It's that time of year I guess ... desperate for the warmth, sun, and waves of summer. Must be strong. Still another week or two until I hit Florida.
<-------- Shia LaBeouf, friend to big robots,
imaginary boyfriend to millions of young moviegoers

I hate that even whilst being arrested he looks lit by a celebrity photographer. Isn't that a whole light box reflecting in his eyes. I also hate that you always see pictures of him eating. But he stays totally thin.

I'm telling you. I eat one thing and.... ugh, I hate him. But I love him too. I think he's a talented actor --he almost made me care about big robots-- and talent is always hot. As for Shia's own taste level...

Funny, I always figured him for an Obama man myself. Or maybe this handwritten scrawl is in support of Swank's double Oscars in which case: BOOOOOO Shia. Please don't join the Academy!

Select your MadLibs in the comments. Or just drool on Shia. Your choice.
If it's HRC, he can't spell, so he either has horrible taste or can't spell.
Yeah, my fondness for Shia is well documented. Have you seen Holes, Nat? It's very good a kid's movie (and, hello, Sigourney Weaver.)
And at least he's open about wanting to make big blockbusters. I'm sure he'll reach the point where he's all "I want to make something that's close to my heart", but it's actually a bit refreshing to see someone not completely stuck up their own arse in that regard.
Lastly, isn't that the prettiest mug shot ever?
very good FOR a kid's movie.
Okay, just some background: I'm 22, and I badly want to hump Zac Efron and Michael Cera.
Yet oddly, even though he's older than both of them, Shia looks way too young/twinky for me. And for the life of me, I just can't see the 'attractive' thing.
He does look kinda-sorta hot on the cover of GQ, but who doesn't? In movies, I tend to just find him vaguely irritating (Indy included). And it doesn't help that he's a Hilary man.
oh Nat, why didn't you include this pic in your post:
oops, i forgot blogger cuts off long urls
this pic:
oh god, nevermind, I just re-read the post lol
i'm a moron, ignore me lol
My introduction to him was The Battle of Shaker Heights so I am immune.
Nothing to do with the post, but did you watch this youtube video showing Saramago's reaction after he watched "Blindness" with the director Fernando Meirelles?
I don't find him hot either, especially after that pic in a dotted shirt, lol.
And, doesn't the GQ cover look ... weird? His head looks giantic or his body too small. I guess it's the angle, but definitely it's not a good photo.
Agreed about Holes, in which Shia is totally great.
Love that Saramago/Meirelles video.
But why is no one taking Nathaniel up on the MadLibs contest? I am springing for Indiana Jones and the Blanchett of the Blanchetty Blanchett myself, but maybe someone can top that. (Guess why I'll be seeing the movie!)
ARRRRrrrrrgggggggh *Nathaniel jumps off his balcony*
Yes, her own adjective... which can be pronounced and re-inflected in any number of accents!
To be fair, Blanchett is the best thing about the movie.
Yeah, the GQ cover is weirdly framed/cropped, but I guess if you slap some neatly trimmed beard/stubble on a dude and befit him with some really fashionable clothes, I'll come a-runnin.
And was he really that good in "Holes"? I just vaguely remember him bumbling around making confused faces, not quite knowing how to react to the overacting by Jon Voight and Sigourney Weaver.
I'm agree with rob about Indiana Jones. I'm dissapointed of the film. I expected more, but yes, Cate is the best thing in Indiana Jones. She plays a marvelous villain
That is the fittest mug shot ever. Not fair. How is it possible for him to look so good under that strip lighting, at that time of night and after whatever he's been taking? I'm suddenly quite jealous of the two years I have on him.
On the subject of Indi, going to see it tomorrow morning. Can't wait now that the Blanchett best-in-show raves are in. Thanks guys!
Rob, he sure was. I'd even rank him ahead of the likes of Jude Law and Ben Kingsley from that year. But that's just me, I imagine.
I have all these Shia´s photos in my orkut profile!
LaBeouf seems like a sincere fellow, oft-misquoted but sincere nonetheless
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