No Country for Old Men is one of those that I just can't get excited for. I don't know why - I usually enjoy the Coen Bros. and the buzz is so promising.
So pumped for Atonement and I'm Not There, though.
Still can't wait to see Eastern Promises (I'm waiting for it to come to Providence), Into the Wild, or The Assassination of Jesse James.
Am positively quaking at the thought of Atonement and I'm Not There. I will see No Country but for some reason it isn't doing much for me at the moment. Not sure why.
But, as Par said, at least you get the movies soon. We have to wait months. We even have to wait months for generally blah movies.
mark uk - atonement is simply brilliant maybe knightley's keeping her oscar speech in there the one she should've read ot insteqad of reese's suzy home maker one.
It would be so out there if Keira Knightley won an oscar and became a two-time nominee at age 22 or whatever she is. Would she break WInslet's "youngest 2-time nominee" record?
And speaking of Kate, is anyone thinking: "Sam Mendes, PLEASE release your film on December 31st, 2007. If you do, YOUR WIFE WILL WIN AN OSCAR. If you don't, she'll lose to Meryl Streep. Your choice."
Please please please release. The oscar is sitting there waiting to be won.
Wouldn't it be crazy if Kate's film released and the two oscars this year both went to women starring in their husbands' films (Kate and Helena Bonham-Carter)?
...Man, I really need to stop thinking about this. Sorry.
Atonement is brilliant. I was lucky enough to see the preview screening here in the UK a few weeks ago and was blown away. At first I was so hyped for the film I left feeling a little let down (I always do this to it up to silly unreachable heights) but as the power of the film hitme on my walk home I realised I was not dissapointed....just shell shocked. Those delayed reaction crying fits are the best.
Adam, I don't think it would so "out there" for Keira to win or be a double nominee. Especially if you've seen Pride & Prejudice you know that when she has the right material she has a sort of presence that makes her seem like she's from another era of acting. And from what I've read it's even more apparent in Atonement.
I know that when you first made your predictions, Nat, you were a bit worried that you might have gone overboard on 'Atonement', but if it gets as much praise when it opens in the US as it has in England (and it will probably get more, since the US are suckers for things like this, and they loved 'Pride & Prejudice' a lot more than the UK critics did) then it's a shoe-in for the win.
It's been literally getting 5-star reviews all around. And although Keira Knightley is only in about 25 per-cent of the actual film, she'll pull an Anthony Hopkins and get the nomination... and maybe even the win.
The Academy loves Blanchette? she has 3 nominations and one win, she had to wait about 7 years between her first and second nomination, they certainly weren't in a hurry to have her back. AMPAS only loves Blanchett if there is enough critical support for her work AND movie, it doesn't seem like they jump all over her to me. She is having a good run critically with the movies she is making, if it weren't the case then they will be waving at her from the playing field regardless of how great she is in the movie.
I've seen Atonement in the UK, and it is a brilliant film. But I cannot see how Keira Knightley could win an Oscar for that. A nomination maybe, yes. I preferred her in Pride & Prejudice. Her manner of delivering her lines in a quick and abrupt way is kind of repetitive. It seems sometimes she wants to blast them out as fast as she can. Think you'll understand once you've seen the film.
But all in all it is a great achievement in any way, even the small changes to the book rather help the film version. And I so hope Dario Marianelli will be recognized by the Academy, because the score is just beautiful. How he mixes the music with the sound of a typewriter is simply genius!
The score is a shoo-in for at least a nomination, and so is Keira and perhaps *folds hands as if in prayer* James.
She's not in it much but that don't matter one ounce. It's the emotional punch you get out of it that counts (I mean, Dench not only was nominated but won for a 12-minute performance in supporting, so I can't see Knightley not going in lead if she's in about 25% of a 130-minute movie).
Maybe its a good thing you're having to wait that long. Give time for the hype to die down before it ruins it for you. Alot of people were excited about Atonement but when they watched it, they didnt care too much for melodrama or the tone of acting so left a bit dissapointed.
65 minutes of screentime (what Keira apparently has) is plenty of time to be considered lead and is in no way "pulling an Anthony Hopkins." However, I don't think she'll win, because even if the film is an English Patient-style sweeper, both leads will get noms, but the prize will go to the film itself, not to the leads. This is because:
Love stories are inherently viewed as being more about the female, and females in general. Women win for these types of films; men don't. So if a big oscary romance has a more substantial female lead than male (Gone With the Wind, Out of Africa, Titanic, etc.) the woman will totally win/get nominated and the man either not get nominated or not win.
If, however, the story's more about the man (English Patient), both the man and woman get nominated, but the man does not win. Some other actor wins for something else. So don' expect a win for McAvoy... it will go to Jones, Day-Lewis, Washington, or someone else. And don't expect a win for Keira cause her role is small.
My theory anyway.
And since Keira is unlikely and Golden Age is not wowing, the field is wide open for someone else. If there's no frontrunner on the horizon by now, it's usually someone who SHOCKS or get a surprise release at the end of the year. Which is why I'm looking to Moore or Winslet now. Please god let it be one of them.
Having seen Savage Grace, there's no way Moore is getting in. If she did, it would be an incredible shock. Never mind a win. It's sort of like expecting her to win an Oscar for Vanya on 42nd Street or for Safe. Oscar's just not gonna go there.
Can't wait for Savage Grace at the LFF. They're using a still from the film showing Julianne's more in medium close-up wearing red. She looks distraught and stunning.
And yes, Keira had 65 f-ing minutes of screentime. That's OVER half the film's running time. And she's superb in every one of those minutes. I wouldn't begrudge her the Oscar, especially as people are still going round thinking she can't act (after this and P&P). It would shut them up.
I'm thinking now it might be Hilary Swank's year. P.S. I Love You's stealth release date seems very Million Dollar Baby, as is the wide-open actress race with many deserving nominees reminiscent of 2004. And it's the academy who think: when in doubt, go to Swank.
amir... why you wanna hurt us by bringing up Swank for a third Oscar run? I think my universe would crumble. Seriously. Even if nobody else i loved was up against her.
adam k -- interesting well backed up theory. if that's the case then it really is wide open.
even if you closed off the eligibility right now you'd be hard pressed to come up with a shooin winner. You'd have a list like JOLIE, FOSTER, CHRISTIE, COTILLARD and HEIGL (there's gotta be one populist hit person in there and it's recent) and who the hell would win there?
i don't think BLANCHETT can win two in one year (on account of a: this never happens and b: if it ever did it would be for someone who had never won before because you know there are voters that probably resist second Oscars) and she's already looking pretty good for the Dylan role...
anyway. i love the wide open races. makes it more exciting. Last year was utter snoozeful with no one looking beyond Mirren.
I agree Nat about last year, it's like what's the point of predicting the actress race. We all knew Helenw as going to win in October.
Not interested in I'm not there, but I won't get to see Atonemnet til it comes out on DVD so my wait is waaay longer than yours buddy. Movies like Atonement I would rather watch at home ( not that I could get anyone to see it with me anyway).
Adam, Steve and I are on the same page here. I just can't see any possible way that Moore is going to even be nominated, let alone win, for Savage Grace. She is good, but that movie's not even gonna crack $500,000 at the box office and it's about incest! It'll work in the GLBT arty crowd, but that's about it. Too offputting I imagine.
Nate--You can wait for Atonement and I'm Not There, I've seen them both. I wasn't completely over the moon about either, but I'll be seeing them again. I was very tired when I saw I'm Not There, so I'd like to see it fully awake. It was a pleasure to hear JOe Wright and Todd Haynes before the screenings I attended--they should speak before every screening of their films!
As for Revolutionary Road the movie already has a release date... next December.
The Great Debaters , Denzel's second directorial effort,will be out this xmas. The only big female parts in it are Jurnee Smollett (Eve's Bayou) and Kimberly Elise. Denzel and Forest Whitaker also stars in it.I think The Great Debaters would be more of a holiday film. It would be a nice surprise if it garners attention though
I will continue to lobby for a Revolutionary Road release until they do it (not that anyone's listening). This year is begging for an actress frontrunner and if Kate was moved up, she'd win in a walk. I'm not exaggerating. An absolute walk.
Next year, however, not so much. I can only hope in that case that Doubt is moved to 2009.
And you're all probably right about Savage Grace. I guess I'm confusing the Film Bitch Awards with the Oscars. It's just that there's no frontrunner at all; I really can't see anyone here winning. Except maybe Blanchett if for some reason people rally behind Elizabeth and not Dylan. But that's unlikely. Especially since there could still be a THIRD Elizabeth film that might be better.
Maybe there'll be a Christie love-in and SHE'll be the one who takes it? Maybe Cotillard can break the language barrier? Who knows.
And isn't it awful that last year ALL FIVE performances could've been frontrunners in another year. All great/overdue/surprising. Why so uneven? Not fair.
Actually, maybe Doubt WILL be delayed until '09? Meryl has a lot of projects lined up that may end up filming before that one. And it's already late 2007. I'm just gonna assume Meryl's big year will wait, and '08 will be all about KATE.
Here here. I've been waiting for 'I'm Not There' WAY too long. And having to wait until December for 'Atonement' is blasphemous!
You nailed my top 3 most anticipated! I can't wait for any, especially Atonement. here's hoping it's at the Hawaiian International Film Festival....
i should also add. i love the costume design for atonement (from what i've seen thus far) but what's with the pocket in front of the dress here...
strange. what's Knightley keeping in thar
Atonement: Me. Want. Now.
(This comment has been MAJORLY toned down and edited)
you're impatient?
we have to wait until december 26 for "i'm not there" and "atonement" and january 24 2008 for "no country.."
you've got a helluva nerve, mister
of those three, i'm most eager to see Atonement.
I'm also eager for the kite runner to come out...because i just so desperatly want it to be good.
At least you get to see them. With us, it's not even sure yet if they're going to be shown next year or ever.
Seeing those posters might convince someone to visit the Piracy Mall or something.
No Country for Old Men is one of those that I just can't get excited for. I don't know why - I usually enjoy the Coen Bros. and the buzz is so promising.
So pumped for Atonement and I'm Not There, though.
Still can't wait to see Eastern Promises (I'm waiting for it to come to Providence), Into the Wild, or The Assassination of Jesse James.
Atonement and Assasinaion of Jesse James...I need now
Am positively quaking at the thought of Atonement and I'm Not There. I will see No Country but for some reason it isn't doing much for me at the moment. Not sure why.
But, as Par said, at least you get the movies soon. We have to wait months. We even have to wait months for generally blah movies.
Oh, and I think front pockets were quite common once upon a time...
You're lucky!! I'm afraid I will have to wait 'till next year to watch them all here in Mexico City.
mark uk - atonement is simply brilliant maybe knightley's keeping her oscar speech in there the one she should've read ot insteqad of reese's suzy home maker one.
It would be so out there if Keira Knightley won an oscar and became a two-time nominee at age 22 or whatever she is. Would she break WInslet's "youngest 2-time nominee" record?
And speaking of Kate, is anyone thinking: "Sam Mendes, PLEASE release your film on December 31st, 2007. If you do, YOUR WIFE WILL WIN AN OSCAR. If you don't, she'll lose to Meryl Streep. Your choice."
Please please please release. The oscar is sitting there waiting to be won.
Wouldn't it be crazy if Kate's film released and the two oscars this year both went to women starring in their husbands' films (Kate and Helena Bonham-Carter)?
...Man, I really need to stop thinking about this. Sorry.
Atonement is brilliant.
I was lucky enough to see the preview screening here in the UK a few weeks ago and was blown away.
At first I was so hyped for the film I left feeling a little let down (I always do this to it up to silly unreachable heights) but as the power of the film hitme on my walk home I realised I was not dissapointed....just shell shocked.
Those delayed reaction crying fits are the best.
well.... I have to wait even longer plus I'll probably end up having to see them DUBBED!!! (shudder)
Am really looking forward to Atonement... and wondering how the book will translate to film...
Adam, I don't think it would so "out there" for Keira to win or be a double nominee. Especially if you've seen Pride & Prejudice you know that when she has the right material she has a sort of presence that makes her seem like she's from another era of acting. And from what I've read it's even more apparent in Atonement.
I know that when you first made your predictions, Nat, you were a bit worried that you might have gone overboard on 'Atonement', but if it gets as much praise when it opens in the US as it has in England (and it will probably get more, since the US are suckers for things like this, and they loved 'Pride & Prejudice' a lot more than the UK critics did) then it's a shoe-in for the win.
It's been literally getting 5-star reviews all around. And although Keira Knightley is only in about 25 per-cent of the actual film, she'll pull an Anthony Hopkins and get the nomination... and maybe even the win.
I'm not so sure Keira's got this in the bag. The Academy LOVES Cate Blanchett and she's got 2 actorly performances coming out this year.
But I love Keira and would be SO happy.
Atonement doesn't really interest me, but both I'm Not There and No Country have me really, really pumped.
And of course, there is one film in particular (excuse the obvious)that there will be blood if I don't get to see soon.
The Academy loves Blanchette? she has 3 nominations and one win, she had to wait about 7 years between her first and second nomination, they certainly weren't in a hurry to have her back. AMPAS only loves Blanchett if there is enough critical support for her work AND movie, it doesn't seem like they jump all over her to me. She is having a good run critically with the movies she is making, if it weren't the case then they will be waving at her from the playing field regardless of how great she is in the movie.
I've seen Atonement in the UK, and it is a brilliant film.
But I cannot see how Keira Knightley could win an Oscar for that. A nomination maybe, yes. I preferred her in Pride & Prejudice.
Her manner of delivering her lines in a quick and abrupt way is kind of repetitive. It seems sometimes she wants to blast them out as fast as she can. Think you'll understand once you've seen the film.
But all in all it is a great achievement in any way, even the small changes to the book rather help the film version. And I so hope Dario Marianelli will be recognized by the Academy, because the score is just beautiful. How he mixes the music with the sound of a typewriter is simply genius!
What about this film released December 21st?
The score is a shoo-in for at least a nomination, and so is Keira and perhaps *folds hands as if in prayer* James.
She's not in it much but that don't matter one ounce. It's the emotional punch you get out of it that counts (I mean, Dench not only was nominated but won for a 12-minute performance in supporting, so I can't see Knightley not going in lead if she's in about 25% of a 130-minute movie).
Haha. Venezuela's not getting Atonement until May 30th . I'm so downloading the FYC rip as soon as someone uploads it w00t! :)
Maybe its a good thing you're having to wait that long. Give time for the hype to die down before it ruins it for you. Alot of people were excited about Atonement but when they watched it, they didnt care too much for melodrama or the tone of acting so left a bit dissapointed.
65 minutes of screentime (what Keira apparently has) is plenty of time to be considered lead and is in no way "pulling an Anthony Hopkins." However, I don't think she'll win, because even if the film is an English Patient-style sweeper, both leads will get noms, but the prize will go to the film itself, not to the leads. This is because:
Love stories are inherently viewed as being more about the female, and females in general. Women win for these types of films; men don't. So if a big oscary romance has a more substantial female lead than male (Gone With the Wind, Out of Africa, Titanic, etc.) the woman will totally win/get nominated and the man either not get nominated or not win.
If, however, the story's more about the man (English Patient), both the man and woman get nominated, but the man does not win. Some other actor wins for something else. So don' expect a win for McAvoy... it will go to Jones, Day-Lewis, Washington, or someone else. And don't expect a win for Keira cause her role is small.
My theory anyway.
And since Keira is unlikely and Golden Age is not wowing, the field is wide open for someone else. If there's no frontrunner on the horizon by now, it's usually someone who SHOCKS or get a surprise release at the end of the year. Which is why I'm looking to Moore or Winslet now. Please god let it be one of them.
Having seen Savage Grace, there's no way Moore is getting in. If she did, it would be an incredible shock. Never mind a win. It's sort of like expecting her to win an Oscar for Vanya on 42nd Street or for Safe. Oscar's just not gonna go there.
That said, she's pretty awesome in it.
Can't wait for Savage Grace at the LFF. They're using a still from the film showing Julianne's more in medium close-up wearing red. She looks distraught and stunning.
And yes, Keira had 65 f-ing minutes of screentime. That's OVER half the film's running time. And she's superb in every one of those minutes. I wouldn't begrudge her the Oscar, especially as people are still going round thinking she can't act (after this and P&P). It would shut them up.
I'm thinking now it might be Hilary Swank's year. P.S. I Love You's stealth release date seems very Million Dollar Baby, as is the wide-open actress race with many deserving nominees reminiscent of 2004. And it's the academy who think: when in doubt, go to Swank.
That should read "Julianne's face". Although I'm sure her "more" is also stunning.
Can someone explain to me the appeal of Keira Knightley ?
amir... why you wanna hurt us by bringing up Swank for a third Oscar run? I think my universe would crumble. Seriously. Even if nobody else i loved was up against her.
adam k -- interesting well backed up theory. if that's the case then it really is wide open.
even if you closed off the eligibility right now you'd be hard pressed to come up with a shooin winner. You'd have a list like JOLIE, FOSTER, CHRISTIE, COTILLARD and HEIGL (there's gotta be one populist hit person in there and it's recent) and who the hell would win there?
i don't think BLANCHETT can win two in one year (on account of a: this never happens and b: if it ever did it would be for someone who had never won before because you know there are voters that probably resist second Oscars) and she's already looking pretty good for the Dylan role...
anyway. i love the wide open races. makes it more exciting. Last year was utter snoozeful with no one looking beyond Mirren.
I agree Nat about last year, it's like what's the point of predicting the actress race. We all knew Helenw as going to win in October.
Not interested in I'm not there, but I won't get to see Atonemnet til it comes out on DVD so my wait is waaay longer than yours buddy. Movies like Atonement I would rather watch at home ( not that I could get anyone to see it with me anyway).
I'll be waiting for No Country.
Adam, Steve and I are on the same page here. I just can't see any possible way that Moore is going to even be nominated, let alone win, for Savage Grace. She is good, but that movie's not even gonna crack $500,000 at the box office and it's about incest! It'll work in the GLBT arty crowd, but that's about it. Too offputting I imagine.
Nate--You can wait for Atonement and I'm Not There, I've seen them both. I wasn't completely over the moon about either, but I'll be seeing them again.
I was very tired when I saw I'm Not There, so I'd like to see it fully awake. It was a pleasure to hear JOe Wright and Todd Haynes before the screenings I attended--they should speak before every screening of their films!
If it were just between the two performances, I actually think Christie deserves an Oscar over Cate.
I also would be shocked if Knightly won an Oscar for Atonement. The role is just not big enough.
As for Revolutionary Road the movie already has a release date... next December.
The Great Debaters , Denzel's second directorial effort,will be out this xmas. The only big female parts in it are Jurnee Smollett (Eve's Bayou) and Kimberly Elise. Denzel and Forest Whitaker also stars in it.I think The Great Debaters would be more of a holiday film. It would be a nice surprise if it garners attention
the critics awards will let us know just who is in the running.
I will continue to lobby for a Revolutionary Road release until they do it (not that anyone's listening). This year is begging for an actress frontrunner and if Kate was moved up, she'd win in a walk. I'm not exaggerating. An absolute walk.
Next year, however, not so much. I can only hope in that case that Doubt is moved to 2009.
And you're all probably right about Savage Grace. I guess I'm confusing the Film Bitch Awards with the Oscars. It's just that there's no frontrunner at all; I really can't see anyone here winning. Except maybe Blanchett if for some reason people rally behind Elizabeth and not Dylan. But that's unlikely. Especially since there could still be a THIRD Elizabeth film that might be better.
Maybe there'll be a Christie love-in and SHE'll be the one who takes it? Maybe Cotillard can break the language barrier? Who knows.
And isn't it awful that last year ALL FIVE performances could've been frontrunners in another year. All great/overdue/surprising. Why so uneven? Not fair.
Actually, maybe Doubt WILL be delayed until '09? Meryl has a lot of projects lined up that may end up filming before that one. And it's already late 2007. I'm just gonna assume Meryl's big year will wait, and '08 will be all about KATE.
Adam K wrote:
"Maybe there'll be a Christie love-in and SHE'll be the one who takes it? Maybe Cotillard can break the language barrier? Who knows."
I love the idea of a Christie love-in.
In 2008 we're going to have:
Kate Winslet in Revolutionary Road
Julianne Moore in Blindness(The new Fernando Meirelles'film.)
I just can't wait!
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