Rob Scheer welcomes Downey Jr back
Burbanked has a great personalized story about sound advice given for making it in Hollywood
The Moment "Very" free association on Sex & The City
Vonnie K has a million screencaps of Wings of the Dove (1998) and I'm suddenly in love with the movie all over again
Lazy Eye Theater in awe of Paul Rudd's career. Hasn't seen I Could Never Be Your Woman.
Ferdy on Film The Dance Movie Blog-a-Thon (all week long)
Everything I Know... the latest rumor about Hugh Jackman's eventual return to Broadway.

Dear Jesus celebrates the pee-pee in motion pictures
The Passionate Moviegoer on Vertigo's journey from flop to masterpiece (and other films that've made the switch)
Low Resolution on Iron Man
Variety on Scott Rudin's support of a great new Norwegian film Reprise
Time unveils the "100 Most Influential" -congrats TFE favs Mia Farrow and Brad & Angelina
FilmMaker Magazine wraps their Tribeca journey
Hey, thanks for the link to Dear Jesus. It's always nice to find another pee-pees in film fan!
Dear Jesus is awesome!
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