Monday, June 22, 2009


I've never thought of Rocky Balboa and David Cronenberg in the same sentence before but I think Cronenberg would appreciate these Rocky style USB ports (pictured left) which Loyal K*N*G points us to. I get that this is supposed to be geeky fun but I'm alarmed that we're plugging these boxers into the ports by their crotches!?! What will they think of next? It feels kinda dirty/twisted "long live the new flesh" to me.

I almost mistook this one to your left for Bruce Lee since Sly Stallone's sporting that Kill Bill / Enter the Dragon color scheme. Which movie character would you like to plug into your USB port?

Jennifer Connelly from Requiem for a Dream literally just popped into my brain while typing that last sentence. That's so w-r-o-n-g. My deepest apologies. I shan't photoshop it up for you. That would be even wronger [sic].

Ooh, I know what I want...


Derreck said...

"Jennifer Connelly from Requiem for a Dream literally just popped into my brain while typing that last sentence. That's so w-r-o-n-g"

YES. it is!!!!! omg, i'm horrified and laughing at the same time.

and i would get Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt) from FIGHT CLUB. Plugging his crotch into a computer just seems right.

Derreck said...

i'm still thinking about it.

i could even imagine it in my head. lol...

ass to USB. oh, Lord.

RahulB said...

As soon as I saw that picture, I too thought "I'd like an ass to ass usb".

I also thought of There's Something About Mary.

Branded USB Sticks said...

Its a stupid USB. do not offer to sell it in the places where children go.