Money is as much a part of romantic comedy match-making as it was in days of yore (see:
Pretty Woman, Confessions of a Shopaholic, Ever After, Two Weeks Notice, Pride and Prejudice, Sex and the City) but nowadays the lust for big bucks and a life lived in the lap of luxury is buried underneath lots of other
stuff. It's barely acknowledged or commented on... possibly because it's so much of a given.
I think it's much hotter when the rich husband hunting is completely foregrounded. Give me those classic pets after big baguettes every time.

Self aware gold diggers are much sexier.
The French are glad to die for love
They delight in fighting duels
But I prefer a man who lives
And gives expensive jewels
I think self-aware gold diggers are mostly male nowadays. :P I know a couple of guys whose main goal in life is to become kept men.
I ain't saying she's a gold digger, but she ain't going with no broke, broke...
Lyrics are:
The French are glad to die for love
they delight in fighting duels.
But I prefer a man who lives and gives
expensive jewels.
Check out the youtube vid:
Oh I loved Lauren Bacall in How to Marry A Millionaire! She was the sexiest. She is the sexiest! I WISH I WERE HER!!!!
It's sad that I don't know what Jane Russell movie that is. At first it looks like GPB, but I don't remember a bunch of shirtless men in that movie.
And Wayne B is kind of right.
It is Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. There is a strange scene on the ship I believe where walks into what I think is a gym and all the guys are there.
Well, in all fairness, Jane Russell did ask the question "Ain't anyone here for love?" in Gentleman Prefer Blondes. :)
yeah the pic iss from the "ain't there anyone here for love" number which is a total beefcake number... and one of the gayest ever but for Jane Russell. ;)
I just recently saw Gold Diggers of 1933 on TV. Joan Blondell was just terrific.
LOL, true Nat.
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