In Contention on another 'Year of the Woman.'
Acidemic's wildly surprising top ten. Erich is his own man as a critic. Which is why I like reading him.
BoingBoing life size wax figure of Patrick Swayze in Road House. No really.
Playbill if you're in NYC for the holidays, a ton of good shows are closing. Here's your last chance to see them.
Movie|Line Mike Ryan looks back at his year interviewing celebrities.
The Wrap 25 new films for the National Historic Registry including A Tree Grows in Brooklyn and The Exorcist.
Chateau Thombeau Joan Crawford in a loud dress. (love the punchline)
And now from the completely random department, Ranker has a list of the "steamiest incestuous relationships on film" a perfect topic for the, uh, holidays? The list has a surprising amount of good films on it (from Chinatown --um the incest is not steamy. Ewww! -- to The Lion King (yes, really) to The Dreamers). But the obvious exclusion, and you can't really make a list this specific without including it is Close My Eyes which features a very young and constantly naked Clive Owen as a man who just really loves his big sister. Do you love Clive Owen? Like a brother or...
Where he be anyway?
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
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How come Pulp Fiction hasn't been inducted into the National Film Registry yet?
robert -- i can't say that i know how their process works because the films tend to come from all over the place (chronologically speaking) each year.
if you do find out how the process works, let's find out why 'showgirls' isn't in there yet! someone there must be aching to put catch-phrases such as "different places!! (cue flying french fries)" into the national archives.
Well, the Registry inducts what it describes as "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant films." No offense to Malcolm X, Fargo and Hoop Dreams, but Pulp Fiction is arguably the most culturally and historically and aesthetically significant film of the 90's.
robert -- many would agree with you. What i don't understand though is what their criteria is in any given year? like are they required to have some films from all basic eras or whatever...
it just seems so random each year. (other than that many of the films are great)
Anybody can nominate up to 50 films in a year, the only restrictions being that the films have to be at least 10 years old and not already on the Registry. For info on how to nominate, go to And Robert, if you do decide to nominate some films for the Registry next year, I'll be happy to "second" Pulp Fiction!
Nathaniel - I think they try to include a variety of movies each year, including documentaries, different film genres/styles (thrillers, science fiction, romance, comedy, animation, etc.), films made by women or non-whites, independent/non-Hollywood films, and a wide variety of shorts. (Note that there can be a fair amount of overlap between any of these areas!)
So, would you consider devoting a post (when you have time) to some of the films you'd nominate to the Registry?
oh clive...
how i heart that man. his work in "CLOSER" was easily one of my 10 favorite performances from the last decade. i've always found him to be one of the sexiest men to EVER grace the silver screen and to think he's only gotten better looking with age. just... YUM.
ryan -- but have you seen CLOSE MY EYES? it is a scorcher -- despite the sick subject matter ;)
rob t -- that's a great idea for a post actually.
I know this is completely random (what is else is new?) but I just finished watching Black Swan for the second time and the funniest thing happened: suddenly I found myself very bored by the first half of the movie. It just felt... unnecessary. And the same goes for Portman's performance.
Don't get me wrong, she's still amazing (Oscar-worthy, damn-near transcendent!) but now I only feel that way about her in the second half. The first 45 minutes just feels like a broken record now. Maybe it's because I already know where it's going, maybe it's because I was watching it on my computer, maybe it's both? I don't know. Has anyone else seen it twice?
I'm not a big fan of The Exorcist, but it sure has left a lasting impact in how horror is shown on the screen, for better and worse. Airplane, however, is a national treasure. And by national treasure, I mean it features Ethel Merman playing a male air force pilot singing show tunes.
nathaniel -- have i seen CLOSE MY EYES?!? huh, you weren't the only one who had certain scenes of that DVD on replay. and yes, it's rather sick too but if there were ever a film needing the blu-ray treatment... ;)
btw, clive was wonderful in last year's THE BOYS ARE BACK, carried the movie in fact and , guh, does Greig Fraser make him look ever yummy (even as treads widowerdom)
Clive Owen is the sexiest human being alive.
The Lion King??
"...constantly naked Clive Owen". That's the best phrase I've read all day.
silencio -- yeah, apparently being from the same "pride" means you have the same father? Which means that whatshisname and whatshername are half-siblings.
(sorry, i don't remember the lion king well)
My choice? The underappreciated Parker Posey vehicle The House of Yes, which cemented her rep as the queen of indies. Loved how she made mincemeat out of Tori Spelling, or pretty much any one else in the film. Besides, it mostly took place over Thanksgiving week-end.
Thanks for the Chateau shout-out! Miss Crawford thanks you, too.
Лам-истребители послушно выходили из боя, но ни один из пилотов не понимал, в чем дело и почему им приказали уходить. Истребитель командира эскадрильи только начал разворот, когда все простраство вокруг залил мертвенный синий свет, и по глазам ударила вспышка, испарившая сразу добрый десяток атакующих. Васька взвыл от пронзившей тело боли, одновременно бешеными зигзагами уводя истребитель из зоны поражения. Живая машина кричала и плакала от боли в смятой и обожженной оболочке, а вместе с ней кричал и плакал пилот, чья нервная система составляла единое целое с нервной системой истребителя. Но живучесть лам-истребителей вошла в поговорку, и вскоре он пришел в себя, принявшись поспешно заращивать повреждения.
Флаг-генерал Фарстад дернулся при этих словах и мертвенно побледнел. Посол ласково улыбнулся ему, смотря на генерала, как смотрит удав на кролика. Потом достал из распахнувшегося перед ним маленького гиперпортала толстую папку и протянул президенту. Тот принял папку и в полной растерянности посмотрел на мгновенно насторожившегося министра безопасности.
Чего вы еще от меня хотите? мрачно спросил тот.
Даже так? взлетели вверх брови седого. Кланяюсь мастеру. И поздравляю вас, Семин. Стать учеником Кержака Черного большая честь.
Васька тихо посмеивался, слушая какими словами обложили легионера возмущенные пилоты. Да и правы они, если разобраться, о таких вещах нужно сообщать до боя, а не тогда, когда они сами обо всем узнали, заплатив за это знание жизнями друзей. Пусть себе ругаются. Но вот как справиться с орудийными платформами на астероидах?
Чешуйчатых мордах команды, занятой уничтожением Проекта руководство государственной безопасности извещено о вашем заговоре, и очень хотят вас всех видеть. Если бы вы только знали, откуда вспоминать, недовольно проворчал господин флаг-генерал. Флаг-адмирал понял, что вскоре нашел глыбу, летевшую несколько.
[URL=]Аллергия на амброзию у детей[/URL]
похудеть со слабительным
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