It's that time again. Last Sunday in the month = a "Supporting Actress Smackdown" with StinkyLulu and the entourage. The year is 1961. Watch this clip
It's five theatrical minutes with a really fine vintage crop: the legendary JUDY G, history-making Rita Moreno, Mrs. Kurt Weill Lotte Lenya, Oscar winner Fay Bainter, and Una Merkel! When you're done watching the fun clipreel, see what the boys have to say this afternoon over at StinkyLulu. You can comment there about your favorites in this race and vote on next month's lineup, too.
(you can discuss here, as well. I'd particularly love feedback on these clipreels)
tags: Judy Garland, Rita Moreno, Tennessee Williams,Oscars, Academy Awards, celebrities, movies, cinema, films,
OMG this was wonderful. The last moment with Judy and Rita was totally shocking and made my day!
Awesome ... just awesome. What a cool way to wake up this morning.
This is such a cool idea. Fay Bainter is my pick from the evidence here, though I've only seen Moreno and Garland in context with the rest of their movies...
fay bainter is a class act all the way. she's great in all of those 30 pictures
the smackdowners really love her too. Like with Rita Moreno there's a total consensus on the value of that performance.
I made my thoughts on the performances over at Stinky's blog. The clip though was fantastic.
It's amazing that you can even make these!
Oh god, I could watch that last bit all day...
"What are YOU trying to do??? Are you trying to... wu-"
"SMOKE on your PIPE... and put THAT in!!!"
Bitchslap! So priceless. I will never look at that line the same way again.
Doesn't Rita Moreno looks like Marissa Tomei in My Cousin Vinny?
This was fantastic! I love these clips of yours. Admittedly, I've only seen Moreno of these 5 women, but hers is one of my favorite Oscar wins in this category. Wonderful performance.
I really enjoy these clips because I really haven't seen most of these older nominees, so it's nice to get a little taste of them.
Absolutly not Rita Moreno !
The ten minutes performance's Gardland is wonderful, but I have loved Bainter in the picture and Lenya is pretty good so.
I have not seen Summer and smoke alas ...
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