I hope that I don't pass out. In actuality, I have met the ravishing redhead once before in 2002 (my how time flies) and did not keel over. But I was rather incoherent. The only full sentence I managed was something along the lines of "I hope you win the Oscar". When I meet her again -- this time for an interview -- perhaps I should apologize for jinxing her chances. We all know that when I truly obsess over an actress she never wins (Pfeiffer, Deneuve, Bening). The exceptions to this rule are the actresses who won their Oscars BEFORE I was born or before I became obsessive (Streep, Fonda, La Liz) although sometimes I even curse those women retroactively through my amazing time travel/Oscar jinxing powers (Judy G, Marilyn, Natalie).
What would you ask Julianne Moore?
She might win in support where i feel she will be campaigned!!!!
This is a bit off-topic, but I definitely thought that if Precious didn't exist (meaning no Mo'Nique), Julianne woulda been nominated for A Single Man and she would've won - she's "overdue" + weak field.
Samantha Morton would've been nominated and won. But I'd really lean towards Julianne. She's more of a star.
Lucky you! And you don't have to be coherent when near a god! They don't expect you to :p
1)Which role is she most grateful to have played?
2) Is there a real person (dead or alive) she would like to play in a movie? (besides the one(s) she's already played)
3) Which director is she dying to work with?
4)When is she going to co-star with Pfeiffer in a movie where each one will play the other one?
5) How does it feel to be in the top 3 of Nathaniel's favorite actresses and to share her birthday with James T?
OK, skip the last two. :p
Wow. An interview with La Moore.
It's so good to hear about God on here again.
You have to watch "CHLOE" before you meet her...
IMO, Chloe, Blindness and Savage Grace are her best performances since Far From Heaven (I haven't seen The Kids Are All Right). Just congratulate her that she is BACK ON TRACK finally again.
It would be great to hear her talk about Mark Ruffalo, and a comparison of Kids to their Blindness experience, as well as about, especially, Annette Bening. How does she describe Bening as an actress? How was their acting relationship, are there great differences in their acting styles?
Also, I'd love her to describe Lisa Cholodenko's directional style. And maybe she could talk about her favourite directors? And when is she going to work with PTA and Todd Haynes again?
When a film costar with Kate Winslet?
What happened whit your predictions this week?
So it seems Julianne is God the Mother then who is God the Daughter, Kirsten Dunst? And is God the Spirit Natalie Wood or some other lady no longer with us physically? Curious! ;)
Can you tell her that her interaction with the cat on the chair in 'I'm Not There' is the pinnacle of twenty-first century screen acting? She needs to know that!
Oh James T! I also share my birthday with Julianne!
I would ask her if she would be interested in working on stage
I would love to see Julianne Moore do an action movie. Esp, in a villainous role against Jolie. Ask her please if she would consider something like that.
I'd love to hear how her working relationship with auteurs like Todd Haynes and Paul Thomas Anderson developed over the course of several films, and if she has any plans to work with either of them again. (Her best performances undeniably come from those two directors.)
KD, be careful what you wish for. She's already given us "Next." ;)
This is what I'd ask her: You seem so levelheaded, so what do you draw upon to play so many desperate people?
This is a bit off-topic, but I definitely thought that if Precious didn't exist (meaning no Mo'Nique), Julianne woulda been nominated for A Single Man and she would've won - she's "overdue" + weak field.
I believe there’s a bit of buyer’s remorse with Mo’Nique’s win and all they had to do to alleviate the eventual was nominated Moore instead of Cruz who never needs to be nominated again. More nominations than Kidman and likely to earn a 4th one before Kathy Bates returns with something the Academy will acknowledge.
Just one question from me --
How does she feel about The Hand That Rocks the Cradle?
What did she like most about going to college in Boston?
If i were you, I'd stay at home until the J.Moore Day in order to prevent any kind of stuff that could make you impossible to attend the audition, stuff like an accident, a fall and then broken bone...
Careful though - the vast majority of accidents happen in the home...
Maybe just stay in bed, with the covers pulled over your head.
Please, ask her what does she keep going for tough women roles, when she obviously excels playing tragic, damaged women. I mean, she must have noticed a pattern in her being-praised-by-everybody/being-mocked-by-everybody status. And please, get some Amber Waves anecdote from her!!! Give her a "Best Line Reading of the Nineties" medal for "that is a giant cock""! Good luck with your interview, you're going to be great!
ask her what she thinks about President Obama.
Ask how it really feels to be in THAT little box on oscar night and hear someone elses name called,i and am sure many on here would love to know after the research and the promotoion and the long hours and feeling you gave your all and are due to hear some other name read out!
Ask her if there was ever any award which she believed she truly deserved based on any of her performances? Could be any award she won, was or wasn't nominated for.
I'd ask her something funny and off topic like, "What is your favorite bumper sticker"
I'd ask: Would you take a role in a superhero movie?
1) Are you planning to, or would you want to work with Todd Haynes or Paul T Anderson in the future?
2) How do you cope when you're stuck working with an actor whose methods are totally different to your own?
3) Annette, Toni or Amanda - who's the winner?
1.If you compare yourself with cartoon character or superhero, who would you like to be
2.Annette,Toni or Amanda
which one would you like to marry
I'd ask her about her accent in The Big Lebowski and how she came up with it.
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