More theorizing on which stars and craftsmen stand to gain the most future play from this soon-to-end awards season. Awards season lasts but three months. Its after-effects can linger for years. After reading this rundown, come back and share your thoughts on the possible futures for this year's golden crowd.
Well I wouldn't say anyone will care about Amy Adams much after this year, but Howard and Haggis deserve to be at the top of the list. All Strathairn's nod did was make people say "oh yeah, he is and has always been a great actor, hasn't he?" He'll go back to business as usual, but Howard will shoot straight to the top and Haggis will become a comodity, especially as a writer.
see i think Strathairn needed this to pop him up from 4th ranked. whenever you got a big ensemble, why isn't he getting THE best supporting role instead of one of the crowd?
I like the Sean Penn/Heath Ledger comparison. I believe it's more apt than Ledger/Brando. Then again, I could be showing my young age with this comment.
(10 Things I Hate About You could be Heath Ledger's Fast Times at Ridgement High? I think so.)
I actually think Strathairn settles in nicely in the roles he's taken amongst ensembles. His leading man parts have largely been trivial in any case.
I loved this feature, but I hated that Paul Haggis topped your list. I really really really disliked Crash. I'm not sure why. Just seeing all those great actors have to spew that dreck from their mouths for 2 hours had me gagging. And I was not at all a fan of the "little girl is OK!" moment. If she'd just died, then that moment would've had meaning. But no. Not in Haggis' world would anyone want that. I enjoyed Terrence Howard a lot, though... must see Hustle & Flow.
I too like the Ledger/Penn comparison... although I think the Brando thing does make a lot of sense since he was about Heath's age when he got his first oscar nomination, and he was similarly dismissed for the win even though the perf was amazing. I think he should've been higher than Jake on the list, though... like you said, BBM did A LOT more for Heath's career than Jake's.
Actually, come to think of it, Ledger/Penn DOES make lots of sense since the overwhelming but not necessarily justified love for Cage that year is a lot like this year and Hoffman. Good connection there.
And I fully admit that I may have misunderstood parts of Crash including the "little girl is OK!" moment. But to me, most of it just seemed like crap... including Dillon and Newton's big car crash scene... what, he just magically becomes un-racist cause she needs help? It was total melodramatic tripe... made all the worse by Haggis' overzealous direction.
But you can't deny that his is the career that will get the most benefit out of this. Four nominations in 2 years for two films - one of which won Best Picture and another that is coming an impressive second.
"Well I wouldn't say anyone will care about Amy Adams much after this year"
Well yes, when you add up M$B and Crash, Haggis is many lightyears beyond where he was 2 years ago, careerwise. From some anonymous TV guy to "the next Ron Howard". A meteoric rise (only partial sarcasm intended).
Sorry I keep hating on Haggis and Crash, but you know, sometimes you just have to vent.
I agree with adam k. Not because Haggis is unlikely to get in again, but because his contributions to films are often the weakest elements involved. At least Howard was kicking around in films for a while (Ron, not Terrence) before jumping into the oscar pantheon.
I maintain that Crash is the worst film I've seen this year.
hey Crash is my leat favorite of the nominees too but this list is my theories about who stands to gain the most. That's definitely Haggis no matter what I think of his films.
I really do think he'll win BD/BP some day like Howard. He's that type of director. Likes the baity material. mainstream, etc...
I dunno, I think I would've topped this list with Terrence Howard.
I personally still didn't know who he was until he started winning all these awards.
Haggis reminds you of Howard?
So much of my hatred makes sense...
I am expecting Marie Antoinette to be a fiasco, but I will see it nonetheless.
"Age of Consent" makes for such fantastic complementary music. It may be my favorite New Order song.
Picking a favourite New Order song is a very tricky decision, but "Age of Consent" is indeed very high up there. Great pick on Sofia's (or whoever did the trailer) part there.
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