A sense of humor about oneself is crucial to survival. So thumbs up, Linds. But, damnit, stop looking at the teleprompter! Memorize your lines. You know how to do that. Remember when you were 12 and you could do that plus juggle accents, act with yourself convincingly never flubbing a sight line and risk comparison to Hayley Mills? Hayley freaking Mills! And that was your feature debut. [sigh]

This post has been brought to you by Nathaniel's recent unplanned cable screening of Parent Trap (1998) in which this 'redhead with a little bit of sass' was completely awesome, Dennis Quaid leaned with ease on his familiar megawatt charms and Natasha Richardson was unexpectedly funny. [sniffle]
Well put. I was trying to think of Lohan's next best film. Mean Girls, perhaps? I was wondering where Lohan's acting ability got lost in the gossipy mix.
I thought that was a cute video :)
Unlike Paris, this girl is smart.
To me, the video is a FAIL. I understand what she's trying to do, but it just feels too desperate.
I wish she'd leave LA for awhile and collect herself.
college would help
ehh, I thought it was funny, in the vein of the election-era Paris Hilton video.
Speaking of the parent trap...Nathaniel,i love that picture of Diane Keaton on your banner,makes me want to see something's gotta give again!
I love that scene!
I watch that version of the Parent Trap probably once a year because my dad inexplicably loves it, and there are no words for the talent Lohan shows there and my sadness at how it's been lost. Oh, and the Freaky Friday remake too.
22 is way too young to be done for, Lindsay! Take some time off and show us what you can really do when you come back.
Lindsay Rules! This video is a great gambit to remind us she's a badass and doesn't take anything the tabloids say about her seriously.
Is this supposed to mean she broke up with DJ Ronson? Where have I been, the moon? I'd go out with her except it would cause me to relapse inside of a week.
Her ability got lost when she started drinking and snorting it away folks. Some actors can handle drugs, or at least are functional addicts, poor Lindsey has a huge problem.
I have hopes that she'll be back in full force, when she's done partying. Maybe by the time they redo the film Virginia Wolf, she'll be ready.
This slide down the hill started before the drugs. She was a spoiled little thing, even as far back as Parent Trap where her mother let her behave like a brat through out the filming. Ever wonder why she didn't work for years after?
Lindsay has an entitlement issues, and is a narcissist.
Yes, you can blame the parents.
I wish LiLo would grow back her Mean Girl boobies.
Ugh. That was wretched.
I'm not laughing at her. I'm laughing towards her.
I've never understood what people see in her.
Fox... do you mean the fake ones? Cuz those were two kinds of disturbing. or were the fake ones after mean girls?
all i know is her breasts looked totally alien in that marilyn monroe inspired photo shoot a couple years back.
She was really good in "Freaky Friday" (though a bit upstaged by Jamie Lee Curtis), and that wasn't *that* long ago.
I Keep expecting her to do something awesomely dramatic -sigh- one can only hope...
I only appreciate Lindsey Lohan because of you, Nate.
eHarmony hates gays.
SO Lindsay can't find a girlfriend on there.
I was wondering where she kept looking to! Teleprompter..very clever...
Honestly, I thought it more sad then funny...
I really hope Lohan gets her act together. She has talent and I do miss her Disney days (Parent Trap, Freaky Friday, etc.)
She looks haggard but I kinda like it. Fabulous trainwreck, a la Sharon Stone but with a raspier voice. I'm trying to figure out what she's done to her face...maybe she's just aged herself 10 years.
It was kinda funny, but the delivery totally reminded me of those Covergirl ads they do for America's Next Top Model.
This reminds me of Jane Krakowski's character in 30 Rock... Lindsay should guest-star as her sister or something.
Lindsay can still afford to be picky
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