Thursday, April 22, 2010

First and Last, 3.25

the first image after the opening credits
and the last image before the end credits...

Can you guess the movie?

If you're still stumped, highlight for the answer: It's THE DOOM GENERATION


cal roth said...

This aspect ratio looks like 1.37 and is so Rohmer. But could it be Wenders' The American Friend?

BeRightBack said...

Doom Generation?

Jason Adams said...

BeRightBack got it, it's The Doom Generation. And here I was worried this one would prove tough!

I even had the hint figured out that I'd give if nobody could guess it, something along the lines of "The female star of this movie went on to (allegedly) steal a well-known director away from his wife," which would narrow down the field somewhat but not that much either, since actresses are always stealing directors from their wives. (Allegedly.)

cal roth said...

off topic: LOVED the black & white banner.


i was going to guess DOOM GENERATION --or at least a Greg Arakki movie movie but BeRightBack beat me to it!

BeRightBack said...

I can't believe I actually got one of these! It helps you picked a movie I watched a kazillion times as a high school/college student (also: Parker Posey's cameo!).

Jordan Ruimy said...

hmmm what a film