The real trouble is that two endlessly troubled movies have settled on that one single date for their oft-postponed opening. Both of them wrapped two full years ago in the fall of 2005. They've led their expectant audiences back and forth, back and forth from despair to excitement ever since. I'm talking about Michelle Pfeiffer's comeback vehicle I Could Never Be Your Woman (oops she came back twice while it gathered dust)and Richard Kelly's Donnie Darko follow up, the apocalyptic Southland Tales.
The latter is now bearing the tagline "This is the way the world ends"
[heavy breathing] I'm scared... [whimpering] I'm scared...
I want to see both Southland Tales and No Country fo Old Men on the november 9th...
I've seen I Could Never be your woman and i really hated it was bad, well, at least for me...
Gosh, but that is one horrible poster.
November 9th IS my birthday, and what a creepy omen it was to open this page and have that greet me...
That ugly poster doesn't bode well either. But please, oh please, will Sarah Michelle Gellar finally get to show off her chops post Buffy! It's damn time she finds something serviceable to star in.
I saw an early screening of 'I Could Never Be Your Woman' and it was pretty terrible. I'm a moderate Pfeiffer fan (I better be if I'm visiting this blog) and I love that so damn adorable Paul Rudd, but it's a mess. The Mother Nature part (played by Tracy Ullman) is just horrendously out of place, you'll see what I mean. Poor Amy Heckerling too...
Hey, I like the poster. It's not Saul Bass, but still...
Take a look at this:
Where is Kevin Smith?
is this really the way the world ends...with richard kelly.
"This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper"
Sorry - just couldn't resist a TS Eliott quote.
Bah ... we've been hearing about the end of the world almost as long as the release of "Southland Tales."
I fear not.
Ha, November 9th is my birthday as a matter of fact. Lol
let's hope it doesn't hurt pfeiffers oscar chances for hairspray!!! i saw it and although she is still unable to give a bad perf & sparkles like a diamond the film is a huge mess.
smugguy is right... the Mother Nature business is just... embarrassing. La Pfeiff is just fine and its also got the little girl from Atonement Saoirse Ronan as her daughter, but the whole thing is just so cliché it is not even funny.
The Southland poster looks like an awkward compromise where the director's preferred design is plonked in the right hand corner in its entirety, and the rest of the poster is used to showcase as many name actors as possible. Ugly.
As for I Could Never be Your Woman, well... my coping mechanism for dealing with disasters starring my favourite actors is to 'casually' look the other way. Be distracted by something more interesting in the distance, like their next as yet untainted film.
smugguy and jessica
happy birthday! i'm telling you two months in advance... just in case
so, the southland poster is an upside down american flag. that's the point. and the upside down flag signifies distress. i think the poster is cool.
I didn't know that about the American flag (the upside down thing), so it makes a bit more sense to me. I was really confused why they didn't just do it the other way around.
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