just feel that I’ve been better in other things, so the fact that there’s so much attention on this movie in some ways is a bit jarring to me. Because I wonder what will happen if I’m not involved in something as great as this... the reception is not in accordance with what I felt I produced....probably isn't the best way to secure oneself an oscar nomination.
Just sayin'.
Is Eisenberg INSANE!? If Mo'Nique actually wanted pay for media appearances, I'd understand it, but this, saying "I've done better work", is stupid and presumptuous. You are NEVER the best judge of your own work. EVER. Either as Actor or Director or Writer or Whatever Else: You keep going until you die, and it's up to others to anoint your contributions to cinema appropriately.
ahhh...Outlawvern, gotta love a good review of Animal Kingdom - call one of our films good and we're won over for life haha.
Putting Aussie pride aside, it is one of the best films we've come out with in a long time.
considering eisenberg gave the exact same performance in the squid and the whale i applaud him for his honesty
I dont know, he's also so self-deprecating and stammering that it comes off as more adorably weird and awkward than obnoxious.
That "comedy actors" article. YIKES. Why do actors work if there's no good material? I think it stems from three issues: 1. The influences that have to be stepped on are too weird/dark for the mainstream (Anger, Bunuel, Lynch, The Archers, Welles, Hitchcock, Scorsese.) 2. No one's willing to go back to basics. Look at Lubitsch, Sturges and Woody Allen. Why do their comedies still work? Why have most of their other contemporaries (Capra, McCarey, Nichols) comedies stopped working? 3. Cut the ad-libbing bull crap. Broad doesn't have to be bad. But ad-libbing is more inconsistent than sticking with a mediocre script.
The Onion-LOL.
Wings-My, the ceremony looks different.
John Waters Top 10-Domain sounds semi-interesting, I heard it's divisive. The only one of those 10 I've seen is Dogtooth.
Wow, how awesome to hear an actor say something that truly breaks the self-serving norm.
I could see Academy voters reading this and saying, "Aw, he's so modest, I'll vote him in!"
I really like his honesty. Sandra Bullock was also honest enough to say (more or less) that she didn't deserve the Oscar.
Awards are an honor. Not LSD. You can get one (or get close to it) and still be sane.
Lol, Eisenberg doesn't seem to care about the oscar at all. In the roundtable he was saying that on TSN, out of 50 takes, only 2 would be good, and the other 48 would be terrible. I applaude honesty though, even if he's wrong.
He's always been modest of his work, that's how he always is in interviews I've seen of him, and I find it endearing. I do believe he deserves a Best Actor nod. His performance in "The Social Network" blew me away. I've never seen him or even knew of him prior to that film.
"Sandra Bullock was also honest enough to say (more or less) that she didn't deserve the Oscar. "
And yet, she campaigned like her life depended on winning it. (sorry, need to let this go)
I feel like most of Eisenbergs peers will applaud him. Im sure most actors feel the same way about themselves in many instances, he just has the balls to call it out. I disagree with him entirely, but if thats how he feels then who's to hate on him for saying so?
I'd say that "The Social Network" and "The Squid and the Whale" are tied for Jesse Eisenberg's best performances. Hope the rest of that article didn't come off as smug as that quote. That's not the way you get nominations or win Oscars.
And while I get that the "Glee" kids can't go on in high school indefinitely, it'll be a sad day when there's no more great Lea Michele numbers, or Chris Colfer being awesome and breaking your heart, or seeing Cory Monteith's adorable and goofy mug every week. Some of the cast are already pushing 30 though. The new class better be awesome, b/c they'll have big shoes to fill.
Timothy -- agreed. What I don't get about this or other high school shows is why they don't vary up the age ranges of the principal cast more. For example: if the current cast was a mix of freshman through seniors, actors leaving would never be a possible death blow for the series because you would be loving people from each year and the show would never have to start from scratch.
plus it'd be more realistic because clubs usually involve people of every age range within the school.
not that realism is high on Glee's roster of accomplishments/concerns/habits.
Volvagia, you're majorly over-reacting. Since when is an actor not allowed to critique his/her own work? I've read the rest of the article, and it seems like Eisenberg is simply embarrassed awed by the praise that's been lavished upon him, and simply trying to deflect all credit towards David Fincher instead of trying to claim any of it himself. I disagree, but it's totally ridiculous to attack him for saying "no, I don't think I was that special in this...." He's not saying "pshaw, that was nothing - I think I give extraordinary performances on a daily basis". He's just trying to be modest about it. Nor is he trying to pass his self-critique as the ultimate judgement, so CALM down, and next time read the article in context. What a pain it must be for the actors, having every little comment blown out of proportion.
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