Jackie Beat reveals Mariah Carey's diet secrets "Retouch" My Body
Screener thinks summertime brings out the best in movie audiences
Correct Opinion discusses those spoiler shots on The Dark Knight's "Two Face"

A lot of the gossip blogs (like Just Jared) are running pictures of Tilda Swinton @ the Met's superhero themed costume gala (pictured above). Most of them fail to mention or gleefully dwell on the fact that that's Justin Bond with Tilda! Hello, these details are important. Maybe the gossip bloggers just don't know anything about genius NY sub-lebrities like Justin Bond (half of the utterly brilliant duo Kiki & Herb who played himself memorably in Shortbus) cuz they're too busy posting their 2,000,000th photo of Kim Kardashian. Zzzzzz. How cute are Justin & Tilda?

Bubblegum Aesthetic has a great review of an Audra McDonald concert. I have her CDs and quite recommend. Now if we could only get her a great movie musical role instead of boring Grey's Anatomy spinoff gigs
And Your Little Blog Too reports from the Bette Davis centennial in LA
Hollywood Elsewhere Jeffrey Wells on Speed Racer reactions, actual and his own (imagined)
Film Otaku on the Best Actress contenders @ Cannes
Do you know when past years' Film Bitch Awards will be open again for me to peruse?
i am unsure. Hopefully in July
Thanks for pointing out Tilda's date. I first saw the outfit on gofugyourself and wondered if it looked better in person because it's not particularly flattering but in context? With Justin Bond on her arm? I might actually love it.
And they even matched their shoes...
i know. wonder twin powers activate.
For some interesting celebrity diets, check out: http://chubbygirljourney.blogspot.com
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