The Bubble -Eytan Fox (Walk on Water, Yossi & Jagger), one of international cinema's bright young directors returns with another culture clashed relationship drama. Starring Ohan Knoller (Yossi of the fine gay romantic drama Yossi & Jagger) and there's even a cameo by Israel's finest Lior Askhenazi too. (trailer embedded below)
Fierce People -Wasn't this supposed to open two years ago? Diane Lane plays a massage therapist. Are you on that table?
Hatchet - more gore if that's what you're looking for
The Hunting Party -Journalist temptations. Richard Gere offers Terrence Howard (with The Squid and the Whale's Jesse Eisneberg in tow) an exclusive in Bosnia. They're going deep into hostile territory for the story
In the Shadow of the Moon - buzzy doc on multiple Apollo missions. Oscar contender?
I Want Someone To Eat Cheese With Written and directed by and starring Jeff Garlin in a romantic comedy about women and food. Fun cast includes: Sarah Silverman, Bonnie Hunt, Amy Sedaris, Dan Castellaneta, Wallace Langham, Roger Bart and Paul Mazursky
Romance & Cigarettes -Delayed by two years and the buzz is ... well... but you know you wanna see Kate on the big screen jumping around in her bra and mini (clip below, right). When The Winslet lets loose, you buy a ticket. That's the rule.
The Brothers Solomon -Do you think Will Arnett misses Arrested Development?
3:10 to Yuma -A Western from James Mangold (Walk the Line). Russell Crowe and Christian Bale pull out their pistols...
Shoot 'Em Up ...as do Clive Owen and Paul Giamatti in an apparently gonzo actioner. Monica Bellucci is The Girl. I guess summer is sticking around for another couple of weeks. Nevertheless the gonzo sensibility of this one might win it devotees.
I was looking forward to Shoot 'em up until i saw that the director was the guy who "directed" 100 girls.
Romance and cigarettes was released in Italy in spring 2006 and I had no idea it had remained unreleased in the US! Anyway, in my opinion it's a very good movie, funny, well-acted and very original!
I'm kind of glad that of all the westerns to remake they decided to remake 3:10 to Yuma. It's not exactly considering Shane or High Noon is it? A remake a movie that wasn't considered a classic in the first place? What are they thinking?
Okay, so I just saw Romance and Cigarettes, because it was out in the UK long enough ago to be on DVD now, and I have to say: what a strangely mixed bag. Some of it is really good and very affecting. Some of it is so weird as to be almost unintelligible. It's as though John Turturro wanted to make six movies but made just one, with snippets of all the others, instead. But thanks for putting it on my radar!
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