The morning after the Golden Globes, Joe and I met for a chat. JOE REID: We're totally starting with the important shit: best/worst dressed. NATHANIEL R: I just put on another pot o' coffee. This could take all day. [Read the rest...]
I L-O-V-E Geena Davis and was so happy she won. Watching her speech, I just couldn't stop smiling. Really whenever I see her, I can never stop smiling. She's awesome. And I actually watch her show... it's not CINEMA but it's really fun in that pulpy TV way. It's really Geena, Donald Sutherland, and the inspirational, forward-thinking vibe of it that keeps me coming back for more. I need to get that from somewhere now that the real political landscape is in the toilet. But yeah, her speech was aweomse, and also, how amazing does she look for her age? I love her.
And that comment about scraping your eye on Marcia Cross's bony cleavage made me do a double take, it was so outlandishly funny.
And I actually liked Gwynnie a lot last night. I thought she was so cute the whole time she was presenting to Hopkins. Wasn't into Weisz's scary gothic look, though.
Also, how did you transcribe this? Was this an actual real-life conversation? Did you tape it? Or was it online? I am curious.
I love it when you guys have these discussions and share them with the rest of us (ex - North Country review, etc). You must do them more often, even after awards season.
Whenever Nat and Joe have these chats I always figured it was on MSN or AIM or something like that. It would be much easier like that. Plus, Joe said to correct his spelling mistakes, so...
Scarlett looks freakin fantastic even if it was Jessica Rabbit '06. She showed cleavage but not in the "my dress is ten sizes too small" variety like usual.
Yeah, she did look very Jessica Rabbit, didn't she?
I thought maybe it was a reality-based chat, since Nat talked about them "getting together" and then "putting on a pot of coffee" or something. But yeah, does Joe even live in NYC? Perhaps not.
But yeah, the Nat/Joe chats are quality. More, please. It should be a weekly occasion, really... perhaps to replace the weekly Joe Reid column that is now apparently only semi-regular.
Fun recap, guys! I usually watch at home by myself, and Mr. Brilliant would rather have hot metal spikes driven through his eyeballs than sit through an awards show, so I end up talking to the walls and the cat.
Glad I'm not the only one who thought Rachel Weisz looked awful. But the Truly Scary award goes to Anne Hathaway. Yeesh. She looked like Judy Garland on a very bad day.
I L-O-V-E Geena Davis and was so happy she won. Watching her speech, I just couldn't stop smiling. Really whenever I see her, I can never stop smiling. She's awesome. And I actually watch her show... it's not CINEMA but it's really fun in that pulpy TV way. It's really Geena, Donald Sutherland, and the inspirational, forward-thinking vibe of it that keeps me coming back for more. I need to get that from somewhere now that the real political landscape is in the toilet. But yeah, her speech was aweomse, and also, how amazing does she look for her age? I love her.
And that comment about scraping your eye on Marcia Cross's bony cleavage made me do a double take, it was so outlandishly funny.
And I actually liked Gwynnie a lot last night. I thought she was so cute the whole time she was presenting to Hopkins. Wasn't into Weisz's scary gothic look, though.
Also, how did you transcribe this? Was this an actual real-life conversation? Did you tape it? Or was it online? I am curious.
Nat and Joe have a portal to each other's brain.
There is more tit in that Latifah/Scarlett photo than I have ever seen, ever.
I love it when you guys have these discussions and share them with the rest of us (ex - North Country review, etc). You must do them more often, even after awards season.
Whenever Nat and Joe have these chats I always figured it was on MSN or AIM or something like that. It would be much easier like that. Plus, Joe said to correct his spelling mistakes, so...
Scarlett looks freakin fantastic even if it was Jessica Rabbit '06. She showed cleavage but not in the "my dress is ten sizes too small" variety like usual.
Yeah, she did look very Jessica Rabbit, didn't she?
I thought maybe it was a reality-based chat, since Nat talked about them "getting together" and then "putting on a pot of coffee" or something. But yeah, does Joe even live in NYC? Perhaps not.
But yeah, the Nat/Joe chats are quality. More, please. It should be a weekly occasion, really... perhaps to replace the weekly Joe Reid column that is now apparently only semi-regular.
Fun recap, guys! I usually watch at home by myself, and Mr. Brilliant would rather have hot metal spikes driven through his eyeballs than sit through an awards show, so I end up talking to the walls and the cat.
Glad I'm not the only one who thought Rachel Weisz looked awful. But the Truly Scary award goes to Anne Hathaway. Yeesh. She looked like Judy Garland on a very bad day.
Thanks, Jill. I love your blog.
This is very interesting site... »
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