This is so irritating. Everyone who is remotely paying attention knows that FOX News is a right-wing propaganda machine. But one can forsee in this article something brewing that will become more widespread as
Brokeback Mountain continues to platform. This idea that gay visibility [this time in the form of a successful movie] MEANS that the gays are taking over. It's so silly. Two must-read blogs
ModFab and
Towleroad have done a fine job of tracking this brewing backlash/panic if you'd like to keep an eye on the situation. But back to the matter at hand...
Heterosexuals everywhere: Try to be breathe.
You're not going to become extinct if your homosexual counterparts have one movie to enjoy that is publicly celebrated. Learn to share the world with others. You're sexual proclivities are in no danger of going the way of the dinosaur if
Brokeback Mountain wins the Oscar. Know what else is not going away? Movies that present men as macho ass kicking poon-hounds. Tom Cruise will always be there for you!
There's room for all of us in the movie theater.
That is disgusting!
The writer is so stupid that he proclaims TransAmerica is also about homosexuals, when all he sould really do is grab a dictionary to realize what the definition of "transsexual" actually is.
That is just sick and wrong. FOX Propoganda-I refuse to call it news-is one of the most heinous things about our media today.
Well, they'd better just ignore the oscars then, cause if they can't stomach Brokeback OR Good Night and Good Luck, then they won't much enjoy the ceremony.
What I hate most is the Orwellian "lying through their teeth" kind of tone, devoting a whole article to how bad it is that the gays are taking over hollywood but then trying to sound like they're really OK with it.
It's in the same vein as "Let me repeat once more... it's not that we're AGAINST your religion. We're not. That's not it at all. It's just that we know the only real religion is Christianity."
I am ashamed to admit that my grandparents watch FOX News... it's funny, because they seem to understand that it's off the mark a lot of the time, and yet they continue to go there for their news, I assume because it's familiar or something. They're in total denial. Ugh.
It's the same thing Drudge did. It's trumping up controversey in the guise of a "no judgments, I'm just sayin'" attitude.
It's typical Friedman, of course. I don't think I've ever read anything by him that wasn't agenda-laden about something or another.
"Of course, all of this has played out so far only on the coasts. Will "Brokeback" make it into the suburbs and up into the hills? Will Memphis, Oklahoma City, Hartford and Pittsburgh embrace it as enthusiastically? How about Larchmont, Grosse Point, Scottsdale and River Oaks?"
There is a advance showing of BBM tonight in Scottsdale before it opens tomorrow that is already sold out. That should answer that question.
You'd think Middle America would get tired of everyone telling them what kinds of movies they're not going to like.
All this talk of Brokeback not being able to make money is BS. It is already in the profit zone and will hit $50 million easily... I'm guessing it ends up in Sideways-type mass-acclaim-induced $70 million range... if not more.
it's not already in profit. but given its low cost ($11 million) it will definitely get there.
I read in some James Schamus interview that they got back the production costs by selling the film to foreign distributors, and that it technically started making a profit, like, yesterday... but I'm not entirely sure how true that is.
That's sort of like when Baz Luhrmann came out and said that "Moulin Rouge is finally making money!" meaning that it had finally made back every cent and was now just drumming profits.
Anyway, here here about the article. Couldn't agree more.
And, yes, Tom Cruise and his extremely macho heterosexuality will save all of them from the war of the gays or whatever.
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