If you hurry on over to
YouTube you can catch the Spanish teaser to David Fincher's
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (before nervous execs pull it). It's mostly just imagery accompanied by Danny Elfman-esque music. It looks visually enticing even through fuzzy YouTube grime. This tale of a man who ages backwards is going to be weird but also (crossing fingers)... great? David Fincher deserves a huge success. Just seeing all the actors excited me a wee bit. [
Okay. I saw this trailer before Indiana Jones, and this made me soooo excited. I cannot wait for it. You need to see it on the big screen. Pitt looks amazing, and so do the visuals. I have a feeling that the Oscars will be very kind to Pitt and Jolie this year.
Do you think that they might be trying to bank off Big Fish's minor success? The music and imagery is just too similar to be a coincidence for me.
I'm so excited about this proyect and I love the trailer instead "Australia". If the trailer tell us something, sure Oscar Nominations in Best Actor to Brad Pitt, Supp Actress to Taraji P. Henson, maybe Best Actress/Supp Actress to Cate Blanchett and I'm not sure about Tilda, I heard her role is very small but it's not necessary an obstacle in supporting categories. Fincher will have his recognition
That trailer is perfection. They don't need a more detailed trailer, really.
That music is 'Carnival of Animals' the Aquarium movement, I believe. It features prominently in 'Days of Heaven'
This amazed me. Up until now, I didn't really believe in it whatsoever, and now I can really see what people are excited about!
The extreme possibility of this turning into a gigantic flop sucks though. :(
this played before Indy...
this looks creepy. i don't know if i'll make it.
Yeah, I was worried about this movie because I had no idea what it would look like. Looks really good, actually.
Anon, how on early did you get anything about the performances out of that teaser?
America got this before Indy, Australia get's Australia. Here's to auteurs getting what they deserve!
BTW, the Australia clip that is being shown infront of Indy in Australia is actually quite different to the one that was widely distributed through the week. New images, Baz gets a title card of his own and the last 30 seconds is all different except for the "We can't let them win" "We won't" exchange.
I was surprised, but delighted.
Gorgeous and stunning. Gorgeous! Stunning!
two calls i made that people thought were odd i'm feeling very good about: taraji p henson for this and demian bichir for che. (self congratulations is gross, i know but early early predictions are tough. you gotta hand it to yourself when you make good calls)
I was coming back from the bathroom at the 'Indy Jones' midnight showing on Wednesday night, and crawling to my seat across the aisle when my friend Jack whispered (immediately as I sat down)
'Beau! It's Benjamin Button!'
I sat there for two minutes, and I don't think I took a single breath. The first trailer in a long while to leave me with my mouth agape, my mind searching for words.
I'm jealous... all we had were crappy trailers for I-can't-remember-what before our screening of Indy yesterday.
The teaser you guys had in the States, is it the same as the Spanish one in the Youtube clip (well, except with English voiceover instead)? It certainly is beautiful.
Alexandre Desplat is scoring this.
Bloody brilliant. To think that Fincher got a legend like David Shire to do ZODIAC, inaugurated Elliot Goldenthal with ALIEN 3, and is now getting the best new composer on the American scene to tackle this film -- he has magnificent taste in composers.
Desplat will suit this to a t.
And just for a musical joke, every time I see this title I accidentally read: THE CURIOUS TALE OF BENJAMIN BRITTEN (famous British composer)
- The Opinionated Australian (Desplat-loving, Luhrman-hating)
Nat, I know what you mean. I was a pub last night with a bunch of mates and we had a bet to see who could guess what the band's first song would be. I guessed The Killers "When You Were Young" and I was right. I was officially awesome.
Granted, guessing a shitty pub band's setlist is a bit different to picking the lineup for the Oscars a year in advance, but whatever.
Saw the trailer to this before Indiana Jones and my cousin and I both looked at each other like, "What the heck was that? Did we just see Brad Pitt age backwards?" I liked the accompanying music, though. No one does trailers like that anymore.
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