After Elton first look at Cheyenne Jackson on Glee. He's replacing Idina as the Vocal Adrenaline coach. I guess that means he's off 30 Rock? But this'll be a better fit anyway. Yay for singing stars!
Lazy Circles speaking of Cheyenne...
Natasha VC makes a brilliant observation on the quality of Al Pacino's acting.
Broadway Buzz A Cher bio-pic style Broadway musical is in the works from director Andy Fickman (You Again)

Avengers Assemble have you seen these new YouTube shorts, the superhero team gathers to discuss business/politics. It's such a weird concept that I am forced to enjoy. They need to speed up line delivery a bit but each episode has a few good laughs.
Film Freak Central on Let Me In (I thought this review was interesting. Positive but definitely keeps the original in mind.)
Coming Soon Sacha Baron Cohen to play Queen frontman Freddie Mercury in a biopic. Filming starts in 2011. You know what's weird? The internet rumor mill spends so much time talking about pre-production and development that by the time something is official, one could swear it was official 7 or 8 months prior! and that it's totally old news.
PopWrap Carey Mulligan has been making surprise appearances at movie theaters in NYC to introduce Never Let Me Go. How cool.
Pussy Goes Grrr offers up a late "best shot", a minimalist one, from the wonderful Pandora's Box (1929)
/Film Bryan Fuller (Pushing Daisies) writing a new live-action version of Pinnocchio.
37 Posters by Jerod Gibson is a design project using movie quotes in the shape of the movie's iconography for new posters. Fun. The one for The Big Lebowski is probably my favorite.
Movie|Line Andrew Garfield sings "Bed Intruder". Wait, what? I have to post it here. It's just too funny/weird.
HELP. I'm curious as to what you all use for your blog reading? Do you click directly to the sites or do you use a blog reader? In the past I've always used bloglines which is where roughly 2/3rds of my link roundups are pulled from. I have hundreds of subscriptions... some of which I read and some of which... well, there's only so much time. Bloglines is shutting down as of October 1st so I'll have to rebuild elsewhere. I think I'll start from scratch so to as freshen up. Any suggestions?
Google Reader works well for me.
Hi Nathaniel,
dont know where I should post this but Germany has now selected an official best foreign film candidate.
It was an easy decision because
"When we leave" (Die Fremde) is very good and I think it has a chance at being nominated.
You should check it out.
I've never heard of bloglines. But this week almost every blogger I read is asking the same question! where should they go now! I've been a google reader user since it started and I'm pretty happy with it, you should give it a try.
OT, but I was wondering what you think of The Town's Oscar chances post all of these reviews? It's scored the same Tomometer as The Departed? I doubt Affleck will find a directing or an acting nod, but do you think the film could score a best picture? Maybe some Hall, Hamm or Renner recognition?
I'm not a spammer! But I have a blog which you may/may not enjoy based around Nicolas Cage's hair...a lot of people are finding it too weird to be true. I'm quite proud of it though=)
Curses! I was at Loews Lincoln for Never Let Me Go LAST night...ah well...
I use a plug-in for Firefox called Brief. Works pretty well for me but it's resource hungry so if you don't have a powerful laptop might not be the first choice.
I've never used any service like those. I know the blogs I like and I visit them directly. Otherwise I'd spend too much time reading stuff just because it's there.
I moved from Bloglines to Google Reader a long time ago and never looked back!
Ok, so I just liked Andrew Garfield a little bit more.
I'm not a hater. I'm just always a bit resistant to these newfound pre-hyped actors who shoot to superstar status, whenever the studios try to shove them down our throats before the audience has even had time to react and consider if we actually like them. We haven't even seen him yet and already he's overwhelming my system. Same thing with his costar Carey Mulligan, which I found dreadfully overrated in "An Education" and is now the "new Audrey Hepburn" (such nonsense) despite the fact that most people I know don't recognize her/don't care for her as an actress. Branding and grooming is just useless and futile.
i've been experimenting with various methods since the bloglines news i've settled with NetNewsWire (it's easy to export your feeds)
if you use a Mac, Shrook (The app) is pretty good
He can climb in my window and snatch me up anytime. I'm. Sold.
I get the impression from Carey Mulligan's reaction that this isn't the first time she's seen him do this. Love it.
Strange that Natasha would say that about Pacino, since he deliberately underplayed his character's homosexuality in Dog Day Afternoon.
Another vote for Google Reader, it easy to use.
I think Andrew Garfield gave one of the decade's greatest performances in BOY A and he was a delight in THE IMAGINARIUM OF DOCTOR PARNASSUS so the fact that Hollywood has fallen for him makes me rather delighted. He's so different from what Hollywood expects a male star to be (emotionally open/vulnerable is his stock and trade, and that loose-limbed physicality is terrific to behold). His inability to keep a straight face during that song (and Mulligan's unalloyed reaction) was awesome
Cheyenne had tweeted a while ago that he will also be back on 30 Rock. Let's hope they have more for him to do there.
I use Google Reader, and frankly, the few things that don't show up in Reader are things I've gradually dropped.
Google Reader
Cheyenne's doing both 30 Rock and Glee.
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