It's probably my favorite Trek movie, with Wrath of Khan a close second. Something about that fish-out-of-water banter as they learn to deal with life in 1984...
For the record, I would've gotten this within minutes, too. I totally recognize the probe in the first shot and the "let's see what she's got" warp trail at the end. Trekkie from way back...
I can never get these, but this time, the opening looks vaguely familiar.
Star Trek IV - The Voyage Home
"Let's she what she's got..."
Yeah those are def. the trails of the Enterprise zooming off, I just had no idea which Trek movie it was from.
I figured "which" Trek movie would be difficult but SeangSTM got it within minutes of its posting. Damn you SeangSTM! ;)
The best of all Trek movies? I think it has my vote.
It's probably my favorite Trek movie, with Wrath of Khan a close second. Something about that fish-out-of-water banter as they learn to deal with life in 1984...
"Well, a double dumb-ass on you!"
Well, I never would've got that one. I've only seen one Star Trek movie (2009 edition), and no episodes of the show.
Oh, damn. I thought it was Star Trek: The Motion Picture.
Now, I'm gonna Netflix that movie to revisit it.
I actually like Star Trek: First Contact, that features the new generation cast. Captain Picard is captured by the borg....Resistance is futile.
For the record, I would've gotten this within minutes, too. I totally recognize the probe in the first shot and the "let's see what she's got" warp trail at the end. Trekkie from way back...
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