Gaze upon the great poster for
Love and Other Drugs. It's a casually lovely earth-tone -- what with the brown backdrop and lots of flesh -- which is not a palette movie posters regularly embrace. We like it lots. But there are three totally unnecessary or faulty things about this poster...

- Duh, the pillows.
- the text "& OTHER DRUGS" is superfluous. We only want to LOVE.
- There's a typo to your far right, bottom hand corner. It reads "NOV. 24" but I'm pretty sure they meant to say "NOW"
As in that's when we want.
a first thought:Georges Clooney & Julia Roberts in a romcom?
At least you have a release date to look forward to! No date for France on imdb yet..
This is just another sign that this is, at the very least, something the studios genuinely care about. (A lazy poster, a summarizing trailer, an overconfident ad campaign. These are things that I've learned indicate a LACK of confidence.)
starfish -- won't you get it soon? France is a good place for movies. Isn't France actually THE most committed moviegoing populace? or one of the most at least.
volvagia -- do you mean you think this isn't lazy, despite the lazy mood of lounging around in your altogether ?
Never knew I could hate pillows with so much passion...
I hope this is a teaser poster and that a more merciful and pillow-less one will come.
@starfish:"love& other drugs" will be out in France 12/29/2010(en clair ça sort le 29 décembre)
I'm straight and not attracted to Anne Hathaway, so I'm good with the pillows.
No, I don't think this was lazy. Take the Shutter Island poo-ster. A half illuminated head, a shot of an island and that awful tag line, "Someone is missing." That's 5 minutes in photo shop.
They really do like some baby version of George Clooney and Julia Roberts, it bugs me.
Also, seeing how terrible rom-coms have done this year (only Dear John has passed the 80 million dollar mark, and EPL will - if you count that as a romcom, it really isn't), I don't think this movie is going to make any money at the box office.
Heigl, Seyfried, Aniston, and Barrymore's movies all bombed, and I'd argue that at least two or three of those people are bigger draws than Hathaway.
The biggest mistake on the poster is Anne Hathaway.
Not that I don't like her, but...
Nathaniel, there are so many " haters" commenting on this poster. It is just a poster ! This poster is incredibly sexy , risque', fun, playful , and eye-catching. I love how this poster is celebrating those great adult sex comedies of the past - " Shampoo" and "Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice" . This is the DVD cover , and I believe the original poster of " Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice" : .
Trust , this movie poster and great word- of- mouth ( stellar test screening reviews) will make this film an enormous BOX-OFFICE HIT.
I also feel the phenomenal chemistry between Jake & Anne will also sell tickets, and the major media coverage of the BBM couple reunion.
One of the main reasons most U.S. rom-coms are performing horribly at the box-office ( besides the bad writing ), is the lack of chemistry between these movie stars : Jennifer Aniston & Jason Bateman ( or Gerard Butler) , Reese Witherspoon & Paul Rudd & Owen Wilson, Katherine Heigl & Gerard Butler ( or Ashton Kutcher), Drew Barrymore & Justin Long, etc...
I just thought of a 4th thing that is wrong with that poster: the sheets are the right color but it's not actually *my* bed.
ben m & vanessa -- i do think how truly horrid the romcoms have been for so long has damaged the "brand" as it were just like many disappointing musicals damaged the musical brand in the late 60s/70s
andrew -- how is this possible? Have people asked to study you in a a laboratory? ;) ANNE HATHAWAY. great boobs / eyes / hair / body / lips / sense of humor... what's not to love?
I don't really understand how someone can not be attracted to Hathaway, I think she has such an exquisite face. She has these awkward features that somehow come together beautifully.
It's too easy (and not to mention lazy) to dismiss them as Clooney and Roberts knock offs. They're both talented and respected actors in their own right. And I think Hathaway is sexier than Julia was at that age, I always loved Julia Roberts but I never thought she was sexy until I saw her in Duplicity. There's a confidence she has on display in that movie that only comes with age.
@Ben M. I totally agree with you on the Bob&Carol&Ted&Alice vibe! That film came to mind after I watched the trailer for the first time because it seemed like an update of one of those 60's/70's sex comedies that dealt with sex in a funny and mature way instead of exploiting the issue (which can be fun too).
Hated the trailer...looks cheesy to me. I can't believe people are talking Oscar!
Nate-The parts are greater than the whole. She's not unattractive in any way, but I just don't like her.
Personal taste thing, I guess. I know someone who thought Liz Taylor had, I quote, "weird eyes."
I think more than anything they're continuing to market the romantic-comedy aspects, and I'm starting to wonder just how serious the movie will get.
I like anne,but why everybody has to love her? I am a fan of Jake,and I know some people don't like him even hate him. It's ok with me.
I think Anne will be good in LAOD,but not THAT good to get Oscar nom. I don't get why people keep saying she is almost a "lock".
I love the chemistry between Jake and Anne and I am looking forward to this film badly.
Hathaway is a good actress, but let's not act like the overwhelming majority of moviegoers find her attractive or would salivate at the idea of her naked - so the marketing of this is a little strange. Of all the "young Hollywood starlets" that are constantly drooled over, Hathaway is probably at the bottom of the list. I'm not trying to e mean, it's just true. She's seen as a great actress, not really a great beauty or hot or sexy.
I don’t have anything specific to say about the poster. I will defend Hathaway. She’s classically beautiful. Everyone says Carey Mulligan is the new Audrey Hepburn --- but it’s really Anne Hathaway. I like that her acting isn’t too polished. You see the genuine pulling from personal truth in her best work.
Actually I don't buy the crap about who is the next Julia roberts, Audrey Hepburn etc...or who is the next George Clooney,Tom cruise,Leonado etc..Just let them be themselves.
And I honstly think Carey Mulligan will be a star in the future.She has so much potential.
oh to be jake's pillow.
They should totally have put "LOVE" on top and superimposed "& OTHER DRUGS" over Jake's pillow. Who's with me?
I dont think anyone should be labeled the new Audrey, since the original was so special, unique, singular, and one of a kind. There will never be another Audrey.
I don't think Mulligan is the new Audrey, and I think she looks nothing like her- I don't think Mulligan is pretty, sorry. I also dont think Hathaway is pretty enough to be compared to Audrey, and she also looks nothing like Audrey. Every single young brunette actress gets compared to Audrey wether it makes sense or not- usually it doesnt.
The only new actress who I think is pretty enough is Portman, but I think she's got nothing on Audrey- Audrey was never a know it all slipping on arrogance and self importance as Portman sometimes is. But I think Portman is the most beautiful of her generation, probably, eventhough the most beautiful women on Hollywood right now are one generation above Mulligan/Hathaway/Portman-Angelina, Charlize, Penelope and some of them are over forty already- Monica Bellucci, Halle Berry, Jennifer Connelly, who I think has for a long time been the most beautiful woman in Hollywood in any age group.
But I do think they have obviously styled Hathaway in this movie to emulate Roberts- the long curly wild hair, for example, is totally Julia in Pretty Woman and Erin B.
I'm pretty sure this exact plot (free spirited cool curly haired girl doesnt wanna get attached becaused she suffers from a fatal disease) has been done ten years ago and it was called Sweet November. Charlize was the free spirited curly haired girl who was pushing Keanu Reeves away because of her illness.
Wasn't Sweet November a remake?
Nathaniel - it's true France is a good place for movies, but for some movies we have to wait a very long time.. (Can't find an example at the moment, other than The Proposition which was in theaters in Dec 2009, 4 years after the Australian release - but apparently it wasn't even released in the US other than at festivals..)
And it can be really annoying when you are discussing a movie and I have to wait six months to see it! (The internet is really spoiling us..)
pomme - merci!
Amanda, what's your problem with this film and with Anne Hathaway? Everywhere as In Contention and Awards Daily you make negative comments about Love And Other Drugs, mainly about Anne Hathaway?
It is obvious that her hair is curly. The movie is set in the 90s and I remember that almost all women had their hair curled at that time.
The Film Junkie, Sweet November is a remake of Sweet November with Sandy Dennis and Anthony Newley.
Monica, I have never posted a thing on In Contention. I dont even read the site. And there are other peopke named Amanda who post on AD besides me. Maybe you're teking me for someone else.
I'm not a Hathaway fan and I don't think Zwick is a good director. Really like Jake though.
But as someone already asked on this very board, why is it thta Hathaway's fans believe that everybody MUST love her? Some people dont. They should just accept it.
PS= I hardly remember the nineties I was a kid back then.
amanda -- you hardly remember the 90s? I feel so old. I agree that not everyone has to love any given star. I have accepted a long time ago that not everyone thinks that my favorites are THE best. But i just happen to really dig Hathaway and whenever a young star gets me really excited to watch them I rejoice because that means my film obsession can live on. I need another few Annes though or what am I going to do once Julianne Moore and co. retire?
Well said nat that is why we form attachments to up and comers 'cos they may/will be the ones entertaining us in years to come once the roles dry up for some of our older faves.
i like keira knightley and ryan gosling not everyone does but something about these 2 make me want to see their film yet i don't care for jake gyllenhall (maybe his hairy chest and the rest) or kirsten dunst.
Born in the early eighties Nat. I remember isolated events, trips, places, news, people obviously, songs and tv shows form the nineties, but I was way too young to remember the mood, the feel of those days and what people were wearing and whether women had curly hair.
I start to remember more clearly from 97/98 on...
Oh Jake! That pillow is covering way too much. I bet he's nasty in bed. They could have had Anne Hathaway off to the side or removed entirely for all I care.
And even if women did curly their hair in the nineties (women in my family have always had ridiculously straight hair,and as I said, I'm too young to remember nineties fashion and style), it would make sense if they did style Hathaway to look like Roberts, since she is one of the many actresses who claimed the "New Roberts" title.
I guess none of them actually got the crown.
Would prefer version without Anne and pillows :>
Jake has no hair in his legs?
Monica, you are so right . It is the same "Amanda" ( or Sara) that has this dire need to constantly bash Anne Hathaway ( and her film projects) on different blogs. What a joke !! Because I don't care for a certain actor ( or actress) , I will not waste my time constantly bad mouthing them. I guess she has too much time on her hands.
I have never signed a post anywhere under a name other than my own. I never read in contention. I have read sarau but I dont know who she is. I only significa my posts under my own name and Google id. I william not allow thiago untrue accusations. If you dont believe me, you can ask nathaniel or ryan and sasha about my IP number and Google id. I dont even currently live in the US. I have never registered anywhere under abothrr name or alias. There are plenty of women named Amanda in the us, canada, europe and south América. You cant make This sort of accusations without knowing about registration, Ip adresses and email IDs. ask the sites editors and bloggers if ypu dont believe me. Just dont Ever accuse me again if ypu cant prove whatever you' re saying.
I meant I will not allow false accusations from people who can't prove their points. I have never signed anything under a false name or an alias. I hve always signed under my own real name and google ID. Nathaniel Sasha and Ryan can tell you about my Ip number. I have always signed my poster through the same real and valid google account and from my personal notebook. I'm not a useless stalker I'm a person with a masters degree getting a PHD with published articles on scientific megazines. I don't live in the US. I'm not Sarah. Never signed as Sarah. Never read in contention.
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