I asked you to amuse us by putting a caption or adding dialogue to this new movie still from Leap Year (2010) in the comments... Dozens heard the call. And now it's time to name winners.
Honorable mention goes to RJ

and the winner is Michael

Awww, Matthew Goode isn't housebroken. I knew something had to be wrong with him. Cuz no one can be that perfect!
"Huh, I thought being in Ireland would make my comically romantic misadventure more original. Weird."
Adams: I guess he's as good of a co-star as Meryl Streep...
Goode: I guess she's going to be the next Mandy Moore...
Matthew: " I hope I don't have to be a douche again..."
Goode: I hope this facial hair is enough to convince people that I'm a lovable Irish rogue. The accent's still giving me trouble.
Adams: OMG, he's such a lovable Irish rogue! And that accent is dreamy!
Amy: So, Matthew, what do you say? Shall we f*ck? I'm a two time Oscar nominee, you know. (That always works)
Matthew: Yeah, but Colin might actually WIN. Plus, if we have sex in a movie with a ridiculous script, aren't we going to be labeled as porn stars?
Amy Adams: What the hell are we doing in this movie? Well, I know why YOU'RE in this movie...
Matthew Goode: Hey, shut up. I was in "Brideshead Revisited." People...kind of liked that movie(?)
Goode: I'm not sleeping in that bed.
Adams: You brought me here. You pay the consequences.
Amy: «What the hell, Goode? Didn't I tell you I don't want to have a threesome with Colin Firth? Heck, I don't need this: I'm a two-time Oscar nominee. I have Meryl Streep's phone number. I can always ask her to give me a small role in one of her many films per year.»
AA: "So, is Friday the 29th or the 1st?"
MG: "I can never remember..."
Adams: It didn't occur to anyone that the bed frame is putting a bullseye right on my baby maker?
Goode: Please. Have you seen the trailer?
PS: thanks so much for bringing back the caption game. :)
Adams: Angela said she would be here at three for tea, with that bedknob!
Goode: Cut her some slack, she just turned 84, and she's on her third broadway swansong, A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC. She travels a little more slowly on her broomstick, you know.
Adams: Curtains white & sea green, wallpaper gold, bedspread beige...what's wrong with this picture?!
Goode: I know, I know, it all looked like it matched at Kmart. I thought I could trust Martha Stewart.
Goode: This room seems strangely familiar.
Adams (leering): I'm so wet, dripping wet.
Goode: Oh, I know. Firth was laying right there... (sigh)...that was a jolly good time.
Amy: So, have you cashed your paycheck already?
Matthew: WHAAAA?! We get paid to do this? nice.
amy adams: ill try not to see his boner...
matthew goode : yeah, right...
(Back in early 2009 during filming)
ADAMS: Hey, congratulations on Watchmen. It's gonna be the biggest movie ever and you're gonna be a star.
GOODE: Congratulations on you Oscar nomination. You're totally gonna win.
ADAMS: So....you wanna fuck?
"Simply tap the knob three times, give it a quarter turn to the left, and ask it to take us to The Isle of Naboombu..."
Adams: Aren't I just so cute?
Goode: God, oh God, please get me out of here!
Amy:Matthew,we have to be the two cutest people in the Industry today...
Matthew:you think?
"This is the third time this week Matthew. I think I am just going to have to rub your nose in it"
Goode: Man this bed looks delicious!
Adams: I wonder if we can turn this into a serial killer film.
Amy:Matthew,think about it our babies would be the cutest things in the universe...even cuter than kittens!!
Matthew(to self):What am i doing with my carrer!
Adams: Remember when I told you my idea...
Goode: Yeah... we should have done Paranormal Activity in this room.
Adams: I'm wet and by a bed. *wink*
Goode: Yup, I was right. You couldn't be dirty if you tried.
Amy: You want to know what it's like acting opposite cartoon characters? Try doing a scene with that mattress.
So many funny ones here. (I wish I was.) As much as I love reading this series (and so glad it's back!), I'll give nip any urge to write one of these in the bud. Like straight away.
Amy: Why is there a bed in here?
Matthew (charmingly): So this screenplay can fuck us over.
goode:"i don't still find what i'm looking for!"
adams:"he's a raining man halleluia!"
I don't know if we can trust the maids at this hotel. Makes me want to shine a black light on this bedding... you know, just to be sure!
Goode: Bed Bugs are on the rise. I don't know how comfortable I am sleeping in this...
Adams: don't make me hit you with that hot water bottle!
Goode: Do you think a hot water bottle will kill the bd bugs?
Adams: We gonna do this?
Goode: Whatever. I'll just close my eyes and pretend you're Isla Fisher.
OMG Who won!?
Haha. Victory! *RJ
I am beaming with pride!
Congrats to the winners! I hope I win next time :p
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