Pajiba Would you watch James McAvoy create "James Bond" in a Fleming biopic?
Back Stage Blog Stage Wicked is still breaking Broadway records. Can they get the movie version made already? Strike while the iron is warm. And cast people who can sing please!
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the real revelation is Vera Farmiga. Picture a taller, sexier, younger, straighter Ann Heche with the smarts and sassiness of Bogey’s Bacall. I love this woman! I want to write a movie just so she can be in it.
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I'd watch James McAvoy reading Sarah Palin's autobiography...Black Eyed Peas lyrics...even a James Cameron script.
Hey Nate, been interesting to know who you fancy being cast in Wicked the Movie? I'm all for Anne Hathaway as Elpheba and i think Reese Witherspoon would make a great Glinda.
Anne Hathaway for Elpheba!!! I wanna she wins the Oscar for this, or at least she receives another nomination ;-)
anne & reese would be awesome since both can sing and let's cast that way!
Lea Michelle from Glee seems perfect for Elphaba, and it seems that the people in the show know it too, making her sing "Defying Gravity". Reese Witherspoon seems too old to be playing a freshman in college, what about Kristen Bell? She can sing and looks younger than she is.
she can sing?
Agree about Vera, why isn't she the one getting all the awards attention? She had so many killer moments in the film, I'd put her ahead of Mo'Nique as well.
Kristen Bell can so sing. Check out the hilarious "Reefer Madness: The Musical", or at least find clips of her in it.
Walter Hollman put Evan Rachel Wood in a lead role and Kristin Stewart in supporting. See, I'll consent to the Evan Rachel Wood. I like your suggestions better because those names look really good on the marquee. Or...Anne Hathaway and Amy Adams (but then the age thing)?
I've heard the age problem come up a lot when casting a potential "Wicked" movie, because of course plenty of people would like to see the original Broadway cast be involved if it weren't for that. If the film kept the flashback structure of the show there could maybe be some play with making a small joke out of the age-inappropriateness for those portions of the story, but that's not a great fix.
I think that Hathaway would work and Amy Adams has publicly expressed interest in either of the lead roles, but I think that the Glinda casting is pretty tricky - Bell could pull it off but I think she'd have to do some major campaigning to land such a high profile part. Hollywood would probably go with marquee value over age appropriateness.
Wicked the book <<<< the musical please. I'm sorry, but the book was waay better than the musical.
If there was a musical No Anne Hathaway that would be too obvious and she's annoying. Anika Noni Rose would be good, since Elphalba is Green they don't have to go for the conventional White actress.
Vera Farmiga is that chick. I don't know why Anna Kendrick is getting all the attention.
I'd watch James McAvoy doing the dishes. Hanging out the laundry. Eating a muffin. All these things are considerably more exciting with him doing them.
So yes.
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